A list of all scan types that are reliable and can be used in production environments (reporting, etc).
If you want to add a new scanner, you'll have to go through the following steps.
- Add it to the correct list below (todo: automate discovery of what scanners are available)
- Add severities for these scans in reporting/severity.py
- Add configuration for the scans in settings.py (todo: automate) (optional?) default = true anyway.
- Add
scanner needs the following config:
'name': 'arbitrary name',
'endpoint scan types': ['internet_nl_mail_starttls_tls_available'],
'url scan types': [],
# standard options generated for each scanner are: allow scanning, allow reporting, allow displaying on site
# then there are custom options.
'options': {
'Uses the list of known subdomains in your installation to discover the same subdomains on other domains. '
'<br><br>For example: it will search "test" on every domain, if that is present in an existing url: '
'"text.example.com".', bool)}
# A policy is applied per endpoint/url scan type These will be configurable in the future.
# Currently it's hardcoded in severity.py. This perhaps should be defined in scanners? Perhaps not given
# it will be configurable and scanners are a fact.
# todo: fill in the rest, currently only have the bad stuff for the 'what's bad' statistics queries
# error: a test error, something went wrong during scanning. Will not punish the result.
# irrelevant: previous scores are not relevant anymore because something happened that made it so. All is set to 0.
"ftp": {
"high": ["outdated", "insecure"],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
"plain_https": {
"high": [
"Site does not redirect to secure url, and has no secure alternative on a standard port.",
"Site does not redirect to secure url, and has nosecure alternative on a standard port.",
"medium": ["Redirects to a secure site, while a secure counterpart on the standard port is missing."],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
"high": ["ERROR"],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
# Todo: needs nuance in headers for the 'yet offers no insecure http service'. Should not be True or False(!)
# Until that is done, no list here...
"http_security_header_strict_transport_security": {
"high": [],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": ["True"],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": ["Unreachable", "RESTRICTED", "UNKNOWN", "SOAP"],
"http_security_header_x_content_type_options": {
"high": [],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
"http_security_header_x_frame_options": {
"high": [],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
"http_security_header_x_xss_protection": {
"high": [],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": [],
"error": [],
"irrelevant": [],
"tls_qualys_certificate_trusted": {
"high": ["not trusted"],
"medium": [],
"low": [],
"ok": ["trusted"],
"error": ["scan_error"],
"irrelevant": [],
"tls_qualys_encryption_quality": {
"high": ["F"],
"medium": [],
"low": ["B", "C"],
"ok": ["A+", "A-", "A"],
"error": ["scan_error"],
"irrelevant": [],
"internet_nl_mail_starttls_tls_available": {
"high": ["failed"],
"medium": ["warning"],
"low": ["info"],
"ok": ["passed", "good_not_tested"],
"error": ["error", "unreachable", "not_testable", "untestable"],
"irrelevant": ["not_tested", "not_applicable", "no_mx"],
"internet_nl_mail_auth_spf_exist": {
"high": ["failed"],
"medium": ["warning"],
"low": ["info"],
"ok": ["passed", "good_not_tested"],
"error": ["error", "unreachable", "not_testable", "untestable"],
"irrelevant": ["not_tested", "not_applicable", "no_mx"],
"internet_nl_mail_auth_dkim_exist": {
"high": ["failed"],
"medium": ["warning"],
"low": ["info"],
"ok": ["passed", "good_not_tested"],
"error": ["error", "unreachable", "not_testable", "untestable"],
"irrelevant": ["not_tested", "not_applicable", "no_mx"],
"internet_nl_mail_auth_dmarc_exist": {
"high": ["failed"],
"medium": ["warning"],
"low": ["info"],
"ok": ["passed", "good_not_tested"],
"error": ["error", "unreachable", "not_testable", "untestable"],
"irrelevant": ["not_tested", "not_applicable", "no_mx"],
"name": "ftp",
"verbose name": "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)",
"description": "Scans FTP services on port 21 (default port) if they support TLS or SSL.",
"can discover endpoints": True,
"can verify endpoints": True,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["ftp"],
"creates endpoint scan types": ["ftp"],
"creates url scan types": [],
# Shorthand of "can discover, verify etc"
"plannable_activities": ["discover", "verify", "scan"],
"python_module": "ftp",
"name": "plain_http",
"verbose name": "Missing Encryption",
"description": "Scans HTTP endpoints to see if there is an HTTPS counterpart.",
"can discover endpoints": True,
"can verify endpoints": True,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["http"],
"creates endpoint scan types": ["plain_https"],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "plain_http",
"name": "dnssec",
"verbose name": "Domain Name Security (DNSSEC)",
"description": "Scans DNS records to see if Domain Name security (DNSSEC) is enabled and secure",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": True,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": ["subdomains"],
"creates url scan types": ["DNSSEC"],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "dnssec",
