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Test Coverage
- title "Discuss"
    %h2 Discuss

      %p Here you can find all the members of the Fab Lab Network and discuss with them about Labs, Machines, Projects, Events, Organizations, Education, Research and  any feedback about Fablabs.io.

      %h3 Start a video call
        You can start a video call with other users, without the need for an external application or account.
        %a#launch-jitsi.btn.btn-primary{:href => "#", :role => "button"} Launch the call

      = javascript_include_tag 'https://meet.jit.si/external_api.js'

      %h3 Discuss in the forum
        Discuss with other users in the forum.
    %iframe{src: ENV['DISCOURSE_ENDPOINT'], frameborder: "0", width: '100%', scrolling: 'yes', height: 1500, style: 'border: none'}