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Test Coverage
= simple_form_for organization do |f|
  - if current_user.has_role?(:superadmin)
      .text-large Superadmin Options

      = f.input :workflow_state, collection: Organization::WORKFLOW_STATES, include_blank: false
      = f.input :geojson_file, as: :file
      = f.input :zoom

    .text-large Basic Details

    = f.input :name
    = f.input :kind, collection: Organization::KINDS, include_blank: false
    = f.input :email
    = f.input :phone


    = f.input :blurb, as: :text, hint: 'A very brief overview of the organization, maybe include what it specializes in. <span id="description-count"></span> characters available.'.html_safe, input_html: { rows: 3, data: { limit: 200, counter: '#description-count'} }

    = f.input :description, hint: 'An in-depth description of the organization', input_html: { style: 'height: 8em' }

    .text-large Organization Images
        = image_tag organization.avatar.thumb("300x300#").url, class: 'avatar big'
        = f.input :avatar, as: :file, label: 'Avatar', hint: "This will be a square image next shown next to the organization name throughout the site"
        = f.hidden_field :retained_avatar

        - if organization.header.present?
          = image_tag organization.header.thumb("300x").url, class: 'avatar big'
        = f.input :header, as: :file, label: 'Photo', hint: "A single (large) photo of your organization. You will be able to add more photos soon."
        = f.hidden_field :retained_header

    .text-large Organization Location
        %h5 Step 1
        = f.input :geocomplete, input_html: { id: 'geocomplete', data: { latlng: "#{@organization.latitude}, #{@organization.longitude}"}, class: 'mb-0 mt-3' }, label: false
        %p.hint.p-0 Enter the organization's address in the textbox below. Then drag the map marker to pinpoint its exact position.
        %h5 Step 2
        %p.hint.pl-0.pt-3 Edit the details in the address fields below.
            = f.input :address_1, input_html: { data: {geo: "street_address"}}, label: 'Organization Address', placeholder: 'Address Line 1'
            = f.input :address_2, label: false, placeholder: 'Address Line 2 (Optional)'
            = f.input :city, input_html: { data: {geo: "locality"}}
            = f.input :county, label: 'State/Province/County'
            = f.input :postal_code, input_html: { data: {geo: "postal_code"}}
            = f.input :country_code, as: 'country', label: 'Country', input_html: { data: {geo: "country_short"} }, wrapper_html: { class: 'boo'}, iso_codes: true#, input_html: { class: 'enhanced'}
            = f.input :latitude, as: :hidden, input_html: { data: {geo: "lat"}}
            = f.input :longitude, as: :hidden, input_html: { data: {geo: "lng"}}
        = f.input :address_notes, hint: 'Any details that might be useful for someone trying to find the organization. For example, "Go upstairs and through the red door".'

    = render 'form_links', f: f
    %p It can include blogs, social networks, video/photo sites etc.

  - if organization.new_record?
      .text-large Anything else?
      = f.input :application_notes

  = f.submit (organization.new_record? ? 'Add Organization' : 'Update Organization'), class: 'btn btn-primary btn-lg mt-4'