cdi takes an object as options upon initialization. The default structure looks like this:
let options = {
moduleSrc: [],
cacheFile: null,
configurations: {},
globalScope: false
let cdi = new cdi(options);
#### moduleSrc
moduleSrc defines an Array of absolute filepaths to use in cdi. All classes in the filepaths will be parsed
recursively and are resolvable through cdi.
#### cacheFile
Short: cdi may use a json cachefile to store resolved modules and their configuration. Entries will be
updated and refreshed, when the sourcefile of a class was modified. For smaller setups you won't feel that
much performance improvement, but for larger projects this will have a huge impact on startup performance.
for more details head over to {@tutorial cache}
#### configurations
cdi supports configuration injection (see {@tutorial injection} for details). You can add as many
configurations as you want. The key in this object will be used as a root identifier in the injection
syntax. e.g.:
let bikeConfig = {
wheels: 2,
size: 26,
speed: 'unlimited'
let options = {
configurations: {
bike: bikeConfig
let cdi = new cdi(options);
Now your bike configuration is available for injection with the identifier **config:bike:**
#### globalScope
For details, how the global scope works and why you should not need to use it, visit {@tutorial global_scope}