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Test Coverage
# All these sections are optional, edit this file as you like.
# Ignore certain rules, you can reference them by their id or by their full name
# ignore=title-trailing-punctuation, T3

# verbosity should be a value between 1 and 3, the commandline -v flags take precedence over this
# verbosity = 2

# By default gitlint will ignore merge commits. Set to 'false' to disable.

# By default gitlint will ignore fixup commits. Set to 'false' to disable.
# ignore-fixup-commits=true

# By default gitlint will ignore squash commits. Set to 'false' to disable.

# Ignore any data send to gitlint via stdin

# Enable debug mode (prints more output). Disabled by default.
# debug=true

# Enable community contributed rules
# See http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/contrib_rules for details
# contrib=contrib-title-conventional-commits,CC1

# Set the extra-path where gitlint will search for user defined rules
# See http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/user_defined_rules for details
# extra-path=examples/


# [title-must-not-contain-word]
# Comma-separated list of words that should not occur in the title. Matching is case
# insensitive. It's fine if the keyword occurs as part of a larger word (so "WIPING"
# will not cause a violation, but "WIP: my title" will.
# words=wip

# [title-match-regex]
# python like regex (https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html) that the
# commit-msg title must be matched to.
# Note that the regex can contradict with other rules if not used correctly
# (e.g. title-must-not-contain-word).
# regex=^US[0-9]*



# [body-is-missing]
# Whether to ignore this rule on merge commits (which typically only have a title)
# default = True
# ignore-merge-commits=false

# [body-changed-file-mention]
# List of files that need to be explicitly mentioned in the body when they are changed
# This is useful for when developers often erroneously edit certain files or git submodules.
# By specifying this rule, developers can only change the file when they explicitly reference
# it in the commit message.
# files=gitlint/rules.py,README.md

# [author-valid-email]
# python like regex (https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html) that the
# commit author email address should be matched to
# For example, use the following regex if you only want to allow email addresses from foo.com
# regex=[^@]+@foo.com

# [ignore-by-title]
# Ignore certain rules for commits of which the title matches a regex
# E.g. Match commit titles that start with "Release"
# regex=^Release(.*)
# Ignore certain rules, you can reference them by their id or by their full name
# Use 'all' to ignore all rules
# ignore=T1,body-min-length

# [ignore-by-body]
# Ignore certain rules for commits of which the body has a line that matches a regex
# E.g. Match bodies that have a line that that contain "release"
# regex=(.*)release(.*)
# Ignore certain rules, you can reference them by their id or by their full name
# Use 'all' to ignore all rules
# ignore=T1,body-min-length

# [contrib-title-conventional-commits]
# Specify allowed commit types. For details see: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/
# types = bugfix,user-story,epic