"name": "security_headers",
"verbose name": "Website security settings (HTTP headers)",
# todo?? cant verify?
"description": "Contacts HTTP services to determine if all security headers are enabled.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["http"],
"creates endpoint scan types": [
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "security_headers",
"name": "tls_qualys",
"verbose name": "Encryption Quality Scans (TLS, tested with Qualys)",
"description": "Scans HTTPS services on port 443 to find the quality and security on it's encryption. "
"Contacts Qualys for each scan.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["http"],
"creates endpoint scan types": ["tls_qualys_certificate_trusted", "tls_qualys_encryption_quality"],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "tls_qualys",
"name": "subdomains",
"verbose name": "Discover subdomains using open data sources",
"description": "Uses NSEC1 and Certificate Tranparency to discover new urls. "
"About NSEC1: Discover new domains using DNSSEC NSEC1 enumeration. This is a powerful but not frequently used "
"feature "
"that allows you to sometimes discover all subdomains of a domain. This check is very fast and results "
"in a complete set of domains. Might not be used by the owner of the domain, in that case it will "
"return no subdomains."
"About Certificate Transparency: This discovery method searches for certificates published on a domain. "
"When a website uses https, the request "
"for a new certificate is published publicly as part of the Certiificate Transparency program. Using the "
"public database of all requests, it's possible to find hundreds of subdomains for a domain."
"<br><br>The service used is crt.sh.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": True,
"can verify urls": True,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["verify", "discover"],
"python_module": "subdomains",
"name": "dns_known_subdomains",
"verbose name": "Subdomain discovery using known subdomains",
"description": "Attempts to contact the list of known subdomains on other domains. ",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": True,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["discover"],
"python_module": "dns_known_subdomains",
"name": "dns_clean_wildcards",
"verbose name": "Clean Wildcard addresses.",
"description": "Remove domains that have the same content as the wildcard.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "dns_clean_wildcards",
"name": "dns_wildcards",
"verbose name": "Discover if a domain/subdomain has a wildcard DNS entry.",
"description": "",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": True,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["discover"],
"python_module": "dns_wildcards",
"name": "http",
"verbose name": "HTTP/HTTPS Endpoint discovery",
"description": "Discovers and verifies the existence of HTTP/HTTPS services on standard and alternative ports.",
"can discover endpoints": True,
"can verify endpoints": True,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["discover", "verify"],
"python_module": "http",
"name": "verify_unresolvable",
"verbose name": "Verify that unresolvable domains still not resolve",
"description": "Checks that the urls that are unresolvable are still unresolvable (counters network-bugs)",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": True,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["http"],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["verify"],
"python_module": "verify_unresolvable",
"name": "onboard",
"verbose name": "Onboard new urls with several scans, crawling and reporting",
"description": "Runs several scanners to automatically discover domains, run scans and create reports.",
"can discover endpoints": True,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": True,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
