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import collections.abc

from sidekick import lazy_singledispatch

from ..core import Element, Text, Blob
from ..html import html
from ..tags import a, p, span, h, ul, li, input_, button
from ..utils import escape
from ..utils.role_dispatch import role_singledispatch

def a_or_p(*args, href=None, **kwargs):
    Return a or p tag depending if href is defined or not.

    if href:
        return a(*args, href=href, **kwargs)
        return p(*args, href=href, **kwargs)

def a_or_span(*args, href=None, **kwargs):
    Return a or span tag depending if href is defined or not.

    if href:
        return a(*args, href=href, **kwargs)
        return span(*args, **kwargs)

def a_or_button(*args, href=None, submit=False, reset=False, **kwargs):
    Return a or span tag depending if href is defined or not.

    if href:
        return a(*args, href=href, **kwargs)
    elif submit:
        return input_(type="submit", value=args[0], **kwargs)
    elif reset:
        return input_(type="reset", value=args[0], **kwargs)
        return button(*args, **kwargs)

def hyperlink(obj, href=None, **attrs) -> Element:
    Converts object to an anchor (<a>) tags.

    It implements some common use cases:
            Renders string as content inside the <a>...</a> tags. Additional
            options including href can be passed as keyword arguments. If no
            href is given, it tries to parse a string of "Value <link>" and
            uses href='#' if no link is found.

        dict or mapping:
            Most keys are interpreted as attributes. The visible content of
            the link must be stored in the 'content' key:

            >>> hyperlink({'href': 'www.python.com', 'content': 'Python'})
             h('a', {'href': 'www.python.com'}, 'Python')

        django model:
            It must define a get_absolute_url() method. This function uses
            this result as the href field and str(model) as its content.

            >>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
            >>> user_model = get_user_model()
            >>> link = hyperlink(user_model(first_name='Joe', username='joe123'))
            >>> print(link)
            <a href="/users/joe123">Joe</a>

    In order to support other types, use the lazy_singledispatch mechanism::

        def _(x, **kwargs):
            return safe(render_object_as_safe_html(x))

    See Also:

        :func:`hyperpython.helpers.attrs`: See this function for an exact
            explanation of how keyword arguments are translated into HTML

    data = html(obj)
    attrs["href"] = href or url(obj)
    return h("a", attrs, data)

def _hyperlink_str(data, href=None, **attrs):
    if href is None:
        data, href = split_link(data)
    if not href:
        raise ValueError("string does not declare a target url")
    attrs["href"] = href
    return h("a", attrs, escape(data))

def _hyperlink_map(obj, **attrs):
    content = obj["content"]
    if "href" not in obj:
        raise ValueError("mapping must define an href key.")
    for k, v in obj.items():
        if k != "content":
            attrs.setdefault(k, v)
    return h("a", attrs, content)

def _hyperlink_model(x, **attrs):
    attrs["href"] = attrs.get("href") or x.get_absolute_url()
        body = Blob(x.__html__())
    except AttributeError:
        body = Text(str(x))
    return h("a", attrs, body)

def url(obj):
    Returns a url for the given object.
    if hasattr(obj, "__url__"):
        return obj.__url__()
    if hasattr(obj, "get_absolute_url"):
        return obj.get_absolute_url()
    raise TypeError(f"no methods registered for {type(obj).__class__}")

def split_link(name):
    Return a tuple with (name, link) from a string of "name<link>".

    If no link is found, the second value is None.
    if name.endswith(">"):
        name, sep, link = name.partition("<")
        if sep:
            return name.rstrip(), link[:-1]
    return name, None

def breadcrumbs(links, class_="breadcrumbs"):
    Component that Receives a list of links and return a breadcrumbs element.
    return ul(class_=class_, children=[li(hyperlink(x) for x in links)])