

0 mins
Test Coverage

 * This file is part of YaEtl
 *     (c) Fabrice de Stefanis /
 * This source file is licensed under the MIT license which you will
 * find in the LICENSE file or at

namespace fab2s\YaEtl\Extractors;

use fab2s\NodalFlow\NodalFlowException;
use fab2s\YaEtl\YaEtlException;

 * class PdoUniqueKeyExtractor
class PdoUniqueKeyExtractor extends UniqueKeyExtractorAbstract
    use PdoExtractorTrait;

     * Generic extraction from tables with unique (composite) key
     * @param \PDO         $pdo
     * @param string|null  $extractQuery
     * @param array|string $uniqueKey    can be either a unique key name as
     *                                   string
     *                                   `'(table.)compositeKeyName' // ('id' by default)`
     *                      or an array :
     *                      `['(table.)compositeKey1'] // single unique key`
     *                      `['(table.)compositeKey1', '(table.)compositeKey2', ] // composite unique key`
     *                      or an associative array in case you are using aliases :
     *                      `[
     *                          '(table.)compositeKey1' => 'aliasNameAsInRecord',
     *                      ]`
     *                      and :
     *                      `[
     *                          '(table.)compositeKey1' => 'aliasNameAsInRecord1',
     *                          '(table.)compositeKey2' => 'aliasNameAsInRecord2',
     *                          // ...
     *                      ]`
     * @throws YaEtlException
     * @throws NodalFlowException
    public function __construct(\PDO $pdo, ?string $extractQuery = null, $uniqueKey = 'id')

        parent::__construct($extractQuery, $uniqueKey);

     * Leave no trace
     * implement here to allow easier overriding
    public function __destruct()
        if ($this->driverBufferedQuery) {
            // set driver state back to where we met
            $this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true);

     * This method sets offset and limit in the query
     * WARNING : if you set an offset without limit,
     * the limit will be set to  $this->maxdefaultLimit
     * @return string the paginated query with current offset and limit
    public function getPaginatedQuery(): string
        if ($this->joinFrom) {
            $this->queryBindings = array_values($this->uniqueKeyValues);

            $whereOrAndStr = stripos($this->extractQuery, 'WHERE') !== false ? 'AND' : 'WHERE';

            return $this->extractQuery . " $whereOrAndStr $this->uniqueKeyName IN (" . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($this->uniqueKeyValues), '?')) . ')';

        return $this->extractQuery . $this->getLimitOffsetBit();

     * @return bool
    protected function fetchJoinedRecords(): bool
        $extractQuery = $this->getPaginatedQuery();
        $statement    = $this->pdo->prepare($extractQuery);
        if (!$statement->execute(!empty($this->queryBindings) ? $this->queryBindings : null)) {
            return false;

        $this->joinedRecords = [];
        $joinKey             = $this->onClose->getJoinKeyAlias();
        while ($record = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $this->joinedRecords[$record[$joinKey]] = $record;

        // still set this as extracted as we build
        // record map in both from and join context

        return !empty($this->joinedRecords);