Importer for Dutch governmental organizations, using open data.
failmap import_organizations dutch_government
Warning: this is XML, set aside your intuition about programming.
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from websecmap.celery import app
from websecmap.organizations.datasources import download_http_get_no_credentials, generic_dataset_import, read_data
log = logging.getLogger(__package__)
def parse_data(dataset, filename):
data = read_data(filename)
# this is some kind of XML format. for which an XSD is available.
# for each document another namespace version is available, which makes it harder.
# how can we identify the correct namespace for p correctly automatically?
found_organizations = []
root = ET.fromstring(data)
ns = root.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}schemaLocation"].split(" ")[0]
log.debug("Using namespace: %s" % ns)
# of course this doesn't work out the box, so how do we autoregister a namespace?
ET.register_namespace("p", ns)
# so just fake / overwrite the namespaces variable
namespaces = {"p": ns}
organizations = root.find("p:%s" % dataset["xml_plural"], namespaces)
# why can't i use a similar construct as get?
# i want: bla = et.find(x. alaternative if not found)
for organization in organizations.iterfind("p:%s" % dataset["xml_single"], namespaces):
name = emulate_get(organization, "p:naam", namespaces)
if not name:
# gemeenschappelijke regelingen has a title, not a name.
name = emulate_get(organization, "p:titel", namespaces)
abbreviation = emulate_get(organization, "p:afkorting", namespaces)
contact = organization.find("p:contact", namespaces)
bezoekAdres = contact.find("p:bezoekAdres", namespaces)
adres = bezoekAdres.find("p:adres", namespaces)
straat = emulate_get(adres, "p:straat", namespaces)
huisnummer = emulate_get(adres, "p:huisnummer", namespaces)
postcode = emulate_get(adres, "p:postcode", namespaces)
plaats = emulate_get(adres, "p:plaats", namespaces)
site = emulate_get(contact, "p:internet", namespaces)
if not postcode and not plaats:
# try to find something by name... might not have an address...
geocoding_hint = "%s, Nederland" % name
geocoding_hint = "Nederland"
"name": "%s (%s)" % (name, abbreviation) if abbreviation else name,
"address": "%s %s, %s, %s" % (straat, huisnummer, postcode, plaats),
# make sure that the geocoder is looking at the Netherlands.
"geocoding_hint": geocoding_hint,
"websites": [site],
"country": dataset["country"],
"layer": dataset["layer"],
"lat": None,
"lng": None,
"dataset": dataset,
# debug_organizations(found_organizations)
return found_organizations
def emulate_get(xml, element, namespaces):
# xml.find(element, namespaces) cannot be compared, it's always false.
# This thus doesn't work:
# return xml.find(element, namespaces).text if xml.find(element, namespaces) else ""
return xml.find(element, namespaces).text
except AttributeError:
return ""
def import_datasets(**dataset):
dataset=dataset, parser_function=parse_data, download_function=download_http_get_no_credentials