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# react-rails

If you need help upgrading `react-rails`, `webpacker` to `shakapacker`, or JS packages, contact justin@shakacode.com. The ShakaCode.com team is helping to maintain this Ruby gem. You also might want to consider the [react_on_rails](https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails) gem. 

[#1209 2.7 Release Discussion](https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/issues/1209)

## Unreleased
Changes since the last non-beta release.

_Please add entries here for your pull requests that are not yet released. Include LINKS for PRs and committers._

## [3.2.0] - 2024-01-10

#### Changed
- Support other JS package managers using `package_json` gem [PR #1306](https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/pull/1306) by [G-Rath](https://github.com/G-Rath).
- Make es6 and ts usable at same time. #1299

## [3.1.1] - 2023-08-16

#### Removed
- Removed the replace-null functionality due a severe logic error added in 3.1.0 #1300

## [3.1.0] - 2023-08-15

#### Added
- Added option to replace `null`s in props with `undefined` via `config.react.null_to_undefined_props` in `config/application.rb` #1293

## [3.0.0] - 2023-08-14

### Breaking Changes
- Requires separate compilations for server & client bundles if using Shakapacker (see [Webpack config](https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/tree/main/test/dummy/config/webpack)) #1274
- Replaces WebpackManifestContainer, which searched for assets in the webpack manifest, with SeparateServerBundleContainer, which expects a single server bundle file & does not use the webpack manifest at all. #1274
- Upgrades React-Rails' embedded react to v18.2.0. Uses node polyfill plugin & fast-text-encoder for SSR text encoding. #1290
- If using Webpacker/Shakapacker, requires upgrading to Shakapacker v7 #1274 and #1285

#### Changed
- The `react:component` generator now generates a function component by default #1271

## [2.7.1] - 2023-05-19

#### Bug Fixes
- Fix ReactDomClient initialization error during SSR. #1278

## [2.7.0] - 2023-05-06

#### New Features
- Camelizes keys with primitive values, in addition to hashes #946
- Expose alternative implementations for `ReactUJS.getConstructor` #1050
- Include turbolinks in dev and update webdrivers #1174
- Add support for multiple `require.context` with addition of `useContexts` #1144
- Update many dependencies

#### Bug Fixes
- Fix installation crash caused by absolute path for `source_entry_path` in default `config/webpacker.yml` coming from `shakapacker` version 6.x - #1216
- Fix warning for loading `react-dom` in React 18 - #1269

## 2.6.2

#### New Features

- React 16.14
- Support for ShakaPacker
- Preparation for React 18 #1151

#### Bug Fixes

- URI.open instead of open #1099
- No longer unmount components on Turbolinks navigation #1135

## 2.6.1

#### Breaking Changes

#### New Features

- React 16.9.0
- Sprockets users get React_UJS 2.6.1

#### Deprecation

- Removed tests for Rails 3, 4, 5.0
- Removed tests for Sprockets 2
- Removed tests for Webpacker 1.1, 2

#### Bug Fixes

- React_UJS 2.6.1 still complies with ES5 #1027 #1026 #1016
- Support RubyGems pattern for Alpha releases when detecting sprockets version #1047

## 2.6.0

#### Breaking Changes

#### New Features

- Typescript component generator #990
- Enhanced Turbolinks Support #978 #962

#### Deprecation

#### Bug Fixes

- assert_react_component will not pass tests where the case was different #979
- action_controller/test_case was accidentally `required` in dev #996

## 2.5.0

#### Breaking Changes

#### New Features

- React 16.8.6 prebundled #977
- Added `assert_react_component` test helper #957
- Supports Webpacker 4, Ruby 2.6 #934
- Supports camelize on ActionController::Parameters #932

#### Deprecation

#### Bug Fixes

- Linting fix to generated JS #941
- (Meta) Tests for react-rails updated #892 #894 #916

