# python-fsutil
high-level file-system operations for lazy devs.
## Installation
pip install python-fsutil
## Usage
Just import the main module and call its methods.
import fsutil
### Methods
- [`assert_dir`](#assert_dir)
- [`assert_exists`](#assert_exists)
- [`assert_file`](#assert_file)
- [`assert_not_dir`](#assert_not_dir)
- [`assert_not_exists`](#assert_not_exists)
- [`assert_not_file`](#assert_not_file)
- [`clean_dir`](#clean_dir)
- [`convert_size_bytes_to_string`](#convert_size_bytes_to_string)
- [`convert_size_string_to_bytes`](#convert_size_string_to_bytes)
- [`copy_dir`](#copy_dir)
- [`copy_dir_content`](#copy_dir_content)
- [`copy_file`](#copy_file)
- [`create_dir`](#create_dir)
- [`create_file`](#create_file)
- [`create_tar_file`](#create_tar_file)
- [`create_zip_file`](#create_zip_file)
- [`delete_dir`](#delete_dir)
- [`delete_dir_content`](#delete_dir_content)
- [`delete_dirs`](#delete_dirs)
- [`delete_file`](#delete_file)
- [`delete_files`](#delete_files)
- [`download_file`](#download_file) *(require `requests` to be installed)*
- [`exists`](#exists)
- [`extract_tar_file`](#extract_tar_file)
- [`extract_zip_file`](#extract_zip_file)
- [`get_dir_creation_date`](#get_dir_creation_date)
- [`get_dir_creation_date_formatted`](#get_dir_creation_date_formatted)
- [`get_dir_hash`](#get_dir_hash)
- [`get_dir_last_modified_date`](#get_dir_last_modified_date)
- [`get_dir_last_modified_date_formatted`](#get_dir_last_modified_date_formatted)
- [`get_dir_size`](#get_dir_size)
- [`get_dir_size_formatted`](#get_dir_size_formatted)
- [`get_file_basename`](#get_file_basename)
- [`get_file_creation_date`](#get_file_creation_date)
- [`get_file_creation_date_formatted`](#get_file_creation_date_formatted)
- [`get_file_extension`](#get_file_extension)
- [`get_file_hash`](#get_file_hash)
- [`get_file_last_modified_date`](#get_file_last_modified_date)
- [`get_file_last_modified_date_formatted`](#get_file_last_modified_date_formatted)
- [`get_file_size`](#get_file_size)
- [`get_file_size_formatted`](#get_file_size_formatted)
- [`get_filename`](#get_filename)
- [`get_parent_dir`](#get_parent_dir)
- [`get_permissions`](#get_permissions)
- [`get_unique_name`](#get_unique_name)
- [`is_dir`](#is_dir)
- [`is_empty`](#is_empty)
- [`is_empty_dir`](#is_empty_dir)
- [`is_empty_file`](#is_empty_file)
- [`is_file`](#is_file)
- [`join_filename`](#join_filename)
- [`join_filepath`](#join_filepath)
- [`join_path`](#join_path)
- [`list_dirs`](#list_dirs)
- [`list_files`](#list_files)
- [`make_dirs`](#make_dirs)
- [`make_dirs_for_file`](#make_dirs_for_file)
- [`move_dir`](#move_dir)
- [`move_file`](#move_file)
- [`read_file`](#read_file)
- [`read_file_from_url`](#read_file_from_url) *(requires `requests` to be installed)*
- [`read_file_json`](#read_file_json)
- [`read_file_lines`](#read_file_lines)
- [`read_file_lines_count`](#read_file_lines_count)
- [`remove_dir`](#remove_dir)
- [`remove_dir_content`](#remove_dir_content)
- [`remove_dirs`](#remove_dirs)
- [`remove_file`](#remove_file)
- [`remove_files`](#remove_files)
- [`rename_dir`](#rename_dir)
- [`rename_file`](#rename_file)
- [`rename_file_basename`](#rename_file_basename)
- [`rename_file_extension`](#rename_file_extension)
- [`replace_dir`](#replace_dir)
- [`replace_file`](#replace_file)
- [`search_dirs`](#search_dirs)
- [`search_files`](#search_files)
- [`set_permissions`](#set_permissions)
- [`split_filename`](#split_filename)
- [`split_filepath`](#split_filepath)
- [`split_path`](#split_path)
- [`transform_filepath`](#transform_filepath)
- [`write_file`](#write_file)
- [`write_file_json`](#write_file_json)
