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Test Coverage
name: New issue
about: Describe this issue template's purpose here.
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''


name: New Issue
about: Enhancement, maintenance, or refactor for a private repo
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''


Provide a general summary of the issue in the title above and use relevant
fields below to define the problem.

#### User Story
- Audience or user can include a person or system, i.e. dev, user, api.
- An action or task this issue will accomplish.
- What is the desired outcome or goal?
- As an <audience/user>: 
- I want to <action/task>: 
- so that <outcome/goal/benefit>: 

#### Type
- Select a type of issue
- [ ] Enhancement
- [ ] Maintenance
- [ ] Refactor

#### Description
- Describe the problem and why this task is needed.

#### Solution
- If known, provide a summary of the solution and a task list of what
needs to be added, changed, or fixed.

#### Definition of Done
- How do you know when this issue is completed?
- List acceptance criteria, bullet points are always preferred.

#### Attach files or screenshots if it's helpful for this issue.