## 2.4.7

#### New Features

- React 16.4.2 prebundled #914

## 2.4.6

#### New Features

- React 16.4.1 prebundled #909

## 2.4.5

#### New Features

- React 16.3.2 prebundled #908
- Supports Webpacker 4.x #895
- Enhanced generator to create components in subdirectories #890
- Explicitly support Rails 5.2 #893
- Enhanced documentation for Turbolinks usage #900

## 2.4.4

#### New Features

- React 16.2 prebundled #856, #874
- Use Fragments instead of Divs by default #856
- Explicitly support Ruby 2.5 #857
- Add support for controller rendering using `camelize_props` #869
- Many readme, doc and guide updates including Typescript #873, #865, #862, #854, #852, #849

#### Deprecation

- Drop explicit support for Ruby 2.1 #866
- Drop explicit support for Rails 3, 4.0, 4.1 #866
- If the gem continues to work on Ruby and Rails below what is in Travis, it is accidental.

#### Bug Fixes

- Correct behaviour of Turbolinks 5 mounting #868, 848
- Correct behaviour of JQuery3 removing "on" #867, 762

## 2.4.3

#### Bug Fixes

- Call ReactDOM.render() when react_component :prerender option is falsy, instead of ReactDOM.hydrate() #844, #842

## 2.4.2

#### Bug Fixes

- ReactDOM.hydrate() may not be defined for everyone, it will now use hydrate if it is defined or fallback to render #832

## 2.4.1

#### New Features

- Webpacker gets ES6 components by default #822
- ReactDOM.hydrate() #828
- Documentation updates #830

#### Deprecation

#### Bug Fixes

- Webpacker local manifest sometimes had double asset_hosts if the dev server was running #834 thanks @joeyparis

## 2.4.0

#### Breaking Changes

- (Sprockets) Prebundled React upgraded to 16 #792
- (Sprockets) Addons removed #792

#### Bug Fixes

- Coffeescript generator exports correctly #799, #800
- Running detector manually no longer breaks if Turbolinks is not preset #802

## 2.3.1

#### Breaking Changes

- React Deprecations for 15.4, 15.5, 15.6 in preparation for 16 handled in prebundled version #789, #798

#### New Features

- Generator now makes modern style `createReactClass`(JS) or `extends React.Component`(ES6, CoffeeScript) code

#### Deprecation

- Next version will drop the addons option as they are not supported with React 16
- TheRubyRacer's newest version (0.12.3 at time of writing) only supports libV8 ( which is too old for some new JS features, future versions of this gem will need more modern ExecJS runtimes such as mini_racer (currently on libV8 5.9.x)

#### Bug Fixes

## 2.3.0

#### New Features

- Webpacker and Webpack 3 support #777
- Update to React 15.6.2 #789

#### Deprecation

#### Bug Fixes

## 2.2.1

#### New Features

- Support `config.react.server_renderer_directories` in initializers #729

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix Railtie watcher to update its timestamp when files change #722
- Don't use `yarn` binstub because webpacker doesn't provide it anymore #717

## 2.2.0

#### New Features

- Improve error handling when components aren't found #704

#### Bug Fixes

- Camelize filename when generating for webpack #703
- Include node module boilerplate when generating for webpack #710
- Don't look for non-existent `Turbolinks.EVENTS` #708

## 2.1.0 (April 18, 2017)

#### New Features

- Support Rails 5.1 #697

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix UJS unmounting by selector #696

## 2.0.2 (April 13, 2017)

#### New Features

- Rerun events detection at any time with `ReactRailsUJS.detectEvents()` #693
- Make the NPM version of `react_ujs` match the Rubygem version

`2.0.1` was skipped because a bad version of `react_ujs` was published to NPM.

