import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import dateutil.parser
import pytz
from django.db import connection
from statshog.defaults.django import statsd
from websecmap.app.constance import constance_cached_value
from websecmap.celery import app
from websecmap.map.logic.map_health import get_outdated_ratings
from websecmap.map.map_configs import filter_map_configs
from websecmap.map.report import PUBLISHED_SCAN_TYPES
from websecmap.organizations.models import Organization, Url
from websecmap.scanners import SCAN_TYPES_TO_SCANNER, SCANNERS_BY_NAME
from websecmap.scanners.models import Endpoint, PlannedScan, PlannedScanStatistic, Activity, Scanner, State
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def store_progress():
Runs every N minutes (periodic task) and stores the latest calculated progress in the db.
progress = calculate_progress()
pss = PlannedScanStatistic()
pss.at_when = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
pss.data = progress
# Also send it to statsd for nicer metrics:
for row in progress:
activity = Activity(row["activity"]).label
scanner = Scanner(row["scanner"]).label
state = State(row["state"]).label
statsd.gauge("scan_progress", row["amount"], tags={"state": state, "scanner": scanner, "activity": activity})
def get_latest_progress():
pss = PlannedScanStatistic.objects.last()
return {} if not pss else pss.data
def calculate_progress() -> List[Dict[str, int]]:
Retrieves the progress of all scans in the past 7 days. Will show how many are requested and how many
are at what state.
This routine is as simple and fast as it gets. The consumer will have to iterated and aggregate where needed.
# i'm _DONE_ with the obscuring of group_by and counts using terrible abstractions.
# so here is a raw query that just works on all databases and is trivially simple to understand.
sql = """SELECT
scanner, activity, state, count(id) as amount
scanner, activity, state
cursor = connection.cursor()
rows = cursor.fetchall()
# when there are 0 records, there is of course no row created. But there might have been in the past.
overview = []
for row in rows:
overview.append({"scanner": row[0], "activity": row[1], "state": row[2], "amount": row[3]})
for scanner_id, scanner_name in Scanner.choices:
# unknown is not used because it is not used
if scanner_id == 0:
if scanner_has_finished_tasks(scanner_id, overview):
# scan, discover and verify, not all scanners will perform all three.
for activity in activities_from_finished_tasks(scanner_id, overview):
# unknown error and timeout are ignored because they are not used
for state in [State["requested"].value, State["picked_up"].value, State["finished"].value]:
# it's not in the overview when we're here, so add it:
if not already_in_overview(overview, scanner_id, activity, state):
overview.append({"scanner": scanner_id, "activity": activity, "state": state, "amount": 0})
# Sort by scanner for easier human comprehension.
overview = sorted(overview, key=lambda o: (o["scanner"], o["activity"], o["state"]))
return overview
def already_in_overview(overview, scanner, activity, state):
return sum(
True if row["scanner"] == scanner and row["activity"] == activity and row["state"] == state else False
for row in overview
def scanner_has_finished_tasks(scanner_id, overview):
return activities_from_finished_tasks(scanner_id, overview)
def activities_from_finished_tasks(scanner_id, overview):
return [
row["activity"] for row in overview if row["scanner"] == scanner_id and row["state"] == State["finished"].value
def reset():
def force_retry():
# just retry everything that is picked up now:
def retry():
When something is picked up, but not finished in a day, just retry. Something went wrong.
This might result in a bunch of the same things being attempted over and over because they are never
finished. Those things are nice investigation subjects. All scans should finish (or error).
internet_nl_mail and internet_nl_web have their own retry methods, they should NOT be retried after four hours
but after days!
# todo: configure this in the future.
# all times are in hours
default_timeout = 4
retry_policy = [{"scanners": [Scanner.internet_nl_web.value, Scanner.internet_nl_mail.value], "hours": 48}]
# add a policy for all unmentioned scanners:
mentioned_scanners = [policy["scanners"] for policy in retry_policy]
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11264684/flatten-list-of-lists
mentioned_scanners = [val for sublist in mentioned_scanners for val in sublist]
unmentioned_scanners = list(set(Scanner.values) - set(mentioned_scanners))
retry_policy.append({"scanners": unmentioned_scanners, "hours": default_timeout})
# apply the policy:
for policy in retry_policy:
last_state_change_at__lte=datetime.now(pytz.utc) - timedelta(hours=policy["hours"]),
def pickup(activity: str, scanner: str, amount: int = 10) -> List[Url]:
Amount should not be too high: then this loses it's power and make scans invisible again. But it helps
with faster scanning as fewer queries are needed.
param: activity: discovery, verify or scan
param: scanner: the name of the scanner
amount: the amount of plannedscans to pick up
# Do not pickup more if there are already 500 items picked up. Having more than 500 items picked up means
# a throughput error. If you want to go faster you can always increase the frequency of things being picked up
# as long as they are handled faster.
already_picked_up = (
.filter(activity=Activity[activity].value, scanner=Scanner[scanner].value, state=State["picked_up"].value)
rate_limit_setting = f"RATE_LIMIT_{scanner.upper()}_{activity.upper()}"
max_picked_up_simultaneously = constance_cached_value(rate_limit_setting)
if already_picked_up >= max_picked_up_simultaneously:
return []
# Limit the total amount of picked up to being maximum of MAX_PICKED_UP_SIMULTANEOUSLY.
headroom = max_picked_up_simultaneously - already_picked_up
amount = amount if amount <= headroom else headroom
log.debug(f"Picking up maximum {amount} of total {headroom} free slots.")
