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from collections.abc import MutableSequence
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager

from .union import Union
from .._utils import catches
from ..functions import fn, to_callable, error
from ..functions import lib_runtime
from ..typing import Iterator, Catchable

class Result(Union):
    Represents a result with an Ok and an Err state.

    is_success = is_failure = False

    # Applicative functor
    def __sk_apply_wrap__(x):
        if isinstance(x, Result):
            return x
        return Ok(x)

    def __sk_apply__(func, args):
        wrapped_args = []
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, Err):
                return arg
            elif not isinstance(arg, Ok):
                arg = arg.value
            out = func(*wrapped_args)
        except Exception as ex:
            return Err(ex)
        return to_result(out)

    def __sk_apply_instance__(self, func):
        return self.map(func)

    # API methods
    def map(self, func):
        Apply function if object is in the Ok state and return another Result.

        If function raises an error, return Err(exception). If it returns a
        Result, map returns it.
        if not self:
            return self
            out = func(self.value)
        except Exception as ex:
            return Err(ex)
        if isinstance(out, Result):
            return out
        return Ok(out)

    def map_error(self, func):
        Like the .map(func) method, but modifies the error part of the result.

        If function return a result keep as is. (i.e., function may change Result
        from Err to Ok state).

        Differently from map, exceptions are not wrapped.
        if self:
            return self
        out = func(self.error)
        if isinstance(out, Result):
            return out
        return Err(out)

    def map_exception(self, func):
        Similar to map_error, but only apply func (which is usually an Exception
        subclass, if the error is not an Exception.

        This is useful, for instance, if error is a string and you want to
        convert it to an explicit ValueError(string) or any other exception.
        if self:
            return self
            err = self.error
            if (
                isinstance(err, Exception)
                or isinstance(err, type)
                and issubclass(err, Exception)
                return self
            return self.Err(func(err))

    def flat(self):
        Flatten one level of result nesting.
        data = self.value if self else self.error
        if isinstance(data, Result):
            return data
        return self

    def get_value(self, default=None):
        Extract value from the Ok state. If object is an error, return the
        supplied default or None.

            >>> Ok(42).get_value()
            >>> Err("NaN").get_value("default")
        return self.value if self else default

    def check_error(self):
        Raise any error, if in an Err state. Do nothing otherwise.

        Exception error values are raised as is and all other values are
        wrapped into a ValueError.
        self or error(self.error)

    def catches(self, exc: Catchable) -> bool:
        If in error state, verify if error is compatible with argument.

                An error type or a tuple of error types.
        if self:
            return False

        err = self.error
        if isinstance(err, type):
            return issubclass(err, exc)
        if isinstance(err, Exception):
            return isinstance(err, exc)
        return isinstance(ValueError(), exc)

    def flip(self) -> "Result":
        Convert Ok to Err and vice-versa.
        return Err(self.value) if self else Ok(self.error)

    def method(self, method, *args, **kwargs) -> "Result":
        Call the given method of success value and promote result to Result.

        Exceptions are wrapped into an Err case. Raise AttributeError if method
        does not exist.

            >>> Ok('Hello {name}!').method('format', 'world')
        if self:
            method = getattr(self.value, method)
                return to_result(method(*args, **kwargs))
            except Exception as e:
                return Err(e)
            return self

    def attr(self, attr) -> "Result":
        Retrieve attribute of the Ok state, and propagate error.

            >>> Ok(1 + 2j).attr('real')
        return self and to_result(getattr(self.value, attr))

    def iter(self):
        Iterates over content.

        It returns an empty iterator in the Err case.
        if self:
            it: Iterator = self.value
            yield from it

    def to_maybe(self) -> "Maybe":
        Convert result object into a Maybe.
        return Just(self.value) if self else Nothing

    def to_result(self) -> "Result":
        Return itself.

        This function exists so some algorithms can work with both Maybe's and
        Result's using the same interface.
        return self

class Err(Result):
    An error state of a Result.

    error: object
    value = property(lambda self: self.check_error())
    is_failure = True
    __bool__ = lambda _: False

    def __repr__(self):
        if isinstance(self.error, type):
            return f"Err({self.error.__name__})"
        return super().__repr__()

class Ok(Result):
    A success state of a Result.

    value: object
    error = None
    is_success = True
    __bool__ = lambda _: True

def to_result(obj):
    Coerce argument to a result:

    Objects and exceptions:
        result(obj)        -> Ok(obj)
        result(result_obj) -> result_obj

        >>> to_result(Err("error"))
        >>> to_result(42)
    if isinstance(obj, Result):
        return obj
    return Ok(obj)

def first_error(*args):
    Return the first error in a sequence of Result values.

