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# CPanel/WHM API for PHP library

NOTE: This library is modified from original code of gufy/cpanel-php

I rewrite runQuery() function to use cURL instead of GuzzleHttp

## Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [Credits](#credits)

### Installation

To install this package, you can run this code via your terminal
    composer require fafan/cpanel-php

Or update your `composer.json` by adding this line

Then, run this code
    composer update

### Usage

For example, if you would like to get list accounts of your whm server, you can do this.

  $cpanel = new \Fafan\CpanelPhp\Cpanel([
      'host'        =>  'https://123.456.789.123:2087', // ip or domain complete with its protocol and port
      'username'    =>  'root', // username of your server, it usually root.
      'auth_type'   =>  'hash', // set 'hash' or 'password'
      'password'    =>  'password', // long hash or your user's password

  $accounts = $cpanel->listaccts(); // it will returned as array


### Functions

This is the example when you want to define your configuration while creating new object

  $cpanel = new \Fafan\CpanelPhp\Cpanel([
      'host'        =>  'https://123.456.789.123:2087', // required
      'username'    =>  'root', // required
      'auth_type'   =>  'hash', // optional, default 'hash'
      'password'    =>  'password', // required

Somehow, you want to override your current configuration. To do this, here is the code

  // change username andd (password or hash)
  $cpanel->setAuthorization($username, $password);

  // change host

  // change authentication type

#### Get defined configuration
After you define some of your configuration, you can get it again by calling this functions

  // get username

  // get password

  // get authentication type

  // get host

#### Credits

Original code: gufy/cpanel-php, version 1.0

By Mochamad Gufron <mgufronefendi@gmail.com>