"""Management command base classes."""
import json
import logging
import time
from collections import Counter
import kombu.exceptions
from celery.result import AsyncResult, ResultSet
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from websecmap.app.common import ResultEncoder
from websecmap.celery import app
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TaskCommand(BaseCommand):
"""A command that performs it's intended behaviour through a Celery task.
The task can be run directly, sync- and asynchronously.
Direct execution will run the task as if it was a direct function call.
Sync execution will use the Celery framework to execute the task on
a worker destined to execute tasks of this type. It will wait for
execution to complete and return the task result/logging.
Async is like Synchronous execution but it will not wait for it to complete.
No result or logging will be returned.
Direct and sync methods allow the task to be interupted during execution
using ctrl-c.
Sync and async methods require connection to a message broker, direct does not.
task = None
# it is a anti-pattern to instantiate empty lists/dicts as class parameters
# but since management commands are contained in their own invocation this can fly
args = list()
kwargs = dict()
def _add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Method to allow subclasses to add command specific arguments."""
def add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Add common argument for Celery tasks."""
self.mutual_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
choices=["direct", "sync", "async"],
help="Execute the task directly or on workers.",
"-i", "--interval", default=5, type=int, help="Interval between status reports (sync only)."
"-t", "--task_id", default="", help="Report status for task ID and return result (if available)."
def compose(self, *args, **options):
"""Placeholder to allow subclass to compose a task(set) if task is not specified."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"""Command handle logic, eg: logging."""
# set django loglevel based on `-v` argument
verbosity = int(options["verbosity"])
root_logger = logging.getLogger("")
if verbosity == 2:
elif verbosity == 1:
elif verbosity == 0:
self.interval = options["interval"]
if options["task_id"]:
result = self.wait_for_result(ResultSet([AsyncResult(options["task_id"])]))
result = self.run_task(*args, **options)
return json.dumps(result, cls=ResultEncoder)
except TypeError:
return json.dumps({"complex_type": str(result)}, cls=ResultEncoder)
def run_task(self, *args, **options):
# try to compose task if not specified
if not self.task:
self.task = self.compose(*args, **options)
# execute task based on selected method
if options["method"] in ["sync", "async"]:
# verify if broker is accessible (eg: might not be started in dev. environment)
except kombu.exceptions.OperationalError:
"Connection with task broker %s unavailable, tasks might not be starting.",
task_id = self.task.apply_async(args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs)
log.info("Task scheduled for execution.")
log.debug("Task ID: %s", task_id.id)
# wrap a single task in a resultset to not have 2 ways to handle results
if not isinstance(task_id, ResultSet):
task_id = ResultSet([task_id])
if options["method"] == "sync":
return self.wait_for_result(task_id)
# if async return taskid to allow query for status later on
return [r.id for r in task_id.results]
# By default execute the task directly without involving celery or a broker.
# Return all results without raising exceptions.
log.info("Executing task directly.")
return self.task.apply(*self.args, **self.kwargs).get(propagate=False)
def wait_for_result(self, task_id):
"""Wait for all (sub)tasks to complete and return result."""
# wait for all tasks to be completed
while not task_id.ready():
# show intermediate status
log.info("Task execution status: %s", dict(Counter([t.state for t in task_id.results])))
# return final results, don't reraise exceptions
result = task_id.get(propagate=False)
return result
class GenericTaskCommand(TaskCommand):
"""Generic Task Command for scanners."""
scanner_module = None
def _add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Add command specific arguments."""
# Endpoint filters should work on port, ip-version and protocol. Those should be anded with organization and
# urls. Running into an issue: nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs)
# TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
# Given i only needed urls at this moment, i only added urls as a parameter.
# select distinct options...
"-o", "--organization_names", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organizations (default is all)."
"-u", "--url_addresses", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these urls (default is all)."
"-y", "--organization_type", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organization types (default is all)."
"-c", "--country", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these countries (default is all)."
def compose(self, *args, **options):
"""Compose set of tasks based on provided arguments."""
