import logging
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from websecmap.scanners.models import Endpoint, EndpointGenericScan, Url, UrlGenericScan
log = logging.getLogger(__package__)
def store_endpoint_scan_result(scan_type: str, endpoint_id: int, rating: str, message: str, evidence: str = ""):
# Check if the latest scan has the same rating or not:
gs = EndpointGenericScan.objects.all().filter(type=scan_type, endpoint=endpoint_id).latest("last_scan_moment")
exists = True
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
exists = False
gs = EndpointGenericScan()
# To deduplicate data, only store changes to scans. We'll update just the scan moment, and the rest stays the same.
# The amount of data saved runs in the gigabytes. So it's worth the while doing it like this :)
if gs.explanation == str(message) and gs.rating == str(rating):
log.debug("Scan had the same rating and message, updating last_scan_moment only.")
gs.last_scan_moment = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
# message and rating changed for this scan_type, so it's worth while to save the scan.
if not exists:
log.debug("No prior scan result found, creating a new one.")
log.debug("Message or rating changed compared to previous scan. Saving the new scan result.")
gs = EndpointGenericScan()
# very long csp headers for example
gs.explanation = message[0:255]
gs.rating = rating
gs.endpoint = Endpoint.objects.all().filter(id=endpoint_id).first()
gs.type = scan_type
# Very long CSP headers for example take a lot of space.
gs.evidence = evidence[0:9000]
gs.last_scan_moment = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
gs.rating_determined_on = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
gs.is_the_latest_scan = True
# Set all the previous endpoint scans of this endpoint + type to NOT be the latest scan.
EndpointGenericScan.objects.all().filter(endpoint=gs.endpoint, type=gs.type).exclude(pk=gs.pk).update(
def store_url_scan_result(scan_type: str, url_id: int, rating: str, message: str, evidence: str = ""):
# Check if the latest scan has the same rating or not:
gs = (
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
gs = UrlGenericScan()
# here we figured out that you can still pass a bool while type hinting.
# log.debug("Explanation new: '%s', old: '%s' eq: %s, Rating new: '%s', old: '%s', eq: %s" %
# (message, gs.explanation, message == gs.explanation, rating, gs.rating, str(rating) == gs.rating))
# last scan had exactly the same result, so don't create a new scan and just update the last scan date.
# while we have type hinting, it's still possible to pass in a boolean and then you compare a str to a bool...
if gs.explanation == str(message) and gs.rating == str(rating):
log.debug("Scan had the same rating and message, updating last_scan_moment only.")
gs.last_scan_moment = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
# message and rating changed for this scan_type, so it's worth while to save the scan.
log.debug("Message or rating changed: making a new generic scan.")
gs = UrlGenericScan()
gs.explanation = message
gs.rating = rating
gs.url = Url.objects.all().filter(id=url_id).first()
gs.evidence = evidence
gs.type = scan_type
gs.last_scan_moment = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
gs.rating_determined_on = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
gs.is_the_latest_scan = True
UrlGenericScan.objects.all().filter(url=gs.url, type=gs.type).exclude(pk=gs.pk).update(is_the_latest_scan=False)
def endpoint_has_scans(scan_type: str, endpoint_id: int):
Used for data deduplication. Don't save a scan that had zero points, but you can upgrade
to zero (or another rating)
:param scan_type:
:param endpoint_id:
gs = (
if gs.rating:
return True
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return False