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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Rebels Manager\n"
"Language: en\n"

msgid "A couple of hours a week"
msgstr "A couple of hours a week"

msgid "A few hours a month"
msgstr "A few hours a month"

msgid "Both Extinction Rebellion Belgium and your local group coordinators will be notified about your signup and will be there to support you."
msgstr "Both Extinction Rebellion Belgium and your local group coordinators will be notified about your signup and will be there to support you."

msgid "By answering the following questions, you will be listed in our secure Rebels database."
msgstr "By answering the following questions, you will be listed in our secure Rebels database."

msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Email address"

msgid "Feel free to let us know about anything that can help Extinction Rebellion."
msgstr "Feel free to let us know about anything that can help Extinction Rebellion."

msgid "I give consent for Extinction Rebellion Belgium to contact me using the data I have provided in this form"
msgstr "I give consent for Extinction Rebellion Belgium to contact me using the data I have provided in this form"

msgid "I have already joined an Extinction Rebellion action"
msgstr ""

msgid "I've read and I agree with the principles and values of Extinction Rebellion"
msgstr "I've read and I agree with the principles and values of Extinction Rebellion"

msgid "In which areas would you like to participate?"
msgstr "In which areas would you like to participate?"

msgid "Join the Rebellion"
msgstr "Join the Rebellion"

msgid "Join the Rebellion!"
msgstr "Join the Rebellion!"

msgid "Join us!"
msgstr "Join us!"

msgid "Let's start!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Local group"
msgstr "Local group"

msgid "Mobile phone"
msgstr "Mobile phone"

msgid "More than 10 hours a week"
msgstr "More than 10 hours a week"

msgid "My Rebel Profile"
msgstr "My Rebel Profile"

msgid "My availability for Extinction Rebellion"
msgstr "My availability for Extinction Rebellion"

msgid "Name or nickname"
msgstr "Name or nickname"

msgid "No local group (yet) next to you? Please select the one that makes the more sense to you."
msgstr "No local group (yet) next to you? Please select the one that makes the more sense to you."

msgid "Of course, your opinion can change over time, depending on the action"
msgstr "Of course, your opinion can change over time, depending on the action"

msgid "Open principles and values in a new tab"
msgstr "Open principles and values in a new tab"

msgid "Please don't call me on my mobile phone"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please double check the email address provided."
msgstr "Please double check the email address provided."

msgid "Please provide an email address"
msgstr "Please provide an email address"

msgid "Please select a language"
msgstr "Please select a language"

msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "Postcode"

msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "Preferred language"

msgid "Register now for this upcoming action."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select a local group"
msgstr "Select a local group"

msgid "Sorry, can't save this record:"
msgstr "Sorry, can't save this record:"

msgid "Thanks a lot! Your rebel profile is now up-to-date."
msgstr "Thanks a lot! Your rebel profile is now up-to-date."

msgid "This email address is already linked to a rebel"
msgstr "This email address is already linked to a rebel"

msgid "Update my Rebel Profile"
msgstr "Update my Rebel Profile"

msgid "We may call once a year to ask your opinion about upcoming actions"
msgstr ""

msgid "We may send text messages about public actions."
msgstr "We may send text messages about public actions."

msgid "We recommend that you select a maximum of 2 answers."
msgstr "We recommend that you select a maximum of 2 answers."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Welcome to the Rebellion! 🙌 You will receive an email from us with a few links. Then please keep your rebel profile up-to-date (we suggest that you bookmark this page, or that you follow the link you'll find at the bottom of our newsletters)."
msgstr "Welcome to the Rebellion!"

msgid "What specific skills/experience/resources do you have? Do you have any thoughts/questions you would like to share?"
msgstr "What specific skills/experience/resources do you have? Do you have any thoughts/questions you would like to share?"

msgid "What's next?"
msgstr "What's next?"

msgid "Yes, I am willing to be arrested during an action"
msgstr "Yes, I am willing to be arrested during an action"

msgid "You will be redirected to the action form and you will receive emails related to this action. You can always unsubscribe or update your email address by following links provided in any email."
msgstr ""

msgid "You will receive a welcome email and then emails about upcoming actions"
msgstr ""

msgid "You will receive a welcome email from Extinction Rebellion. This email includes links to useful documentation and websites for new rebels."
msgstr "You will receive a welcome email from Extinction Rebellion. This email includes links to useful documentation and websites for new rebels."

msgid "Your consent about data usage is required"
msgstr "Your consent about data usage is required"

msgid "Your data can be deleted anytime by sending an email to %{email}."
msgstr "Your data can be deleted anytime by sending an email to %{email}."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr "Email address"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Your name or nickname"
msgstr "Name or nickname"

#~ msgid "Being an active rebel"
#~ msgstr "Being an active rebel"
#~ msgid "How do you want to get involved?"
#~ msgstr "How do you want to get involved?"
#~ msgid "Supporting Extinction Rebellion"
#~ msgstr "Supporting Extinction Rebellion"