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import importlib
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from json import loads

import nested_admin
import pytz
import tldextract
from django import forms
from django.contrib import admin, messages
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import naturaltime
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
from jet.admin import CompactInline

from websecmap import types
from import Job
from websecmap.celery import PRIO_HIGH, app
from import OrganizationReport
from websecmap.organizations import datasources
from websecmap.organizations.datasources import dutch_government, excel
from websecmap.organizations.models import Coordinate, Dataset, Organization, OrganizationType, Url
from websecmap.reporting.models import UrlReport
from websecmap.scanners import SCANNERS
from websecmap.scanners.models import Endpoint, EndpointGenericScan, UrlGenericScan, UrlIp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# todo: the through solution has two challenges:
# 1: the name of the objects listed
# 2: cannot auto-complete these with django-jet it seems, so an enormous amount of data
# it might be solved using an explicit relation?
# perhaps ask the django jet forum
class UrlAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = Url.organization.through
    extra = 0
    show_change_link = False
    can_delete = False
    # 'is_dead',
    # For now not trying to fix the "through" relationship errors for getting fields from the URL object.
    # <class 'failmap.organizations.admin.UrlAdminInline'>: (admin.E035) The value of 'readonly_fields[1]' is not
    # a callable, an attribute of 'UrlAdminInline', or an attribute of 'organizations.Url_organization'.
    readonly_fields = ("url",)

    exclude = []

class OrganizationAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = Organization
    extra = 0
    show_change_link = False
    can_delete = False
    readonly_fields = [ for f in Organization._meta.fields if != "id"]

    exclude = []

# A highly limiting feature of the django admin interface is that inlines only
# go one level deep. Instead of N levels, and that nested inlines are not supported
# by default and all other support is experimental (or provides a severely reduced interface.
# solves this, but misses support for the awesome compactinline
# a bug is that three empty values are added in the list below.
# perhaps the inline is fixable with some days of engineering, and might be worth while, but for now...
# and for some reason that
class EndpointGenericScanInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
    model = EndpointGenericScan

    can_delete = False

    exclude = [

    # this is purely informational, to save clicks when debugging.
    readonly_fields = (

    ordering = ["-rating_determined_on"]

    verbose_name = "Generic scan"
    verbose_name_plural = "Generic scans"

    # @staticmethod
    # def rating_determined_on_date(obj):
    #     # todo: should be formatted in humanized form.
    #     return obj.rating_determined_on

    # @staticmethod
    # def last_scan_moment_date(obj):
    #     return obj.last_scan_moment

class EndpointAdminInline(nested_admin.NestedStackedInline):
    model = Endpoint
    extra = 0
    show_change_link = True
    ordering = ["is_dead"]
    inlines = [EndpointGenericScanInline]

class UrlGenericScanAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = UrlGenericScan
    extra = 0
    show_change_link = True
    ordering = ["-rating_determined_on"]

    exclude = [

    readonly_fields = (

class CoordinateAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = Coordinate
    extra = 0

class OrganizationRatingAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = OrganizationReport
    extra = 0
    readonly_fields = ("organization", "high", "medium", "low", "at_when", "calculation")
    can_delete = False
    ordering = ["-at_when"]

class UrlRatingAdminInline(CompactInline):
    model = UrlReport
    extra = 0
    readonly_fields = ("url", "high", "medium", "low", "at_when", "calculation")
    can_delete = False
    ordering = ["-at_when"]

class UrlIpInline(CompactInline):
    model = UrlIp
    extra = 0
    readonly_fields = ("url", "ip", "rdns_name", "discovered_on", "is_unused", "is_unused_since", "is_unused_reason")
    show_change_link = True
    ordering = ["-discovered_on"]

class ActionMixin:
    """Generic Mixin to add Admin Button for Organization/Url/Endpoint Actions.

    This class is intended to be added to ModelAdmin classes so all Actions are available without duplicating code.

    Action methods as described in:

    Most actions work on the same primary models (organization,url,endpoint). The Actions don't do any actual work but
    rather compose a task with the provided Queryset. After which this task is scheduled using a Job. This generic
    principle has been implemented in `generic_action` and the specific action implementations (eg; `scan_plain_http`)
    just provide the correct metadata (name, icon) and task composer to call.