# oldest first, so ascending dates.-> removed because that makes picking up very slow and complex.
# whatever is requested should just be handled asap and the things that are requestes should just be empy
# at the end of the day. So no .order_by("requested_at_when")
scans = PlannedScan.objects.all().filter(
activity=Activity[activity].value, scanner=Scanner[scanner].value, state=State["requested"].value
# cannot update once a slice has been taken
for scan in scans:
scan.state = State["picked_up"].value
scan.last_state_change_at = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
urls = []
for scan in scans:
# There are plannedscans on http without an url reference. The url show up blank in the admin, even when
# there is cascading deletion. So there might be a database error somewhere.
# scan still exists (weirdly enough). Even if there is an on delete cascade. We see that in issue 2424378050.
# Use this debug message to retrieve the Url.DoesNotExist as django has to query the ID.
log.debug(f"Picking up scan {scan.id} with url id: {scan.url.id}.")
except Url.DoesNotExist:
# Delete this scan as the url id cannot be found, so it cannot be finished.
log.error("Deleting a scan without an url. The scan will be deleted.", extra={"scan_id": scan.id})
log.debug(f"Picked up {len(urls)} to {activity} with {scanner}.")
statsd.incr("scan_planned", len(urls), tags={"state": "pickup", "scanner": scanner, "activity": activity})
return urls
def request(activity: str, scanner: str, urls: List[int]):
# should it be deduplicated? i mean: if there already is a specific planned scan, it doesn't
# need to be created again: that would just be more work. Think so, otherwise the finish and start will
# mix for different scans. So we can't do bulk inserts, but we can do better state logging
for url in urls:
if already_requested(activity, scanner, url):
statsd.incr("scan_planned", tags={"state": "duplicate_request", "scanner": scanner, "activity": activity})
log.debug(f"Already registered: {activity} on {scanner} for {url}.")
now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
ps = PlannedScan()
ps.activity = Activity[activity].value
ps.scanner = Scanner[scanner].value
ps.url = url
ps.state = State["requested"].value
ps.last_state_change_at = now
# To use the index on requested_at_when times are reduced to whole hours.
# This is sane enough to allow tons of scans per day still, but the creation
# of status reports is much faster. Still gives an idea of how many scans are made.
# The minutes are rounded to every 10 minutes. So there is still a sense of progress and use the index
discard = timedelta(minutes=now.minute % 10, seconds=now.second, microseconds=now.microsecond)
ps.requested_at_when = now - discard
statsd.incr("scan_planned", tags={"state": "request", "scanner": scanner, "activity": activity})
log.debug(f"Requested {activity} with {scanner} on {len(urls)} urls.")
def already_requested(activity: str, scanner: str, url_id: int):
return (
state__in=[State["requested"].value, State["picked_up"].value],
def finish(activity: str, scanner: str, url_id: int):
set_scan_state(activity, scanner, url_id, "finished")
statsd.incr("scan_planned", tags={"state": "finished", "scanner": scanner, "activity": activity})
def set_scan_state(activity: str, scanner: str, url_id: int, state="finished"):
oldest_scan = (
if oldest_scan:
oldest_scan.state = State[state].value
oldest_scan.last_state_change_at = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
oldest_scan.finished_at_when = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
log.debug(f"Altered planned scan state for {url_id}. Changing it to {activity} with {scanner}.")
log.debug(f"No planned scan found for {url_id}. Ignored.")
def finish_multiple(activity: str, scanner: str, urls: List[int]):
for url in urls:
finish(activity, scanner, url)
def retrieve_endpoints_from_urls(
urls: List[int],
protocols: List[str] = None,
ports: List[int] = None,
ip_versions: List[int] = None,
is_dead: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[List[Endpoint], List[int]]:
Given this approach reduces all scans to urls, and some scans require endpoints.