# by default no filter means all of each.
organizations_filter = dict()
urls_filter = dict()
endpoints_filter = dict() # A choice of ports, ip-version and protocol
if options["organization_names"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_names"]) + ")$"
organizations_filter = {"name__iregex": regex}
if options["url_addresses"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["url_addresses"]) + ")$"
urls_filter = {"url__iregex": regex}
if options["organization_type"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_type"]) + ")$"
organizations_filter = {"type__name__iregex": regex}
if options["country"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
organizations_filter = {"country__in": options["country"]}
"organizations_filter: %s, urls_filter: %s, endpoints_filter: %s"
% (organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
# compose set of tasks to be executed
return self.scanner_module.compose_task(
organizations_filter=organizations_filter, urls_filter=urls_filter, endpoints_filter=endpoints_filter
class ScannerTaskCommand(TaskCommand):
"""Generic Task Command for scanners."""
scanner_module = None
def _add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Add command specific arguments."""
# Endpoint filters should work on port, ip-version and protocol. Those should be anded with organization and
# urls. Running into an issue: nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs)
# TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
# Given i only needed urls at this moment, i only added urls as a parameter.
# select distinct options...
"-o", "--organization_names", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organizations (default is all)."
"-u", "--url_addresses", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these urls (default is all)."
"-y", "--organization_type", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organization types (default is all)."
"-c", "--country", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these countries (default is all)."
def compose(self, *args, **options):
"""Compose set of tasks based on provided arguments."""
# by default no filter means all of each.
organizations_filter = dict()
urls_filter = dict()
endpoints_filter = dict() # A choice of ports, ip-version and protocol
if options["organization_names"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_names"]) + ")$"
organizations_filter = {"name__iregex": regex}
if options["url_addresses"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["url_addresses"]) + ")$"
urls_filter = {"url__iregex": regex}
if options["organization_type"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_type"]) + ")$"
organizations_filter = {"type__name__iregex": regex}
if options["country"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
organizations_filter = {"country__in": options["country"]}
"organizations_filter: %s, urls_filter: %s, endpoints_filter: %s"
% (organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
# compose set of tasks to be executed
return self.scanner_module.compose_manual_scan_task(
organizations_filter=organizations_filter, urls_filter=urls_filter, endpoints_filter=endpoints_filter
class DiscoverTaskCommand(TaskCommand):
"""Discovery command, launces tasks that can discover services.
These tasks can take a lot of time as they might encounter many network timeout for non existing adresses.
If you just want to update the current set of information in the database, run a verification task. That will be
much faster (but will not discover anything new). The ratio between discovery and verification can be 1:7
scanner_module = None
def _add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Add command specific arguments."""
"-o", "--organization_names", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organizations (default is all)."
"-u", "--url_addresses", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these urls (default is all)."
"-y", "--organization_type", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organization types (default is all)."
"-c", "--country", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these countries (default is all)."
def compose(self, *args, **options):
"""Compose set of tasks based on provided arguments."""
urls_filter = dict()
if not options["organization_names"]:
# by default no filter means all organizations
organization_filter = dict()
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_names"]) + ")$"
organization_filter = {"name__iregex": regex}
if options["url_addresses"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["url_addresses"]) + ")$"
urls_filter = {"url__iregex": regex}
if options["organization_type"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_type"]) + ")$"
organization_filter = {"type__name__iregex": regex}
if options["country"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
organization_filter = {"country__in": options["country"]}
"organizations_filter: %s, urls_filter: %s, endpoints_filter: %s" % (organization_filter, urls_filter, [])
# compose set of tasks to be executed
return self.scanner_module.compose_manual_discover_task(organization_filter, urls_filter)
class VerifyTaskCommand(TaskCommand):
"""Generic Task Command for scanners."""
scanner_module = None
def _add_arguments(self, parser):
"""Add command specific arguments."""
"-o", "--organization_names", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these organizations (default is all)."
"-u", "--url_addresses", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these urls (default is all)."
"-c", "--country", nargs="*", help="Perform scans on these countries (default is all)."
def compose(self, *args, **options):
"""Compose set of tasks based on provided arguments."""
# by default no filter means all of each.
organizations_filter = dict()
urls_filter = dict()
endpoints_filter = dict() # A choice of ports, ip-version and protocol
if options["organization_names"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["organization_names"]) + ")$"
organizations_filter = {"name__iregex": regex}
if options["url_addresses"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
regex = "^(" + "|".join(options["url_addresses"]) + ")$"
urls_filter = {"url__iregex": regex}
if options["country"]:
# create a case-insensitive filter to match organizations by name
organizations_filter = {"country__in": options["country"]}
"organizations_filter: %s, urls_filter: %s, endpoints_filter: %s"
% (organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
# compose set of tasks to be executed
return self.scanner_module.compose_manual_verify_task(
organizations_filter=organizations_filter, urls_filter=urls_filter, endpoints_filter=endpoints_filter