## 2.0.0 (April 13, 2017)

#### Breaking Changes

- Server rendering loads `server_rendering.js` by default #471 . Upgrade by adding a new file which requires the previous defaults:

  // app/assets/javascripts/server_rendering.js
  // = require react-server
  // = require components

#### New Features

- Webpacker support:
  - `react_component` can find components via `require.context` + `ReactRailsUJS.useContext` #678
  - Server rendering detects Webpacker and uses packs #683, #687
  - `ReactRailsUJS` is available from `npm` with `yarn add react_ujs` or `npm install react_ujs` #678
- `per_request_react_rails_prerenderer` Allows you to check out a renderer for the _whole request_ instead of once-per-`react_component` #559

#### Bug Fixes

- Improved watching of server-rendering JS files #687
- Fix console replay:
  - Put the `<script>` tag outside the React.js container to avoid React warnings #691
  - Clear console history between renders #692
- Use better Turbolinks events #690

## 1.11.0 (April 4, 2017)

#### New Features

- Support `prerender: false` when rendering in a controller #680
- Update React to `15.4.2` #681

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix joining asset path in YamlManifestContainer #679
- Remove `coffee-script-source` from dependencies. #667 If you have a version conflict, you should specify the proper version yourself.

## 1.10.0 (October 6, 2016)

#### Breaking Changes

- Alias `window = this;` has been removed from the default server rendering JavaScript to improve detection of the server rendering environment. To get the old behavior, you can add the alias in your own server rendering code. #615

#### New Features

- Calling `setTimeout` or `clearTimeout` in server rendering will raise an informative error because they aren't supported #618
- `prerender:` options will be passed to server renderer methods #641
- `react_component(..., camelize_props:)` option will override the application default #642, #645
- Ship with React.js 15.4.1 #646

#### Deprecation

#### Bug Fixes

- use `['default']` accessor to support old JavaScript versions #619
- `react_component` with a block will correctly render the content inside the `div`

## 1.9.0 (October 6, 2016)

#### Breaking Changes

#### New Features

- Accept extra JS code in `code:` option for SprocketsRenderer #604

#### Bug Fixes

- Use `asset_prefix` for YamlContainer #598
- Fix requiring `.js` from `.es6.jsx` #591

## 1.8.2 (August 9, 2016)

#### New Features

- Update to React 15.3.0 #583

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix `//= require` on Sprockets 3.7+ #582

## 1.8.1 (July 29, 2016)

#### New Features

- Update to React 15.2.1 #569

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix deprecation warnings on Sprockets 3.7+ #574
- Stop building broken addons files #576

## 1.8.0 (June 29, 2016)

#### New Features

- Sprockets 4 Support 🎉 #560
- Depend on Railties, not Rails #558
- Don't depend on `sprockets/railtie` #558
- Expose `React.camelize_props(props_hash)` #556
- Add `rails generate react:ujs --output=...` for copying the UJS into your app #557
- Support Babel 6 module exports & extension point `ReactRailsUJS.getConstructor` #503

## 1.7.2 (June 19, 2016)

#### New Features

- Improved error messages for missing components #538

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix `view_helper_implementation` config #551
- Fallback to `EnvironmentContainer` for server rendering when manifest isn't available #545

## 1.7.1 (May 10, 2016)

#### New Features

- Update to React 15.0.2 #525

#### Bug Fixes

- Update `.to_prepare` for Rails 5 #526
- Use `register_engine` with Sprockets 3 to avoid compiling _all_ files #522

## 1.7.0 (April 29, 2016)

#### New Features

- Update to React 15.0.1 #512
- Support PJAX #518
- Static renders don't include `data-react-` attributes #497

#### Bug Fixes

- Better unmounting on Turbolinks 5 #521
- Fix console replay #496

## 1.6.2 (February 28, 2016)

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix Server Rendering for Rails 3.2 #487

## 1.6.1 (February 28, 2016)

#### New Features

- UJS can mount and unmount a component by ID (not only the component's children) #466
- Support Turbolinks 5 #475

#### Bug Fixes

- Support nested arrays with `camelize_props` #480
- Improve Sprockets 3 compatibility #453
- Fix install-generator `require` spacing #476

## 1.6.0 (February 4, 2016)

#### New Features

- Individual add-ons can be included in a bundle with sprockets require directives. #457
- Support `sprockets-rails` 3 #430
- Update to React 0.14.6

