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# Git Hound
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Hound is a Git plugin that helps prevent sensitive data from being committed into a repository by sniffing potential commits against PCRE regular expressions.

## How does it work?
Upon commit, it runs the output of `git diff -U0 --staged` through the Hound, which matches every _added_ or _modified_ line against your provided list of regular expressions from a local `.githound.yml` file.

## Installation
To install Hound, please use `go get`. If you don't have Go installed, [get it here](https://golang.org/dl/). If you would like to grab a precompiled binary, head over to the [releases](https://github.com/ezekg/git-hound/releases) page. The precompiled Hound binaries have no external dependencies.

go get github.com/ezekg/git-hound

If you're on macOS, you can also install using Homebrew:

brew install git-hound

## Compiling
To compile for your operating system, simply run the following from the root of the project directory:
go install

To compile for all platforms using [`gox`](https://github.com/mitchellh/gox), run the following:

## Usage
git-hound [<opts>] commit [...]
git-hound [<opts>] sniff [<commit>]

### Commit
Sniff changes before committing.

# Sniff changes since last commit and pass to git-commit when clean
git hound commit …

### Sniff
You can optionally pass a commit hash or manually pipe a diff for the Hound to sniff.

# Sniff changes since last commit
git hound sniff HEAD

# Sniff entire codebase
git hound sniff

# Sniff entire repo history
git log -p | git hound sniff

## Option flags

| Flag           | Type   | Default         | Usage                                      |
| `-no-color`    | bool   | `false`         | Disable color output                       |
| `-config=file` | string | `.githound.yml` | Hound config file                          |
| `-bin=file`    | string | `git`           | Executable binary to use for `git` command |

## Example `.githound.yml`

# Output warning on match but continue
  - '(?i)user(name)?\W*[:=,]\W*.+$'
  - '\/Users\/\w+\/'
# Fail immediately upon match
  - '[''"](?!.*[\s])(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!@#$&*])?.{16,}[''"]'
  - '(?i)db_(user(name)?|pass(word)?|name)\W*[:=,]\W*.+$'
  - '(?i)pass(word)?\W*[:=,]\W*.+$'
# Skip on matched filename
  - '\.example$'
  - '\.sample$'