    If no value is an error, return None.

    >>> first_error(Ok(2), Ok(3), Err("not prime"), Ok(5))
    'not prime'
    if len(args) == 1:
        (args,) = args
    cls = (Err, Exception)
    for x in args:
        if isinstance(x, cls):
            return x.error if x.__class__ is Err else x
        elif isinstance(x, type) and issubclass(x, Exception):
            return x
    return None

def rapply(func, *args, **kwargs):
    Execute function with all given Ok values and return
    ``Ok(func(*values))``. If any argument is an Error return the first

        >>> rapply(max, Ok(1), Ok(2), Ok(3))
        >>> rapply(max, Ok(1), Ok(2), Ok(3), Err("NaN"))
    arg_values = []
    append = arg_values.append
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, Ok):
        elif isinstance(arg, Err):
            return arg

        return to_result(func(*arg_values, **kwargs))
    except Exception as e:
        return Err(e)

def rpipe(obj, *funcs):
    Pass argument through all functions that return results. It stops function
    application after the first Err or exception is encountered.

            Initial argument passed to all functions.
            List of functions in application order.

        >>> rpipe(Ok(20), (X + 1), (X * 2))
        >>> rpipe(2, (X - 2), (1 / X))

        A Result value.
    return _rpipe(obj, map(to_callable, funcs))

def _rpipe(obj, funcs):
    for func in funcs:
        if isinstance(obj, Err):
            return obj
        elif isinstance(obj, Ok):
            obj = obj.value

            obj = func(obj)
        except Exception as ex:
            return Err(ex)

    return to_result(obj)

def rpipeline(*funcs):
    Compose functions that return Result values.

    If any function returns an Err or raises an Exception, the final result will
    be an Err.

            List of functions in application order.

        A function that return Results.

        >>> f = rpipeline((X + 1), (X * 2))
        >>> f(20)

    See Also:
        This is similar to :func:`rpipe`, except that it does not require the
        initial argument passed to the functions.
    func, *funcs = map(to_callable, funcs)
    rpipe = _rpipe

    if not funcs:
        return fn(lambda *args, **kwargs: rapply(func, *args, **kwargs))
    return fn(lambda *args, **kwargs: rpipe(rapply(func, *args, **kwargs), funcs))

class results(MutableSequence, AbstractContextManager):
    A context manager that silences all exceptions that occurs inside the
    block and stores them in the result variable.

        In the block of code bellow, the ``result`` thunk would be set to
        ``Ok(x / y)`` if everything runs smoothly and store the error

        >>> x_data, y_data = '42', '3;14'
        >>> with results() as res:
        ...     x = int(x_data)
        ...     y = int(y_data)
        ...     res.append(x / y)

        The final result can be extracted by calling ptr

        >>> res.value

    def has_errors(self):
        for x in self._data:
            if not x:
                return True
        return False

    def has_values(self):
        for x in self._data:
            if x:
                return True
        return False

    def value(self):
            return self._data[-1]
        except IndexError:
            return self._default_error()

    def __init__(self, catch: Catchable = Exception, data=()):
        self._data = [to_result(x) for x in data]
        self.catch = catch

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self._data[idx]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __delitem__(self, item):
        del self._data[item]

    def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
        if isinstance(idx, slice):
            self._data[idx] = map(to_result, value)
            self._data[idx] = to_result(value)

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        if exc_type is not None:
            if catches(exc_val, self.catch):
                return True
            raise exc_val

    def _default_error(self):
        return Err(RuntimeError("List contains no value"))

    def insert(self, index: int, object) -> None:
        self._data.insert(index, to_result(object))

    def push(self, value):

    def push_error(self, err):

    def append_error(self, err):
        if isinstance(err, Err):
            err = err.error
        elif isinstance(err, Result):
            err = err.value

    def pop(self, idx=-1):
            return self._data.pop(idx)
        except IndexError:
            return self._default_error()

# Patch modules
fn._to_result = staticmethod(to_result)
fn._ok = Ok
fn._err = Err

lib_runtime.Ok = Ok
lib_runtime.Err = Err
lib_runtime.Result = Result

from .maybe import Maybe, Just, Nothing  # noqa: E402