    To keep up to date with all available scanners, function generators are used. For each scanner, when applicable,
    a function to perform a scan, verification or discovery. More scanners, mean more buttons.

    # overrides the standard model class get_actions
    def get_actions(self, request):

        # using this function maker, scan functions can be generated.
        def scan_function_maker(scanner_name, verbose_name):
            def scan_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
                module = importlib.import_module("websecmap.scanners.scanner.%s" % scanner_name)
                return self.generic_action(module.compose_task, "🔬 %s" % verbose_name, *args, **kwargs)

            return scan_function

        def discover_function_maker(scanner_name, verbose_name):
            def scan_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
                module = importlib.import_module("websecmap.scanners.scanner.%s" % scanner_name)
                return self.generic_action(module.compose_discover_task, "🗺 %s" % verbose_name, *args, **kwargs)

            return scan_function

        def verify_function_maker(scanner_name, verbose_name):
            def verify_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
                module = importlib.import_module("websecmap.scanners.scanner.%s" % scanner_name)
                return self.generic_action(module.compose_verify_task, "[X] %s" % verbose_name, *args, **kwargs)

            return verify_function

        # this makes sure already existing actions are also returned
        actions = super().get_actions(request)

        for scanner in SCANNERS:
            # these discover:
            if scanner["can discover urls"] or scanner["can discover endpoints"]:
                func = discover_function_maker(scanner["name"], scanner["verbose name"])
                unique_name = "discover_%s" % scanner["name"]
                actions[unique_name] = (func, unique_name, "🗺 %s" % scanner["verbose name"])

        for scanner in SCANNERS:
            # these verify:
            if scanner["can verify urls"] or scanner["can verify endpoints"]:
                func = verify_function_maker(scanner["name"], scanner["verbose name"])
                unique_name = "verify_%s" % scanner["name"]
                actions[unique_name] = (func, unique_name, "[X] %s" % scanner["verbose name"])

        for scanner in SCANNERS:
            # these create scans
            if scanner["creates endpoint scan types"] or scanner["creates url scan types"]:
                func = scan_function_maker(scanner["name"], scanner["verbose name"])
                unique_name = "scan_%s" % scanner["name"]
                actions[unique_name] = (func, unique_name, "🔬 %s" % scanner["verbose name"])

        return actions

    def generic_action(self, task_composer: types.compose_task, name: str, request, queryset):
        """Admin action that will create a Job of tasks."""

        filters = {"x_filter": {"id__in": queryset.values_list("id")}}
        if queryset.model == Organization:
            filters["organizations_filter"] = filters.pop("x_filter")
        elif queryset.model == Url:
            filters["urls_filter"] = filters.pop("x_filter")
        elif queryset.model == Endpoint:
            filters["endpoints_filter"] = filters.pop("x_filter")

        task = task_composer(**filters)
        task_name = "%s (%s) " % (name, ",".join(map(str, list(queryset))))
        job = Job.create(task, task_name, request, priority=PRIO_HIGH)
        link = reverse("admin:app_job_change", args=(,))
        self.message_user(request, 'Job created, <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link, task_name))

# for many values in the admin interface... for example endpoints.
class OrganizationAdmin(ActionMixin, ImportExportModelAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = (
    search_fields = ["name", "country", "type__name"]
    list_filter = ["type__name", "country", "created_on", "is_dead", "is_dead_since"][::-1]

    fields = (

    inlines = [CoordinateAdminInline, UrlAdminInline, OrganizationRatingAdminInline]  #

    def name_details(self):
        if self.is_dead:
            return "✝ %s, %s (%s - %s)" % (
                self.created_on.strftime("%b %Y") if self.created_on else "",
                self.is_dead_since.strftime("%b %Y") if self.is_dead_since else "",
            return "%s, %s (%s)" % (,, self.created_on.strftime("%b %Y"))

    def wikidata_(self):
        return format_html(
            "<a href='' target='_blank'>🔍 %s</a>" % (self.wikidata, self.wikidata)

    def wikipedia_(self):
        return format_html(
            "<a href='' target='_blank'>🔍 %s</a>" % (self.wikipedia, self.wikipedia)

