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[@faasjs/request](../README.md) / RequestOptions

# Type alias: RequestOptions

> **RequestOptions**: `object`

## Type declaration

### agent?

> `optional` **agent**: `boolean`

### auth?

> `optional` **auth**: `string`

The authentication credentials to use for the request.

Format: `username:password`

### body?

> `optional` **body**: `object` \| `string`

### downloadFile?

> `optional` **downloadFile**: `string`

Path of downloading a file from the server.

await request('https://example.com', { downloadFile: 'filepath' })

### downloadStream?

> `optional` **downloadStream**: `NodeJS.WritableStream`

Create a write stream to download a file.

import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'

const stream = createWriteStream('filepath')
await request('https://example.com', { downloadStream: stream })

### file?

> `optional` **file**: `string`

Path of uploading a file to the server.

await request('https://example.com', { file: 'filepath' })

### headers?

> `optional` **headers**: `http.OutgoingHttpHeaders`

### logger?

> `optional` **logger**: `Logger`

### method?

> `optional` **method**: `string`

The HTTP method to use when making the request. Defaults to GET.

### parse()?

> `optional` **parse**: (`body`) => `any`

Body parser. Defaults to `JSON.parse`.

#### Parameters

• **body**: `string`

#### Returns


### passphrase?

> `optional` **passphrase**: `string`

### pfx?

> `optional` **pfx**: `Buffer`

### query?

> `optional` **query**: `object`

#### Index signature

 \[`key`: `string`\]: `any`

### timeout?

> `optional` **timeout**: `number`

Timeout in milliseconds,

#### Default
