from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
import pytz
import simplejson as json
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from django.db import connection
from django.utils.text import slugify
from websecmap.map.logic.map_defaults import get_country, get_organization_type, remark
from websecmap.map.models import MapDataCache
from websecmap.scanners import ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES, URL_SCAN_TYPES
def get_reports_by_ids(ids):
if not ids:
return {}
reports = {}
cursor = connection.cursor()
# noinspection SqlNoDataSourceInspection
# The number of values in the IN() list is only limited by the max_allowed_packet value.
report_sql = f"SELECT id, calculation FROM map_organizationreport WHERE id IN ({','.join(ids)})"
report_rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in report_rows:
reports[row[0]] = row[1]
return reports
def get_cached_map_data(
country: str = "NL", organization_type: str = "municipality", days_back: int = 0, filters: List[str] = None
Caching is split up into two queries. This is done on purpose, as MySQL cannot deal with text fields efficiently.
MySQL will be very slow if there are filtering conditions if there is a Textfield in the result. Even if the
textfield is not filtered on directly.
To given an impression: this query used to take 7 seconds with just 20.000 records in the database and 760 in
the corresponding key. After splitting it up into two queries, the total of both would be <0.5 seconds.
# prevent mutable default
if not filters:
filters = ["all"]
cached = (
at_when=datetime.now(pytz.utc) - relativedelta(days=int(days_back)),
if not cached:
return False
my_dataset = MapDataCache.objects.only("id", "dataset").get(id=cached.id)
if not my_dataset:
return False
return my_dataset.dataset
def get_map_data(
country: str = "NL", organization_type: str = "municipality", days_back: int = 0, displayed_issue: str = None
# A bug in the live version (possibly due to |safe) gives a Country(code='NL')} instead of
# the country code of the country. Here this is worked around, but something is wrong and should be fixed.
if hasattr(country, "code"):
country = country.code
when = datetime.now(pytz.utc) - relativedelta(days=int(days_back))
desired_url_scans = []
desired_endpoint_scans = []
if displayed_issue in URL_SCAN_TYPES:
desired_url_scans += [displayed_issue]
if displayed_issue in ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES:
desired_endpoint_scans += [displayed_issue]
# fallback if no data is "all", which is the default.
if not desired_url_scans and not desired_endpoint_scans:
desired_url_scans = URL_SCAN_TYPES
desired_endpoint_scans = ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES
filters = ["all"]
filters = desired_url_scans + desired_endpoint_scans
cached = get_cached_map_data(country, organization_type, days_back, filters)
if cached:
return cached
Returns a json structure containing all current map data.
This is used by the client to render the map.
Renditions of this dataset might be pushed to gitlab automatically.
data = {
"metadata": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"render_date": datetime.now(pytz.utc).isoformat(),
"data_from_time": when.isoformat(),
"remark": remark,
"applied filter": displayed_issue,
"layer": organization_type,
"country": country,
"crs": {"type": "name", "properties": {"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}},
"features": [],
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Sept 2019: MySQL has an issue with mediumtext fields. When joined, and the query is not optimized, the
# result will take 2 minutes to complete. Would you not select the mediumtext field, the query finishes in a second.
# That is why there are two queries to retrieve map data from the database.
sql = """
map_organizationreport.id as organization_report_id,
FROM map_organizationreport
(SELECT stacked_organization.id as stacked_organization_id
FROM organization stacked_organization
stacked_organization.created_on <= '%(when)s'
AND stacked_organization.is_dead = 0
AND stacked_organization.type_id=%(OrganizationTypeId)s
AND stacked_organization.country='%(country)s'
OR (
'%(when)s' BETWEEN stacked_organization.created_on AND stacked_organization.is_dead_since
AND stacked_organization.is_dead = 1
AND stacked_organization.type_id=%(OrganizationTypeId)s
AND stacked_organization.country='%(country)s'
)) as organization_stack
ON organization_stack.stacked_organization_id = map_organizationreport.organization_id
organization on organization.id = stacked_organization_id
organizations_organizationtype on organizations_organizationtype.id = organization.type_id
(SELECT MAX(stacked_coordinate.id) as stacked_coordinate_id, area, geoJsonType, organization_id
FROM coordinate stacked_coordinate
INNER JOIN organization filter_organization
ON (stacked_coordinate.organization_id = filter_organization.id)
stacked_coordinate.created_on <= '%(when)s'
AND stacked_coordinate.is_dead = 0
AND filter_organization.country='%(country)s'
AND filter_organization.type_id=%(OrganizationTypeId)s
('%(when)s' BETWEEN stacked_coordinate.created_on AND stacked_coordinate.is_dead_since
AND stacked_coordinate.is_dead = 1
AND filter_organization.country='%(country)s'
AND filter_organization.type_id=%(OrganizationTypeId)s
) GROUP BY area, organization_id
) as coordinate_stack
ON coordinate_stack.organization_id = map_organizationreport.organization_id
(SELECT MAX(map_organizationreport.id) as stacked_organizationrating_id
FROM map_organizationreport
INNER JOIN organization filter_organization2
ON (filter_organization2.id = map_organizationreport.organization_id)
WHERE at_when <= '%(when)s'
AND filter_organization2.country='%(country)s'
AND filter_organization2.type_id=%(OrganizationTypeId)s
GROUP BY organization_id
) as stacked_organizationrating
ON stacked_organizationrating.stacked_organizationrating_id = map_organizationreport.id
WHERE organization.type_id = '%(OrganizationTypeId)s' AND organization.country= '%(country)s'
GROUP BY coordinate_stack.area, organization.name
ORDER BY map_organizationreport.at_when ASC
""" % {
"when": when,
"OrganizationTypeId": get_organization_type(organization_type),
"country": get_country(country),
rows = cursor.fetchall()
needed_reports = []
for i in rows:
# prevent sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found
reports = get_reports_by_ids(needed_reports)