    # preserve_filters = True

class MyUrlAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def clean_url(self):

        url_string ="url")

        # urls must be lowercase
        url_string = url_string.lower()

        # todo: remove invalid characters
        # Currently assume that there is some sense in adding this data.

        # see if the url is complete, and remove the http(s):// and paths parts:
        result = tldextract.extract(url_string)

        if result.subdomain:
            clean_url_string = "%s.%s.%s" % (result.subdomain, result.domain, result.suffix)
            clean_url_string = "%s.%s" % (result.domain, result.suffix)

        # also place the cleaned data back into the form, in case of errors.
        # this does not work this way it seems.
        # = clean_url_string

        if not result.suffix:
            raise ValidationError("Url is missing suffix (.com, .net, ...)")

        return clean_url_string

    def clean(self):
        organizations = self.cleaned_data.get("organization")

        # mandatoryness error will already be triggered, don't interfere with that.
        if not organizations:

        # log.error(self.cleaned_data)
        # make sure the URL is not added if it is already alive and matched to the selected organization.
        # except yourself of course...
        # todo: expemt yourself, .exclude(pk=self.cleaned_data.get("pk"))
        for organization in organizations:
            if (
                .filter(url=self.cleaned_data.get("url"), is_dead=False, organization=organization)
                > 1

                # format_html = XSS :)
                raise ValidationError(
                            'Url %(url)s is already matched to "%(organization)s", and is alive. '
                            "Please add any remaining organizations to the existing version of this url. "
                            'Search for <a href="../?url=%(url)s&is_dead=False">🔍 %(url)s</a>.'
                            % {"url": self.cleaned_data.get("url"), "organization": organization}

        # make sure the Url is not added if it is still alive: the existing url should be edited and the
        # organization should be added. (we might be able to do this automatically since we know the url is not
        # already matched to an organization) - In that case all other fields have to be ignored and
        # this form still closes succesfully.
        # This url already exists and the selected organization(s) have been added to it.

        if Url.objects.all().filter("url"), is_dead=False).count() > 1:

            # format_html = XSS :)
            raise ValidationError(
                        "This url %(url)s already exists and is alive. Please add the desired organizations to the "
                        "existing url. This was not done automatically because it might be possible specific other "
                        "data was entered in this form that cannot blindly be copied (as it might interfere with the "
                        "existing url). "
                        'Search for <a href="../?url=%(url)s&is_dead=False">🔍 %(url)s</a>.'
                        % {"url":"url")}

class HasEndpointScansListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
    # Human-readable title which will be displayed in the
    # right admin sidebar just above the filter options.
    title = _("Has endpoint scans (todo)")

    # Parameter for the filter that will be used in the URL query.
    parameter_name = "endpoint_scans"

    def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
        Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each
        tuple is the coded value for the option that will
        appear in the URL query. The second element is the
        human-readable name for the option that will appear
        in the right sidebar.
        return (
            ("yes", _("Yes")),
            ("no", _("No")),

    def queryset(self, request, queryset):
        Returns the filtered queryset based on the value
        provided in the query string and retrievable via
        # todo: make this filter work
        if self.value() == "yes":
            return queryset
        if self.value() == "no":
            return queryset

class UrlAdmin(ActionMixin, ImportExportModelAdmin, nested_admin.NestedModelAdmin):