endpoints = []
ep_querysets = Endpoint.objects.all().filter(url__in=urls)
if protocols:
ep_querysets = ep_querysets.filter(protocol__in=protocols)
if ports:
ep_querysets = ep_querysets.filter(port__in=ports)
if ip_versions:
ep_querysets = ep_querysets.filter(ip_version__in=ip_versions)
ep_querysets = ep_querysets.filter(is_dead=is_dead)
ep_querysets = ep_querysets.only("id", "port", "protocol", "ip_version", "url", "url__id", "url__url")
endpoints += list(ep_querysets)
# endpoints could be deleted, removed, dead, whatever, in that case the planned scan has to be
# deleted as well. We have to know what urls are not in the set we requested, so those urls can
# be removed from the planned scans.
urls_without_endpoints = list(set(urls) - set([ep.url.id for ep in endpoints]))
return endpoints, urls_without_endpoints
def websecmap_plan_outdated_scans():
# one without parameters
return plan_outdated_scans(PUBLISHED_SCAN_TYPES)
def websecmap_list_outdated():
# one without parameters
return list_outdated(PUBLISHED_SCAN_TYPES)
def list_outdated(published_scan_types):
for map_configuration in filter_map_configs():
print(f"Outdated items for {map_configuration['country']}/{map_configuration['organization_type__name']}:")
organizations_on_map = Organization.objects.all().filter(
country=map_configuration["country"], type=map_configuration["organization_type"]
# Outdated is earlier than the map_health says something is outdated. Otherwise we're always
# one day behind with scans, and thus is always something outdated.
outdated = get_outdated_ratings(organizations_on_map, 24 * 5)
relevant_outdated = [item for item in outdated if item.get("scan_type", "unknown") in published_scan_types]
plan = []
for outdated_result in relevant_outdated:
scanner = SCAN_TYPES_TO_SCANNER[outdated_result["scan_type"]]
"scanner": Scanner[scanner["name"]].value,
"url": outdated_result["url"],
"activity": Activity["scan"].value,
"last_scan": outdated_result["last_scan"],
"scan": outdated_result["scan"],
plan = deduplicate_plan(plan)
# update the dates to match:
for activity in plan:
activity["last_scan"] = dateutil.parser.isoparse(activity["last_scan"])
plan = sorted(plan, key=lambda mplan: mplan["last_scan"])
print(f" For a total of {len(plan)} items:")
print(f"{'Last scan':22} {'Scan':9} {'Activity':10} {'Scanner':30} {'Url':60}")
for item in plan:
f"{str(item['last_scan'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')):22} {item['scan']:9} "
f"{item['activity']:10} {item['scanner']:30} {item['url']:60}"
def deduplicate_plan(planned_items):
hashed_items = []
clean_plan = []
for item in planned_items:
hashed_item = f"{item['activity']} {item['scanner']} {item['url']}"
if hashed_item not in hashed_items:
return clean_plan
def plan_outdated_scans(published_scan_types):
for map_configuration in filter_map_configs():
log.debug(f"Retrieving outdated scans from config: {map_configuration}.")
organizations_on_map = Organization.objects.all().filter(
country=map_configuration["country"], type=map_configuration["organization_type"]
log.debug(f"There are {len(organizations_on_map)} organizations on this map.")
# Outdated is earlier than the map_health says something is outdated. Otherwise we're always
# one day behind with scans, and thus is always something outdated.
outdated = get_outdated_ratings(organizations_on_map, 24 * 5)
relevant_outdated = [item for item in outdated if item.get("scan_type", "unknown") in published_scan_types]
# plan scans for outdated results:
plan = []
for outdated_result in relevant_outdated:
scanner = SCAN_TYPES_TO_SCANNER[outdated_result["scan_type"]]
"scanner": scanner["name"],
"url": outdated_result["url"],
"activity": "scan",
# see if there are requirements for verification or discovery from other scanners:
# log.debug(f"There are {len(scanner['needs results from'])} underlaying scanners.")
for underlaying_scanner in scanner["needs results from"]:
underlaying_scanner_details = SCANNERS_BY_NAME[underlaying_scanner]
if any(
underlaying_scanner_details["can discover endpoints"],
underlaying_scanner_details["can discover urls"],
plan.append({"scanner": underlaying_scanner, "url": outdated_result["url"], "activity": "discover"})
if any(
underlaying_scanner_details["can verify endpoints"],
underlaying_scanner_details["can verify urls"],
plan.append({"scanner": underlaying_scanner, "url": outdated_result["url"], "activity": "verify"})
# there can be many duplicate tasks, especially when there are multiple scan results from a single scanner.
clean_plan = deduplicate_plan(plan)
# make sure the urls are actual urls. Only plan for alive urls anyway.
clean_plan_with_urls = []
for item in clean_plan:
url = Url.objects.all().filter(url=item["url"], is_dead=False, not_resolvable=False).first()
if url:
item["url"] = url
# and finally, plan it...
for item in clean_plan_with_urls:
request(item["activity"], item["scanner"], [item["url"]])
log.debug(f"Planned {len(clean_plan_with_urls)} scans / verify and discovery tasks.")