failmap import_organizations excel https://example.com/example.xlsx
Mind the format! See parse_data
import logging
import iso3166
import pyexcel as p
from websecmap.celery import app
from websecmap.organizations.datasources import download_http_get_no_credentials, generic_dataset_import
log = logging.getLogger(__package__)
datasets = []
def parse_data(dataset, filename):
The Excel file should contain one tab. The tab contains the following columns:
Name: organization name, using the abbreviation in parenthesis: Awesome Company (AC)
Address: organization address
Countrycode: organization country, two letter ISO country code.
Layer: layer, for example: government, municipality, finance, etc. Will be auto-created.
Websites (csv): websites (comma separated list of urls)
Hint: other positional data (used as geocoding hint)
Lat: optional: latitude, float formatted as "1.0022" (more precision is better)
Lng: optional: long, float formatted as "1.234" (more precision is better)
:param dataset:
:param filename:
# spreadsheet is the best / easiest.
# csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm files
found_organizations = []
log.debug("Loading excel data from %s" % filename)
sheet = p.get_sheet(file_name=filename, name_columns_by_row=0)
records = sheet.to_records()
for record in records:
sites = record["Websites (csv)"].strip().split(",")
sites = [x.strip() for x in sites]
# todo: column numbers might still be easier for people that enter data?
"name": record["Name"],
"address": record["Address"],
"geocoding_hint": record.get("Hint", ""),
"websites": sites,
"country": record["Countrycode"],
"layer": record["Layer"],
"lat": record.get("Lat", ""),
"lng": record.get("Lng", ""),
"dataset": dataset,
# debug_organizations(found_organizations)
return found_organizations
def validate_record(record):
if not record.get("Name", ""):
ValueError('Missing "Name" column or column was empty.')
if not record.get("Address", ""):
ValueError('Missing "Address" column or column was empty.')
if not record.get("Websites (csv)", ""):
ValueError('Missing "Websites (csv)" column or column was empty.')
if not record.get("Countrycode", ""):
ValueError('Missing "Countrycode" column or column was empty.')
if not record.get("Layer", ""):
ValueError('Missing "Layer" column or column was empty.')
if record["Countrycode"] not in iso3166.countries_by_alpha2:
raise ValueError("Countrycode is not a valid 3166 country code.")
def import_datasets(**dataset):
dataset=dataset, parser_function=parse_data, download_function=download_http_get_no_credentials