    # It's efficient to already get all endpints. Makes 30 second load into 8 second load.
    def get_queryset(self, request):
        queryset = super(UrlAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
        queryset = queryset.prefetch_related("endpoint_set")
        return queryset

    form = MyUrlAdminForm

    list_display = (

    search_fields = ("url", "computed_subdomain", "computed_domain", "computed_suffix")
    list_filter = [

    fieldsets = (
        (None, {"fields": ("url", "organization", "internal_notes", "created_on")}),
                "fields": ("onboarded", "onboarding_stage", "onboarding_stage_set_on", "onboarded_on"),
                "fields": (
                "description": "Non resolving urls cannot be reached anymore.",
                "fields": ("not_resolvable", "not_resolvable_since", "not_resolvable_reason"),
            "dead URL management",
                "description": "Dead urls are not show on the map. They can be dead on layer 8 (for example when a "
                "wildcard DNS is used, but not a matching TLS certificate as wildcard certificates "
                "are rarely used due to drawbacks).",
                "fields": ("is_dead", "is_dead_since", "is_dead_reason"),
                "description": "These values are automatically computed on save. Do not modify them by hand.",
                "fields": ("computed_subdomain", "computed_domain", "computed_suffix"),
    readonly_fields = ["created_on", "onboarded_on"]

    def domain(obj):
        return obj.computed_domain

    def tld(obj):
        return obj.computed_suffix

    def sub(obj):
        return obj.computed_subdomain

    # save a ton of queries
    # doesn't work with sets.
    # list_select_related = ('endpoint_set', )

    def visit(self, obj: Url):
        if not obj.endpoint_set.count():

        str = format_html(
            "%s <a href='/admin/scanners/endpoint/?q=%s' target='_blank'>🔍</a>" % (obj.endpoint_set.count(), obj.url)

        for endpoint in obj.endpoint_set.all():

            if endpoint.is_dead is False:
                str += " - <a href='%(protocol)s://%(url)s:%(port)s' target='_blank'>%(protocol)s/%(port)s</a>" % {
                    "url": obj.url,
                    "port": endpoint.port,
                    "protocol": endpoint.protocol,
        return format_html(str)

    def unresolvable_for(self):
        if self.not_resolvable and self.not_resolvable_since:
            return naturaltime(self.not_resolvable_since)
            return "-"

    # todo: further humanize this.
    def dead_for(self):
        if self.is_dead and self.is_dead_since:
            return naturaltime(self.is_dead_since)
            return "-"

    def current_rating(obj):
        x = UrlReport.objects.filter(url=obj).only("high", "medium", "low").latest("at_when")

        if not any([x.high, x.medium, x.low]):
            return "✅ Perfect"

        label = "🔴" if x.high else "🔶" if x.medium else "🍋"

        return format_html(
            "%s <span style='color: red'>%s</span> <span style='color: orange'>%s</span> "
            "<span style='color: yellow'>%s</span>" % (label, x.high, x.medium, x.low)

    inlines = [UrlGenericScanAdminInline, EndpointAdminInline, UrlRatingAdminInline, UrlIpInline]

    actions = []

    # saved here in case we want to go back.
    # def onboard(self, request, queryset):
    #     onboard_urls(urls=list(queryset))
    #     self.message_user(request,
    #         "Onboarding task has been added. Onboarding can take a while depending on server load.")
    # actions.append('onboard')
    # onboard.short_description = "🔮  Onboard"

    def declare_dead(self, request, queryset):
        for url in queryset:
            url.is_dead = True
            url.is_dead_reason = "Killed via admin interface"
            url.is_dead_since =
        self.message_user(request, "Declare dead: Done")

    declare_dead.short_description = "🔪  Declare dead"

    def timeline_debug(self, request, queryset):
        from django.http import HttpResponse

        from import create_timeline, inspect_timeline

        content = "<pre>"
        for url in queryset:
            content += inspect_timeline(create_timeline(url), url)

        content += "</pre>"

        return HttpResponse(content)

    timeline_debug.short_description = "🐞  Timeline"

class OrganizationTypeAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ("name",)
    search_fields = ("name",)
    list_filter = ("name",)
    fields = ("name",)

    inlines = [OrganizationAdminInline]

class CoordinateAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):

    # show Europe as default. Will probably change over time.
    # If you copy this setting from a point, be sure to switch x and y when pasting in default center.
    settings_overrides = {"DEFAULT_CENTER": (51.376378068613406, 13.223944902420046), "DEFAULT_ZOOM": 4}

    list_display = ("id", "organization", "geojsontype", "created_on", "is_dead", "calculated_area_hash")
    search_fields = ("organization__name", "geojsontype")
    list_filter = [