#### `assert_dir`
# Raise an OSError if the given path doesn't exist or it is not a directory.
#### `assert_exists`
# Raise an OSError if the given path doesn't exist.
#### `assert_file`
# Raise an OSError if the given path doesn't exist or it is not a file.
#### `assert_not_dir`
# Raise an OSError if the given path is an existing directory.
#### `assert_not_exists`
# Raise an OSError if the given path already exists.
#### `assert_not_file`
# Raise an OSError if the given path is an existing file.
#### `clean_dir`
# Clean a directory by removing empty sub-directories and/or empty files.
fsutil.clean_dir(path, dirs=True, files=True)
#### `convert_size_bytes_to_string`
# Convert the given size bytes to string using the right unit suffix.
size_str = fsutil.convert_size_bytes_to_string(size)
#### `convert_size_string_to_bytes`
# Convert the given size string to bytes.
size_bytes = fsutil.convert_size_string_to_bytes(size)
#### `copy_dir`
# Copy the directory at the given path and all its content to dest path.
# If overwrite is not allowed and dest path exists, an OSError is raised.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.copy_dir(path, dest, overwrite=False, **kwargs)
#### `copy_dir_content`
# Copy the content of the directory at the given path to dest path.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.copy_dir_content(path, dest, **kwargs)
#### `copy_file`
# Copy the file at the given path and its metadata to dest path.
# If overwrite is not allowed and dest path exists, an OSError is raised.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.copy_file(path, dest, overwrite=False, **kwargs)
#### `create_dir`
# Create directory at the given path.
# If overwrite is not allowed and path exists, an OSError is raised.
fsutil.create_dir(path, overwrite=False)
#### `create_file`
# Create file with the specified content at the given path.
# If overwrite is not allowed and path exists, an OSError is raised.
fsutil.create_file(path, content="", overwrite=False)
#### `create_tar_file`
# Create tar file at path compressing directories/files listed in content_paths.
# If overwrite is allowed and dest tar already exists, it will be overwritten.
fsutil.create_tar_file(path, content_paths, overwrite=True, compression="gzip")
#### `create_zip_file`
# Create zip file at path compressing directories/files listed in content_paths.
# If overwrite is allowed and dest zip already exists, it will be overwritten.
fsutil.create_zip_file(path, content_paths, overwrite=True, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
#### `delete_dir`
# Alias for remove_dir.
#### `delete_dir_content`
# Alias for remove_dir_content.
#### `delete_dirs`
# Alias for remove_dirs.
#### `delete_file`
# Alias for remove_file.
#### `delete_files`
# Alias for remove_files.
#### `download_file`
# Download a file from url to the given dirpath and return the filepath.
# If dirpath is not provided, the file will be downloaded to a temp directory.
# If filename is provided, the file will be named using filename.
# It is possible to pass extra request options (eg. for authentication) using **kwargs.
filepath = fsutil.download_file(url, dirpath=None, filename="", chunk_size=8192, **kwargs)
#### `exists`
# Check if a directory of a file exists at the given path.
value = fsutil.exists(path)
#### `extract_tar_file`
# Extract tar file at path to dest path.
# If autodelete, the archive will be deleted after extraction.
# If content_paths list is defined, only listed items will be extracted, otherwise all.
fsutil.extract_tar_file(path, dest, content_paths=None, autodelete=False)