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix install generator when `//= require`s are malformed #463
- Use `before_action` if available #456
- Add CHANGELOG to gem bundle #471
- Use `window.attachEvent` to support IE8 without jQuery 😬#446

## 1.5.0 (November 25, 2015)

#### New Features

- Update to React 0.14.3 #412
- `config.react.camelize_props = true` will camelize `react_component` prop keys #409

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix chained `.es6` file names with JSX processor #411
- Don't insert `// =require`s multiple times #398

## 1.4.2 (November 5, 2015)

#### New Features

- Component generator `--coffee` option #387
- Support Sprockets 4 with a JSX processor #385

#### Bug Fixes

- Support custom attributes when rendering from controller #384

## 1.4.1 (October 23, 2015)

#### Bug Fixes

- Minify & optimize the production build of React.js #380

## 1.4.0 (October 22, 2015)

#### New Features

- Include React.js 0.14

## 1.3.3 (October 21, 2015)

#### Bug Fixes

- Also support React 0.14 in `unmountComponents` #372
- Use a fallback view helper in case a Rails controller wasn't used #375

## 1.3.2 (October 13, 2015)

#### New Features

- The UJS can mount and unmount components within a given DOM node #358
- Support dropped-in React 0.14 in UJS #366

## 1.3.1 (September 18, 2015)

#### Bug Fixes

- Use controller lifecycle hooks for view helper (tests don't run middlewares) #356

## 1.3.0 (September 15, 2015)

#### New Features

- Render components directly from the controller with `render component: ...` #329
- Provide a custom view helper with `config.react.view_helper_implementation` #346

#### Bug Fixes

- Allow `react-rails` configs to be set in initializers #347

## 1.2.0 (August 19, 2015)

#### New Features

- Support `--es6` option in component generator #332
- Support Sprockets 3 #322

#### Bug Fixes

- Don't bother unmounting components `onBeforeUnload` #318
- Include `React::Rails::VERSION` in the gem #335

## 1.1.0 (July 9, 2015)

#### Breaking Changes

- Changed server rendering configuration names #253

  | Old                                | New                                                     |
  | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
  | `config.react.timeout`             | `config.react.server_renderer_timeout`                  |
  | `config.react.max_renderers`       | `config.react.server_renderer_pool_size`                |
  | `config.react.react_js`            | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:files]`          |
  | `config.react.component_filenames` | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:files]`          |
  | `config.react.replay_console`      | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:replay_console]` |
  | (none)                             | `config.react.server_renderer`                          |

- JSX is transformed by Babel, not JSTransform #295

#### New Features

- Allow custom renderers for server rendering #253
- Server render with `renderToStaticMarkup` via `prerender: :static` #253
- Accept `config.react.jsx_transform_options = {asset_path: "path/to/JSXTransformer.js"}` #273
- Added `BabelTransformer` for transforming JSX #295
- Added `ExecJSRenderer` to server rendering tools
- Accept `config.react.jsx_transformer_class` #302

#### Deprecations

- `JSXTransformer` won't be updated

#### Bug Fixes

- Fix gem versions in tests #270
- Expire the Sprockets cache if you change React.js builds #257
- Instead of copying builds into local directires, add different React.js builds to the asset pipeline #254
- Camelize attribute names in the component generator #262
- Add `tilt` dependency #248
- Default prerender pool size to 1 #302

## 1.0.0 (April 7, 2015)

#### New Features

- Vendor versions of React.js with `config.variant`, `config.addons` and `//= require react`
- Component generator
- View helper and UJS for mounting components
- Server rendering with `prerender: true`
- Transform `.jsx` in the asset pipeline

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v3.2.0...main
[3.2.0]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v3.1.1...v3.2.0
[3.1.1]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v3.1.0...v3.1.1
[3.1.0]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v3.0.0...v3.1.0
[3.0.0]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v2.7.1...v3.0.0
[2.7.1]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v2.7.0...v2.7.1
[2.7.0]: https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/compare/v2.6.2...v2.7.0