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from itertools import chain, cycle, islice
from typing import Sequence, Iterator, Callable

from ...seq import filter as _filter

ID = lambda x: x
TRUE = lambda x: True
NOT_GIVEN = object()
INF = float("inf")
Nodes = Sequence["WithChildren"]
NodesIter = Iterator["WithChildren"]
SeqFn = Callable[[NodesIter], Nodes]

class NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin:
    Isolate implementation of methods that iterate over children nodes.

    __slots__ = ()
    _children: Sequence["NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin"]
    _parent: "NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin"

    def iter_ancestors(self):
        Iterate over ancestors of node.
        root: NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin = self._parent
        while root is not None:
            yield root
            root = root._parent

    # noinspection PyMethodParameters
    def iter_children(
        self: bool = None,
        leaves: bool = None,
        nodes: bool = None,
    ) -> NodesIter:
        Iterate over child nodes.

            how (str):
                Method used to iterate over children.
                    Breath-first strategy: yield all nodes of the same level
                    Depth-first strategy. Yield each node followed by its
                    Depth-first strategy. Yield descendents followed by node.
                    Depth-first strategy. Yield left descendants, node, then
                    right descendants. Usually relevant only to binary trees.
                    Depth-first strategy. Yield right descendants, node, then
                    left descendants. Usually relevant only to binary trees.
                Control if current node is returned in the output or not.
                If True, return only leaves.
                If True, return only nodes.
            keep (callable):
                Optional callable that select which nodes should be selected for
                iteration. A node that keep(node) == False is not included in
                the result as all of its children.
            max_depth (int):
                Maximum depth of iteration. If given, return nodes only up to
                the given depth.
        if leaves is not None and nodes is not None:
            raise TypeError("cannot set both leaves and nodes at the same time.")

        if how is None and not kwargs:
            data = node._iter_children_simple(self)
                how = how or "pre-order"
                attr = how.replace("-", "_")
                method = getattr(node, f"_iter_children_{attr}")
            except AttributeError as exc:
                msg = f"invalid iteration method: {how}"
                raise ValueError(msg) from exc
            data = method(self, **kwargs)

        if leaves is True:
            data = filter(lambda x: x.is_leaf, data)
        elif nodes is True:
            data = filter(lambda x: not x.is_leaf, data)

        return data

    # noinspection PyMethodParameters
    def iter_group(node, how=None, *, self=None, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Nodes]:
        Group iterator over groups of child nodes.
            how = how or "level-order"
            attr = how.replace("-", "_")
            method = getattr(node, f"_iter_group_{attr}")
        except AttributeError as exc:
            msg = f"invalid iteration method: {how}"
            raise ValueError(msg) from exc
        return method(self, **kwargs)

    def _iter_children_simple(self, yield_self):
        if yield_self:
            yield self
        for child in self._children:
            yield from child._iter_children_simple(True)

    def _iter_children_level_order(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF):
        if not keep(self) or max_depth == 0:

        children = self._keep(keep, self._children)
        if this:
            yield self
        while children and max_depth > 0:
            yield from children
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            level = chain(*(child._children for child in children))
            children = list(self._keep(keep, level))
            max_depth -= 1

    def _iter_children_pre_order(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF):
        if not keep(self) or max_depth < 0:
        if this:
            yield self
        for child in self._children:
            yield from child._iter_children_pre_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)

    def _iter_children_post_order(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF):
        if not keep(self) or max_depth < 0:
        for child in self._children:
            yield from child._iter_children_post_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)
        if this:
            yield self

    def _iter_children_in_order(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF):
        if not keep(self) or max_depth < 0:

        children: Sequence[NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin] = self._children
        if children:
            lhs: NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin
            lhs, *children = children
            yield from lhs._iter_children_in_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)
        if this is not False:
            yield self
        for child in children:
            yield from child._iter_children_in_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)

    def _iter_children_out_order(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF):
        if not keep(self) or max_depth < 0:

        children: Sequence[NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin] = self._children
        if children:
            rhs: NodeOrLeafIteratorMixin
            *children, rhs = children
            yield from rhs._iter_children_out_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)
        if this is not False:
            yield self
        for child in children:
            yield from child._iter_children_out_order(True, keep, max_depth - 1)

    def _iter_group_level_order(
        self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF, seq: SeqFn = tuple
        if not keep(self) or max_depth == 0:
        if this:
            yield seq([self])

        children = seq(self._keep(keep, self._children))
        while children and max_depth > 0:
            yield children
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            level = chain(*(child._children for child in children))
            children = seq(self._keep(keep, level))
            max_depth -= 1

    def _iter_group_zig_zag(self, this, keep=TRUE, max_depth=INF, seq=tuple):
        groups = self._iter_group_level_order(this, keep, max_depth, seq)
        for group, zig in zip(groups, cycle([True, False])):
            yield group if zig else group[::-1]

    def _keep(keep, lst: NodesIter) -> Nodes:
        return lst if keep is TRUE else list(filter(keep, lst))

    # Query nodes
    # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
    def find_all(*self_and_filter, min_count: int = 0, max_count: int = INF, **kwargs):
        Search nodes matching `filter`.

        Return tuple with matching nodes.

                Discard nodes that filter(node) = False, but iterate over its
                Minimum number of nodes.
                Maximum number of nodes.
        Keyword Args:
            Accepts all arguments of :meth:`iter_children`
        node, *pred = self_and_filter
        data = node.iter_children(**kwargs)
        if pred:
            (pred,) = pred
            data = _filter(pred, data)

        data = tuple(data)
        size = len(data)
        if size < min_count:
            msg = f"Expecting at least {min_count} elements, but found {size}."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if size > max_count:
            msg = f"Expecting {max_count} elements at maximum, but found {size}."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return data

    def find(*self_and_filter, default=NOT_GIVEN, **kwargs):
        Like find_all(), but searches for *single* matching node.

        It raises a ValueError if no Node is found or return the value passed
        as the "default" keyword argument.
        node, *pred = self_and_filter
        data = node.iter_children(**kwargs)
        if pred:
            (pred,) = pred
            data = _filter(pred, data)

            (node,) = islice(data, 1)
            return node
        except ValueError as exc:
            if default is NOT_GIVEN:
                raise ValueError("no element found") from exc
            return default