#### `extract_zip_file`
# Extract zip file at path to dest path.
# If autodelete, the archive will be deleted after extraction.
# If content_paths list is defined, only listed items will be extracted, otherwise all.
fsutil.extract_zip_file(path, dest, content_paths=None, autodelete=False)
#### `get_dir_creation_date`
# Get the directory creation date.
date = fsutil.get_dir_creation_date(path)
#### `get_dir_creation_date_formatted`
# Get the directory creation date formatted using the given format.
date_str = fsutil.get_dir_creation_date_formatted(path, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
#### `get_dir_hash`
# Get the hash of the directory at the given path using
# the specified algorithm function (md5 by default).
hash = fsutil.get_dir_hash(path, func="md5")
#### `get_dir_last_modified_date`
# Get the directory last modification date.
date = fsutil.get_dir_last_modified_date(path)
#### `get_dir_last_modified_date_formatted`
# Get the directory last modification date formatted using the given format.
date_str = fsutil.get_dir_last_modified_date_formatted(path, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#### `get_dir_size`
# Get the directory size in bytes.
size = fsutil.get_dir_size(path)
#### `get_dir_size_formatted`
# Get the directory size formatted using the right unit suffix.
size_str = fsutil.get_dir_size_formatted(path)
#### `get_file_basename`
# Get the file basename from the given path/url.
basename = fsutil.get_file_basename(path)
#### `get_file_creation_date`
# Get the file creation date.
date = fsutil.get_file_creation_date(path)
#### `get_file_creation_date_formatted`
# Get the file creation date formatted using the given format.
date_str = fsutil.get_file_creation_date_formatted(path, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#### `get_file_extension`
# Get the file extension from the given path/url.
extension = fsutil.get_file_extension(path)
#### `get_file_hash`
# Get the hash of the file at the given path using
# the specified algorithm function (md5 by default).
filehash = fsutil.get_file_hash(path, func="md5")
#### `get_file_last_modified_date`
# Get the file last modification date.
date = fsutil.get_file_last_modified_date(path)
#### `get_file_last_modified_date_formatted`
# Get the file last modification date formatted using the given format.
date_str = fsutil.get_file_last_modified_date_formatted(path, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#### `get_file_size`
# Get the file size in bytes.
size = fsutil.get_file_size(path)
#### `get_file_size_formatted`
# Get the file size formatted using the right unit suffix.
size_str = fsutil.get_file_size_formatted(path)
#### `get_filename`
# Get the filename from the given path/url.
filename = fsutil.get_filename(path)
#### `get_parent_dir`
# Get the parent directory for the given path going up N levels.
parent_dir = fsutil.get_parent_dir(path, levels=1)
#### `get_permissions`
# Get the file/directory permissions.
permissions = fsutil.get_permissions(path)
#### `get_unique_name`
# Get a unique name for a directory/file at the given directory path.
unique_name = fsutil.get_unique_name(path, prefix="", suffix="", extension="", separator="-")
#### `is_dir`
# Determine whether the specified path represents an existing directory.
value = fsutil.is_dir(path)
#### `is_empty`
# Determine whether the specified path represents an empty directory or an empty file.
value = fsutil.is_empty(path)
#### `is_empty_dir`
# Determine whether the specified path represents an empty directory.
value = fsutil.is_empty_dir(path)
#### `is_empty_file`
# Determine whether the specified path represents an empty file.
value = fsutil.is_empty_file(path)
#### `is_file`
# Determine whether the specified path represents an existing file.
value = fsutil.is_file(path)
#### `join_filename`
# Create a filename joining the file basename and the extension.
filename = fsutil.join_filename(basename, extension)
#### `join_filepath`
# Create a filepath joining the directory path and the filename.
filepath = fsutil.join_filepath(dirpath, filename)
#### `join_path`
# Create a path joining path and paths.
# If path is __file__ (or a .py file), the resulting path will be relative
# to the directory path of the module in which it's used.
path = fsutil.join_path(path, *paths)
#### `list_dirs`
# List all directories contained at the given directory path.
dirs = fsutil.list_dirs(path)
#### `list_files`
# List all files contained at the given directory path.
files = fsutil.list_files(path)
#### `make_dirs`
# Create the directories needed to ensure that the given path exists.
# If a file already exists at the given path an OSError is raised.
#### `make_dirs_for_file`
# Create the directories needed to ensure that the given path exists.
# If a directory already exists at the given path an OSError is raised.
#### `move_dir`
# Move an existing dir from path to dest directory.
# If overwrite is not allowed and dest path exists, an OSError is raised.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.move_dir(path, dest, overwrite=False, **kwargs)