    # We wanted to place these on another tab, otherwise leaflet blocks mouse scrolling (which is annoying).
    # But then leaflet doesn't initialize properly, making the map unworkable. So they're on the first tab anyway.
    fieldsets = (
                "description": "The Edit area makes it easier to manipulate the Area and Geojsontype. "
                "Yet: when both are changed, the Area/GeoJsontype takes precedence."
                "If you want to move the coordinate, preferably do so by creating a new one and setting the"
                " current one as dead (+date etc). Then the map will show coordinates over time, which is "
                "pretty neat.",
                "fields": (
            "Life cycle",
                "fields": ("created_on", "is_dead", "is_dead_since", "is_dead_reason"),

    actions = []

    def switch_lnglat(self, request, queryset):
        for coordinate in queryset:

            if coordinate.geojsontype != "Point":

            a = coordinate.area
            coordinate.area = [a[1], a[0]]

            coordinate.edit_area = {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [a[1], a[0]]}

        self.message_user(request, "Lng Lat switched. Order should be: Lng, Lat.")

    switch_lnglat.short_description = "Switch Lng Lat"

    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):

        # grrr, both area and edit_area are ALWAYS changed... even if you didn't change the values in these
        # fields... this is obviously a bug or "optimization". We now have to resort to queries to figure out
        # if anything changed at all. Evil bugs.

            # we're changing the object
            current = Coordinate.objects.get(

            if current.area != obj.area or current.geojsontype != obj.geojsontype:
                # if 'area' in form.changed_data or 'geojsontype' in form.changed_data: doesn't work.
      "area changed")
                edit_area = {"type": form.cleaned_data["geojsontype"], "coordinates": form.cleaned_data["area"]}
                obj.edit_area = edit_area

            elif current.edit_area != obj.edit_area:
      "edit area changed")
                obj.geojsontype = form.cleaned_data["edit_area"]["type"]
                obj.area = form.cleaned_data["edit_area"]["coordinates"]
            # new object... see if there are empty fields we can ammend:
            if (not obj.area or not obj.geojsontype) and obj.edit_area:
                obj.geojsontype = form.cleaned_data["edit_area"]["type"]
                obj.area = form.cleaned_data["edit_area"]["coordinates"]
            elif not obj.edit_area:
                edit_area = {"type": form.cleaned_data["geojsontype"], "coordinates": form.cleaned_data["area"]}
                obj.edit_area = edit_area

        super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)

class DatasetForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def clean_kwargs(self):
        value = self.cleaned_data["kwargs"]
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Unable to parse JSON: %s") % exc,

        return value

# todo: how to show a form / allowing uploads?
class DatasetAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ("id", "url_source", "file_source", "type", "is_imported", "imported_on")
    search_fields = ("url_source",)
    list_filter = ("is_imported", "imported_on")
    fields = ("url_source", "file_source", "type", "kwargs", "is_imported", "imported_on")

    actions = []

    # todo: perhaps a type should be added, and that defines what importer is used here...
    # Then we also need the options to be expanded with options from the database.

    def import_(self, request, queryset):

        # check if the environment is sane, if not, return a user message with the error
        except BaseException as e:
            self.message_user(request, str(e), level=messages.ERROR)

        for dataset in queryset:
            kwargs = {"url": dataset.url_source, "file":}

            extra_kwargs = loads(dataset.kwargs)
            kwargs = {**kwargs, **extra_kwargs}

            # ok, it's not smart to say something is imported before it has been verified to be imported.
            importers = {"excel": excel, "dutch_government": dutch_government, "": excel, None: excel}

            if not importers.get(dataset.type, None):
                raise ValueError("Datasource parser for %s is not available." % dataset.type)

                importers[dataset.type]**kwargs) |
        self.message_user(request, "Import started, will run in parallel.")

    import_.short_description = "+ Import"

    form = DatasetForm

    save_as = True
    preserve_filters = True

def dataset_import_finished(dataset_id):

    dataset = Dataset.objects.all().filter(id=dataset_id).first()
    if not dataset:

    dataset.is_imported = True
    dataset.imported_on =