
Test Coverage
# Contributions
You want to make the world a better place and want to start with this module? awesome :D
The more people work on this module, the better. And every little step counts :)  
## Issues
Young module - prone to improvements. So search in the issues first, if someone already had the same idea
as you and (very important!) give them at least a thumb up or leave a comment so people know, that 
this issue should get some focus.

## Bugs
There are no bugs. Only features... If you still encounter a, let's say "bad feature", the same rules
apply as for issues. 

## Pull requests
You built new stuff? Awesome!!! Please commit your changes in you repository to a branch with a meaningful
title (not just feature_1 and forth). And look, if your pull request maybe also fixes one or more issues
or "bad features". Pull requests please against the master branch. I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Please build tests for your new additions and look, if all other tests are still working. And add
documentation. As a rule of thumb at least add documentation to the deep dive documentation. If you think, 
your new feature is going to be used by a lot of people and is fairly easy to understand, add it to
the general documentation section. The more documentation, the better :)