# don't re-hash the same scan types. This scanner simply uses other scanners which changes over time
# to reduce complexity, this scanner creates no scan types specifically.
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": [],
"python_module": "onboard",
"name": "dns_endpoints",
"verbose name": "Finds DNS pointers towards supposedly existing services. Used for internet.nl scans.",
"description": "Checks DNS for various advertised services and manages a special type of endpoint to resemble "
"it's discovery and verification (life cycle).",
"can discover endpoints": True,
"can verify endpoints": True,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["verify", "discover"],
"python_module": "dns_endpoints",
"name": "internet_nl_mail",
"verbose name": "Scan recipient for STARTTLS, SPF, DKIM and DMARC using internet.nl",
"description": "Scans the mail server in the MX record to see if they support STARTTLS, SPF, DKIM and DMARC. "
"Requires internet.nl scan account.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["dns_endpoints"],
"creates endpoint scan types": [
# used in dashboard and websecmap
# dashboard fields:
# Legacy fields used in dashboard:
"internet_nl_mail_non_sending_domain", # Added 24th of May 2019 -> removed in api 2
"internet_nl_mail_server_configured", # Added 24th of May 2019 -> removed in api 2
"internet_nl_mail_servers_testable", # Added 24th of May 2019 -> removed in api 2
"internet_nl_mail_starttls_dane_ta", # Added 24th of May 2019 -> removed in api 2
"internet_nl_mail_auth_dmarc_policy_only", # Added 24th of May 2019 -> removed in api 2
"internet_nl_mail_auth_dmarc_ext_destination", # Added 24th of May 2019... not removed?
# added with api v2.0 May 2020:
# extra fields with api 2.0
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "internet_nl_v2_mail",
"name": "internet_nl_web",
"verbose name": "Scans websites on basic HTTP security (Tested with internet.nl)",
"description": "t.b.d.",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": True,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": ["dns_endpoints"],
"creates endpoint scan types": [
# used in websecmap and dashboard
# used in dashboard
# Legacy fields, used in dashboard:
# Added 24 May 2019
# added with api v2.0 May 2020:
# extra fields added with api 2.0
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "internet_nl_v2_web",
"name": "autoexplain_dutch_untrusted_cert",
"verbose name": "Explains specific TLS certificates that are not trusted by default.",
"description": "",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "autoexplain_dutch_untrusted_cert",
"name": "autoexplain_trust_microsoft",
"verbose name": "Trusts certain microsoft services such as SIP, Lyndiscover and others with.",
"description": "",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "autoexplain_trust_microsoft",
"name": "autoexplain_microsoft_neighboring_services",
"verbose name": "Explains new neighboring services of endpoints already explained by trust microsoft.",
"description": "",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "autoexplain_microsoft_neighboring_services",
"name": "autoexplain_no_https_microsoft",
"verbose name": "Allows certain microsoft services that don't require https to result in a high risk issue.",
"description": "",
"can discover endpoints": False,
"can verify endpoints": False,
"can discover urls": False,
"can verify urls": False,
"can scan endpoints": False,
"can scan urls": False,
"needs results from": [],
"creates endpoint scan types": [],
"creates url scan types": [],
"plannable_activities": ["scan"],
"python_module": "autoexplain_no_https_microsoft",
# todo: should we move the scanner definitions to different scanners and harvest them here?
# todo: we're missing a separate nsec scanner it seems, should be separated from DNS scans.
# todo: add beta scanners, for which no permission checks are needed at all.
# not as relevant as this behavior is included in generic DNS scanning
for scanner in SCANNERS:
AVAILABLE_SCANNERS += scanner["name"]
ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES = list(set(ENDPOINT_SCAN_TYPES + scanner["creates endpoint scan types"]))
URL_SCAN_TYPES = list(set(URL_SCAN_TYPES + scanner["creates url scan types"]))
# convert endpoint scan types to scanners, so we know what endpoint scan type belongs to what scanner
for scanner in SCANNERS:
for scan_type in scanner["creates endpoint scan types"]:
SCAN_TYPES_TO_SCANNER[scan_type] = scanner
for scan_type in scanner["creates url scan types"]:
SCAN_TYPES_TO_SCANNER[scan_type] = scanner
for scanner in SCANNERS:
SCANNERS_BY_NAME[scanner["name"]] = scanner
# todo: add config options for each of the scans defined above, include them in constance.
# todo: check these config options dynamically at the right moments, so to reduce maintenance.