#### `move_file`
# Move an existing file from path to dest directory.
# If overwrite is not allowed and dest path exists, an OSError is raised.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.move_file(path, dest, overwrite=False, **kwargs)
#### `read_file`
# Read the content of the file at the given path using the specified encoding.
content = fsutil.read_file(path, encoding="utf-8")
#### `read_file_from_url`
# Read the content of the file at the given url.
content = fsutil.read_file_from_url(url, **kwargs)
#### `read_file_json`
# Read and decode a json encoded file at the given path.
data = fsutil.read_file_json(path, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None)
#### `read_file_lines`
# Read file content lines.
# It is possible to specify the line indexes (negative indexes too),
# very useful especially when reading large files.
content = fsutil.read_file_lines(path, line_start=0, line_end=-1, strip_white=True, skip_empty=True, encoding="utf-8")
#### `read_file_lines_count`
# Read file lines count.
lines_count = fsutil.read_file_lines_count(path)
#### `remove_dir`
# Remove a directory at the given path and all its content.
# If the directory is removed with success returns True, otherwise False.
# More informations about kwargs supported options here:
fsutil.remove_dir(path, **kwargs)
#### `remove_dir_content`
# Removes all directory content (both sub-directories and files).
#### `remove_dirs`
# Remove multiple directories at the given paths and all their content.
#### `remove_file`
# Remove a file at the given path.
# If the file is removed with success returns True, otherwise False.
#### `remove_files`
# Remove multiple files at the given paths.
#### `rename_dir`
# Rename a directory with the given name.
# If a directory or a file with the given name already exists, an OSError is raised.
fsutil.rename_dir(path, name)
#### `rename_file`
# Rename a file with the given name.
# If a directory or a file with the given name already exists, an OSError is raised.
fsutil.rename_file(path, name)
#### `rename_file_basename`
# Rename a file basename with the given basename.
fsutil.rename_file_basename(path, basename)
#### `rename_file_extension`
# Rename a file extension with the given extension.
fsutil.rename_file_extension(path, extension)
#### `replace_dir`
# Replace directory at the specified path with the directory located at src.
# If autodelete, the src directory will be removed at the end of the operation.
# Optimized for large directories.
fsutil.replace_dir(path, src, autodelete=False)
#### `replace_file`
# Replace file at the specified path with the file located at src.
# If autodelete, the src file will be removed at the end of the operation.
# Optimized for large files.
fsutil.replace_file(path, src, autodelete=False)
#### `search_dirs`
# Search for directories at path matching the given pattern.
dirs = fsutil.search_dirs(path, pattern="**/*")
#### `search_files`
# Search for files at path matching the given pattern.
files = fsutil.search_files(path, pattern="**/*.*")
#### `set_permissions`
# Set the file/directory permissions.
fsutil.set_permissions(path, 700)
#### `split_filename`
# Split a filename and returns its basename and extension.
basename, extension = fsutil.split_filename(path)
#### `split_filepath`
# Split a filename and returns its directory-path and filename.
dirpath, filename = fsutil.split_filepath(path)
#### `split_path`
# Split a path and returns its path-names.
path_names = fsutil.split_path(path)
#### `transform_filepath`
# Trasform a filepath by applying the provided optional changes.
filepath = fsutil.transform_filepath(path, dirpath=None, basename=lambda b: slugify(b), extension="webp")
#### `write_file`
# Write file with the specified content at the given path.
fsutil.write_file(path, content, append=False, encoding="utf-8", atomic=False)
#### `write_file_json`
# Write a json file at the given path with the specified data encoded in json format.
fsutil.write_file_json(path, data, encoding="utf-8", atomic=False, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False)
## Testing
# clone repository
git clone && cd python-fsutil
# create virtualenv and activate it
python -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate
# upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# install requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt
# install pre-commit to run formatters and linters
pre-commit install --install-hooks
# run tests using tox
# or run tests using unittest
python -m unittest
## License
Released under [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).
## Supporting
- :star: Star this project on [GitHub](
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- :moneybag: Sponsor me on [Github](
## See also
- [`python-benedict`]( - dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities. ๐
- [`python-fontbro`]( - friendly font operations on top of fontTools. ๐งข