from datetime import datetime
import pytz
from constance import config
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import naturaltime
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from websecmap.map.logic.map_defaults import remark
from websecmap.organizations.models import Organization
from websecmap.reporting.severity import get_severity
from websecmap.scanners import ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES, URL_SCAN_TYPES
from websecmap.scanners.models import EndpointGenericScan, UrlGenericScan
class UpdatesOnOrganizationFeed(Feed):
link = "/data/updates_on_organization_feed/"
description = "Update feed."
def title(self, organization_id):
organization = Organization.objects.all().filter(pk=organization_id).get()
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return "Organization Updates"
return "%s Updates" % organization.name
# it seems weird to do this.
def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return kwargs.get("organization_id", 0)
# second parameter via magic
def items(self, organization_id):
return latest_updates(organization_id).get("scans", [])
def item_title(self, item):
rating = (
if not any([item["high"], item["medium"], item["low"]])
else _("High")
if item["high"]
else _("Medium")
if item["medium"]
else _("Low")
badge = (
if not any([item["high"], item["medium"], item["low"]])
else "🔴"
if item["high"]
else "🔶"
if item["medium"]
else "🍋"
return "%s %s - %s: %s" % (badge, rating, item["url"], item["service"])
def item_description(self, item):
return "%s: %s" % (_(item["scan_type"]), _(item.get("explanation", "")))
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return item["rating_determined_on"]
# item_link is only needed if NewsItem has no get_absolute_url method.
# unique links are required to properly display a feed.
def item_link(self, item):
return "%s/#report-%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
class LatestScanFeed(Feed):
Setting a parameter such as self.scan_type in the get_object will cause concurrency problems.
The manual is lacking how to get variables to the item_title and such functions: only to "items" it is somewhat
clear. This is probably because i don't know enough python. Why would this extra parameter work at the "items"
functions but not anywhere else? (signature issues).
description = "Overview of the latest scans."
# magic
def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# print("args: %s" % kwargs['scan_type'])
return kwargs.get("scan_type", "")
def title(self, scan_type: str = ""):
if scan_type:
return "%s Scan Updates" % scan_type
return "Vulnerabilities Feed"
def link(self, scan_type: str = ""):
if scan_type:
return "/data/feed/%s" % scan_type
return "/data/feed/"
# second parameter via magic
def items(self, scan_type):
# print(scan_type)
if scan_type in ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES:
return EndpointGenericScan.objects.filter(type=scan_type).order_by("-last_scan_moment")[0:30]
if scan_type in URL_SCAN_TYPES:
return UrlGenericScan.objects.filter(type=scan_type).order_by("-last_scan_moment")[0:30]
def item_title(self, item):
calculation = get_severity(item)
if not calculation:
return ""
rating = (
if not any([calculation["high"], calculation["medium"], calculation["low"]])
else _("High")
if calculation["high"]
else _("Medium")
if calculation["medium"]
else _("Low")
badge = (
if not any([calculation["high"], calculation["medium"], calculation["low"]])
else "🔴"
if calculation["high"]
else "🔶"
if calculation["medium"]
else "🍋"
if item.type in URL_SCAN_TYPES:
# url generic scan:
return "%s %s - %s" % (badge, rating, item.url.url)
# endpoint scan
return "%s %s - %s" % (badge, rating, item.endpoint.url.url)
def item_description(self, item):
calculation = get_severity(item)
return _(calculation.get("explanation", ""))
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return item.last_scan_moment
# item_link is only needed if NewsItem has no get_absolute_url method.
def item_link(self, item):
if item.type in URL_SCAN_TYPES:
# url generic scan:
return "%s/#updates/%s/%s" % (config.PROJECT_WEBSITE, item.last_scan_moment, item.url.url)
# endpoint scan
return "%s/#updates/%s/%s" % (config.PROJECT_WEBSITE, item.last_scan_moment, item.endpoint.url.url)
def latest_updates(organization_id):
:param request:
:param organization_id: the id will always be "correct", whereas name will have all kinds of terribleness:
multiple organizations that have the same name in different branches, organizations with generic names etc.
Finding an organization by name is tricky. Therefore ID.
We're not filtering any further: given this might result in turning a blind eye to low or medium vulnerabilities.
# todo: check that the organization is displayed on the map
organization = Organization.objects.all().filter(pk=organization_id).get()
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return {}
dataset = {
"scans": [],
"render_date": datetime.now(pytz.utc).isoformat(),
"remark": remark,
# semi-union, given not all columns are the same. (not python/django-esque solution)
generic_endpoint_scans = list(
endpoint__url__organization=organization, type__in=ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES
url_endpoint_scans = list(
UrlGenericScan.objects.filter(url__organization=organization, type__in=URL_SCAN_TYPES).order_by(
scans = generic_endpoint_scans + url_endpoint_scans
scans = sorted(scans, key=lambda k: getattr(k, "rating_determined_on", datetime.now(pytz.utc)), reverse=True)
for scan in scans:
scan_type = scan.type
calculation = get_severity(scan)
if scan_type in URL_SCAN_TYPES:
# url scans
"organization": organization.name,
"organization_id": organization.pk,
"url": scan.url.url,
"service": "%s" % scan.url.url,
"protocol": scan_type,
"port": "",
"ip_version": "",
"scan_type": scan_type,
"explanation": calculation.get("explanation", ""), # sometimes you dont get one.
"high": calculation.get("high", 0),
"medium": calculation.get("medium", 0),
"low": calculation.get("low", 0),
"rating_determined_on_humanized": naturaltime(scan.rating_determined_on),
"rating_determined_on": scan.rating_determined_on,
"last_scan_humanized": naturaltime(scan.last_scan_moment),
"last_scan_moment": scan.last_scan_moment.isoformat(),
# endpoint scans
"organization": organization.name,
"organization_id": organization.pk,
"url": scan.endpoint.url.url,
"service": "%s/%s (IPv%s)" % (scan.endpoint.protocol, scan.endpoint.port, scan.endpoint.ip_version),
"protocol": scan.endpoint.protocol,
"port": scan.endpoint.port,
"ip_version": scan.endpoint.ip_version,
"scan_type": scan_type,
"explanation": calculation.get("explanation", ""), # sometimes you dont get one.
"high": calculation.get("high", 0),
"medium": calculation.get("medium", 0),
"low": calculation.get("low", 0),
"rating_determined_on_humanized": naturaltime(scan.rating_determined_on),
"rating_determined_on": scan.rating_determined_on,
"last_scan_humanized": naturaltime(scan.last_scan_moment),
"last_scan_moment": scan.last_scan_moment.isoformat(),
return dataset