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from functools import cached_property

from ..typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Catchable

    from .fn import fn

def as_method(method, name):
    method.__name__ = name
    method.__qualname__ = f"fn.{name}"
    method.__doc__ = "Auto generated, see :func:`sidekick.functions.{name}`"
    return method

def curry_n(n, name, options=()):
    Curry if only one argument is given and execute if any additional arguments
    are passed.

    def method(self: "FnMixin", *args, **kwargs):
        api_func = getattr(self._mod, name)
        api_kwargs = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in kwargs if k in options}

        if len(args) == n and not kwargs:
            return api_func(*args, self, **api_kwargs)

        transformed_fn = api_func(*args[:n], self, **api_kwargs)
        return transformed_fn(*args[n:], **kwargs)

    return as_method(method, name)

class FnMixin:
    Basic mixin class that exposes a _mod lazy attribute to access the
    sidekick.functions module and declare the _func attribute that is
    manipulated by methods.

    _func: Callable
    __call__: Callable
    __slots__ = ()

        from .. import functions as _mod

        _mod = _mod

        def _mod(self):
            from .. import functions

            return functions

    # Expose functions in sidekick.functions.lib_arguments as methods.
    def flip(self, x, y, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes flipping the first two arguments.

        Access as attribute to obtain a flipped version of function.
        return self._func(y, x, *args, **kwargs)

    def reverse_args(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes reversing the order of positional arguments.

        Access as attribute to obtain a reversed version of function.
        return self._func(*args[::-1], **kwargs)

    select_args = curry_n(1, "select_args")
    skip_args = curry_n(1, "skip_args")
    keep_args = curry_n(1, "keep_args")

    def variadic_args(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Pass variadic arguments as single tuple to function.
        return self._func(args, **kwargs)

    def splice_args(self, xs, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Splice first argument.
        return self._func(*xs, *args, **kwargs)

    def set_null(self, /, *defaults: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "fn":
        Return a new function that replace all null arguments in the given positions
        by the provided default value.
        return self._mod.set_null(self._func, *defaults, **kwargs)

    # Expose functions in sidekick.functions.lib_combinators as methods.
    def do(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute function, but return the first argument.

        Function result is ignored, hence do is executed only for the function
        if not args:
            raise TypeError("requires at least a single argument.")
        self(*args, **kwargs)
        return args[0]

    # Expose functions in sidekick.functions.lib_composition as methods.
    def compose(self, *funcs) -> "fn":
        Compose with other functions.

        Argument flow from right to left. Function is thus the last to execute.
        return self._mod.compose(self, *funcs)

    def pipeline(self, *funcs) -> "fn":
        Compose with other functions.

        Argument flow from left to right, starting in self.
        return self._mod.pipeline(self, *funcs)

    def juxt(self, *funcs, **kwargs) -> "fn":
        Return function that juxtaposes fn with all functions in the arguments.
        return self._mod.juxt(self, *funcs, **kwargs)

    # Expose functions in sidekick.functions.lib_runtime as methods.
    def once(self) -> "fn":
        Version of function that perform a single invocation.

        Repeated calls to the function return the value of the first invocation.
        return self._mod.once(self._func)

    def thunk(self, /, *args, **kwargs) -> Callable[[], Any]:
        Return as a thunk.
        return self._mod.thunk(self, *args, **kwargs)

    call_after = curry_n(1, "call_after", {"default"})
    call_at_most = curry_n(1, "call_at_most")

    def throttle(self, dt: float, **kwargs) -> "fn":
        Limit the rate of execution of func to once at each ``dt`` seconds.

        Return a new function.
        return self._mod.throttle(dt, self, **kwargs)

    def background(self, /, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
        Execute function in the background.

        Current implementation uses threads, but in the future it may use hooks
        to other runtimes such as asyncio, curio, etc.
        return self._mod.background(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def catch(self, error, /, *args, **kwargs):
        Handle exception in function.

        If the exception occurs, return None or the value mapped from the error
        return self._mod.catch(error, self, *args, **kwargs)

    def catching(self, error) -> "fn":
        Handle exception in function.

        If the exception occurs, it executes the given handler.

        Return a new function with the new error handling behavior.
        return self._mod.catching(error, self)

    def retry(
        self, n: int, /, *args, error: Catchable = Exception, sleep=None, **kwargs
    ) -> "fn":
        Try to call function n types before raising an error.

        This is useful for functions that may fail due to interaction with
        external resources (e.g., fetch data from the network).

                Maximum number of times to execute function
                Exception or tuple with suppressed exceptions.
                Interval between attempts. This is a blocking function, hence
                use with care.

        Other positional and keyword arguments are forwarded to function.

        func = self._mod.retry(n, self, error=error, sleep=sleep)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)