# todo: http://www.gadzmo.com/python/using-pythons-dictcursor-in-mysql-to-return-a-dict-with-keys/
# unfortunately numbered results are used. There is no decent solution for sqlite and the column to dict
# translation is somewhat hairy. A rawquery would probably be better if possible.
for i in rows:
# Here we're going to do something stupid: to rebuild the high, medium, low classifcation based on scan_types
# It's somewhat insane to do it like this, but it's also insane to keep adding columns for each vulnerability
# that's added to the system. This solution will be a bit slow, but given the caching and such it wouldn't
# hurt too much.
# Also: we've optimized for calculation in the past, but we're not even using it until now. So that part of
# this code is pretty optimized :)
# This feature is created to give an instant overview of what issues are where. This will lead more clicks to
# reports.
# The caching of this url should be decent, as people want to click fast. Filtering on the client
# would be possible using the calculation field. Perhaps that should be the way. Yet then we have to do
# filtering with javascript, which is error prone (todo: this will be done in the future, as it responds faster
# but it will also mean an enormous increase of data sent to the client.)
# It's actually reasonably fast.
high, medium, low, ok = 0, 0, 0, 0
calculation = json.loads(reports[i[6]])
for url in calculation["organization"]["urls"]:
for url_rating in url["ratings"]:
if (
url_rating["type"] in desired_url_scans
and url_rating.get("comply_or_explain_valid_at_time_of_report", False) is False
high += url_rating["high"]
medium += url_rating["medium"]
low += url_rating["low"]
ok += url_rating["ok"]
# it's possible the url doesn't have ratings.
for endpoint in url["endpoints"]:
for endpoint_rating in endpoint["ratings"]:
if (
endpoint_rating["type"] in desired_endpoint_scans
and endpoint_rating.get("comply_or_explain_valid_at_time_of_report", False) is False
high += endpoint_rating["high"]
medium += endpoint_rating["medium"]
low += endpoint_rating["low"]
ok += endpoint_rating["ok"]
# figure out if red, orange or green:
# #162, only make things red if there is a critical issue.
# removed json parsing of the calculation. This saves time.
# no contents, no endpoint ever mentioned in any url (which is a standard attribute)
if "total_urls" not in calculation["organization"] or not calculation["organization"]["total_urls"]:
severity = "unknown"
# things have to be OK in order to be colored. If it's all empty... then it's not OK.
severity = "high" if high else "medium" if medium else "low" if low else "good" if ok else "unknown"
dataset = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"organization_id": i[5],
"organization_type": i[2],
"organization_name": i[1],
"organization_name_lowercase": i[1].lower(),
"organization_slug": slugify(i[1]),
"additional_keywords": extract_domains(calculation),
"high": high,
"medium": medium,
"low": low,
"data_from": when.isoformat(),
"severity": severity,
"total_urls": i[11], # = 100%
"high_urls": i[12],
"medium_urls": i[13],
"low_urls": i[14],
"geometry": {
# the coordinate ID makes it easy to check if the geometry has changed shape/location.
"coordinate_id": i[15],
"type": i[4],
# Sometimes the data is a string, sometimes it's a list. The admin
# interface might influence this. The fastest would be to use a string, instead of
# loading some json.
"coordinates": proper_coordinate(i[3], i[4]),
# calculate some statistics, so the frontends do not have to...
# prevent division by zero
if i[11]:
total_urls = int(i[11])
high_urls = int(i[12])
medium_urls = int(i[13])
low_urls = int(i[14])
dataset["properties"]["percentages"] = {
"high_urls": round(high_urls / total_urls, 2) * 100,
"medium_urls": round(medium_urls / total_urls, 2) * 100,
"low_urls": round(low_urls / total_urls, 2) * 100,
"good_urls": round((total_urls - (high_urls + medium_urls + low_urls)) / total_urls, 2) * 100,
dataset["properties"]["percentages"] = {
"high_urls": 0,
"medium_urls": 0,
"low_urls": 0,
"good_urls": 0,
return data
def proper_coordinate(coordinate, geojsontype):
# Not all data is as cleanly stored
coordinate = (
json.loads(coordinate) if isinstance(json.loads(coordinate), list) else json.loads(json.loads(coordinate))
# Points in geojson are stored in lng,lat. Leaflet wants to show it the other way around.
# https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/54065/leaflet-geojson-coordinate-problem
if geojsontype == "Point":
return list(reversed(coordinate))
return coordinate
def extract_domains(calculation):
Extracts a list of domains and subdomains from a calculation, which is then compressed to a simple version.
For example:
will become a set of words, like this:
data websecmap example mysite testsite lan anothersite
words = []
for url in calculation["organization"]["urls"]:
words += url["url"].split(".")
# unique words only.
words = list(set(words))
# returned as a single string that can be searched through...
return " ".join(words).lower()