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var React = require("react")
var ReactDOM = require("react-dom")
var ReactDOMServer = require("react-dom/server")

var detectEvents = require("./src/events/detect")
var constructorFromGlobal = require("./src/getConstructor/fromGlobal")
var constructorFromRequireContext = require("./src/getConstructor/fromRequireContext")
var constructorFromRequireContextWithGlobalFallback = require("./src/getConstructor/fromRequireContextWithGlobalFallback")
var constructorFromRequireContextsWithGlobalFallback = require("./src/getConstructor/fromRequireContextsWithGlobalFallback")
var { supportsHydration, reactHydrate, createReactRootLike } = require("./src/renderHelpers")
var supportsRootApi = require("./src/supportsRootApi")

var ReactRailsUJS = {
  // This attribute holds the name of component which should be mounted
  // example: `data-react-class="MyApp.Items.EditForm"`
  CLASS_NAME_ATTR: 'data-react-class',

  // This attribute holds JSON stringified props for initializing the component
  // example: `data-react-props="{\"item\": { \"id\": 1, \"name\": \"My Item\"} }"`
  PROPS_ATTR: 'data-react-props',

  // This attribute holds which method to use between: ReactDOM.hydrate, ReactDOM.render
  RENDER_ATTR: 'data-hydrate',

  // A unique identifier to identify a node
  CACHE_ID_ATTR: "data-react-cache-id",

  TURBOLINKS_PERMANENT_ATTR: "data-turbolinks-permanent",

  // If jQuery is detected, save a reference to it for event handlers
  jQuery: (typeof window !== 'undefined') && (typeof window.jQuery !== 'undefined') && window.jQuery,

  components: {},
  roots: [],

  // helper method for the mount and unmount methods to find the
  // `data-react-class` DOM elements
  findDOMNodes: function(searchSelector) {
    var classNameAttr = ReactRailsUJS.CLASS_NAME_ATTR
    // we will use fully qualified paths as we do not bind the callbacks
    var selector, parent;

    switch (typeof searchSelector) {
      case 'undefined':
        selector = '[' + classNameAttr + ']';
        parent = document;
      case 'object':
        selector = '[' + classNameAttr + ']';
        parent = searchSelector;
      case 'string':
        selector = searchSelector + '[' + classNameAttr + '], ' +
                   searchSelector + ' [' + classNameAttr + ']';
        parent = document;

    if (ReactRailsUJS.jQuery) {
      return ReactRailsUJS.jQuery(selector, parent);
    } else {
      return parent.querySelectorAll(selector);

  // Get the constructor for a className (returns a React class)
  // Override this function to lookup classes in a custom way,
  // the default is ReactRailsUJS.ComponentGlobal
  getConstructor: constructorFromGlobal,

  // Available for customizing `getConstructor`
  constructorFromGlobal: constructorFromGlobal,
  constructorFromRequireContext: constructorFromRequireContext,
  constructorFromRequireContextWithGlobalFallback: constructorFromRequireContextWithGlobalFallback,

  // Given a Webpack `require.context`,
  // try finding components with `require`,
  // then falling back to global lookup.
  useContext: function(requireContext) {
    this.getConstructor = constructorFromRequireContextWithGlobalFallback(requireContext)

  // Given an array of Webpack `require.context`,
  // try finding components with `require`,
  // then falling back to global lookup.
  useContexts: function(requireContexts) {
    this.getConstructor = constructorFromRequireContextsWithGlobalFallback(requireContexts)

  // Render `componentName` with `props` to a string,
  // using the specified `renderFunction` from `react-dom/server`.
  serverRender: function(renderFunction, componentName, props) {
    var componentClass = this.getConstructor(componentName)
    var element = React.createElement(componentClass, props)
    return ReactDOMServer[renderFunction](element)

  // Within `searchSelector`, find nodes which should have React components
  // inside them, and mount them with their props.
  mountComponents: function(searchSelector) {
    var ujs = ReactRailsUJS
    var nodes = ujs.findDOMNodes(searchSelector);

    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
      var node = nodes[i];
      var className = node.getAttribute(ujs.CLASS_NAME_ATTR);
      var constructor = ujs.getConstructor(className);
      var propsJson = node.getAttribute(ujs.PROPS_ATTR);
      var props = propsJson && JSON.parse(propsJson);
      var hydrate = node.getAttribute(ujs.RENDER_ATTR);
      var cacheId = node.getAttribute(ujs.CACHE_ID_ATTR);
      var turbolinksPermanent = node.hasAttribute(ujs.TURBOLINKS_PERMANENT_ATTR);

      if (!constructor) {
        var message = "Cannot find component: '" + className + "'"
        if (console && console.log) {
          console.log("%c[react-rails] %c" + message + " for element", "font-weight: bold", "", node)
        throw new Error(message + ". Make sure your component is available to render.")
      } else {
        var component = this.components[cacheId];
        if(component === undefined) {
          component = React.createElement(constructor, props);
          if(turbolinksPermanent) {
            this.components[cacheId] = component;

        if (hydrate && supportsHydration()) {
          component = reactHydrate(node, component);
        } else {
          const root = createReactRootLike(node)
          component = root.render(component);
          if(supportsRootApi) {
            this.roots.push({"node": node, "root": root})

  // Within `searchSelector`, find nodes which have React components
  // inside them, and unmount those components.
  unmountComponents: function(searchSelector) {
    var nodes = ReactRailsUJS.findDOMNodes(searchSelector);

    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
      var node = nodes[i];
      if(supportsRootApi) {
      } else {

  // Check the global context for installed libraries
  // and figure out which library to hook up to (pjax, Turbolinks, jQuery)
  // This is called on load, but you can call it again if needed
  // (It will unmount itself)
  detectEvents: function() {

  unmountRoot: function(node) {
    var targetRoots = this.roots.filter(
      function(rootElement) {
        return rootElement["node"] && (rootElement["node"] === node)
      function(rootElement) {
        rootElement["root"] = null;
        rootElement["node"] = null;

// These stable references are so that handlers can be added and removed:
ReactRailsUJS.handleMount = function(e) {
  var target = undefined;
  if (e && e.target) {
    target = e.target;
ReactRailsUJS.handleUnmount = function(e) {
  var target = undefined;
  if (e && e.target) {
    target = e.target;

if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
  // Only setup events for browser (not server-rendering)

// It's a bit of a no-no to populate the global namespace,
// but we really need it!
// We need access to this object for server rendering, and
// we can't do a dynamic `require`, so we'll grab it from here:
self.ReactRailsUJS = ReactRailsUJS

module.exports = ReactRailsUJS