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Test Coverage
- title "Labs"
        = render "header"

        = search_form_for @q do |f|
            = f.select(:country_code_eq, options_for_select(@countries.map { |a,b| [a, b]}, params[:q] ? params[:q][:country_code_eq] : '' ), { include_blank: 'Filter by Country' }, {class: 'form-control'})
            = f.select(:activity_status_eq, options_for_select(Lab::ACTIVITY_STATUS.map { |a,b| [a.upcase, a]}, params[:q] ? params[:q][:activity_status_eq] : ''), { include_blank: 'Filter by activity status' }, {class: 'form-control'})
            %label Filter by lab tags:
            = f.select(:lab_tags_id_in, LabTag.pluck(:name, :id), { include_blank: 'Filter by Lab tags' }, {class: 'form-control', multiple: true})

            %p.m-0.mr-1 Show:
              = select_tag :per, options_for_select(["25", "50", "100"], params[:per])
            = f.submit class: 'btn btn-primary ml-auto', value: 'Filter'
        %p.text-right.m-0 Showing <strong>#{@labs.count}</strong> Labs

        - if current_user
          = link_to new_lab_path, class: "btn btn-primary" do
            = icon "plus", t(".add_a_lab", default: "Add Lab")
        - else
          = link_to new_lab_path, class: "btn btn-primary", title: "You need to be signed in to add a Lab" do
            = icon "plus", t(".add_a_lab", default: "Add Lab")

    = paginate @labs, theme: 'twitter-bootstrap-4', nav_class: "m-auto"
    - cache ["v2-labsindex-#{I18n.locale}-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest([params.to_s].to_s)}", Lab.last_updated_at] do
      - if params[:query].present?
          = link_to "×", labs_path, class: 'close right'
          #{pluralize @labs.size, "search result"} for
          %strong= params[:query]

      .labs.col-md-5= render @labs
      .labs.col-md-7= render 'sidemap'
      = paginate @labs, theme: 'twitter-bootstrap-4', nav_class: "m-auto pt-3"

      %strong Download
      the Fab Labs list
      %dt.col-6 Format:
        = link_to "JSON", controller:'labs', action:'index', subdomain: 'api', format: :json, class: 'btn btn-primary'