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Test Coverage
Scans for missing AUTH TLS / AUTH SSL options in FTP servers.

# Docs:

import logging
from ftplib import FTP, error_perm, error_proto, error_reply, error_temp  # nosec scanning for insecure ftp is the point

from celery import Task, group
from django.utils import timezone

from websecmap.celery import ParentFailed, app
from websecmap.organizations.models import Url
from websecmap.scanners import plannedscan
from websecmap.scanners.models import Endpoint
from websecmap.scanners.plannedscan import retrieve_endpoints_from_urls
from websecmap.scanners.scanmanager import store_endpoint_scan_result
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.__init__ import (
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.utils import CELERY_IP_VERSION_QUEUE_NAMES

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# how often a task should be retried when encountering an expectable exception


# after which time (seconds) a pending task should no longer be accepted by a worker
# can also be a datetime.
EXPIRES = 3600  # one hour is more then enough

def filter_scan(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
    default_filter = {"protocol": "ftp", "is_dead": False}
    endpoints_filter = {**endpoints_filter, **default_filter}
    endpoints = Endpoint.objects.all().filter(q_configurations_to_scan(level="endpoint"), **endpoints_filter)
    endpoints = endpoint_filters(endpoints, organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
    endpoints = endpoints.only("id", "port", "ip_version", "url__url")

    endpoints = unique_and_random(endpoints)
    return unique_and_random([endpoint.url for endpoint in endpoints])

def plan_scan(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
    if not allowed_to_scan("ftp"):
        return group()

    urls = filter_scan(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
    plannedscan.request(activity="scan", scanner="ftp", urls=urls)

def filter_verify(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs

    default_filter = {"protocol": "ftp", "is_dead": False}
    endpoints_filter = {**endpoints_filter, **default_filter}
    endpoints = Endpoint.objects.all().filter(q_configurations_to_scan(level="endpoint"), **endpoints_filter)
    endpoints = endpoint_filters(endpoints, organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
    endpoints = endpoints.only("id", "url__id", "url__url", "port", "ip_version")

    endpoints = unique_and_random(endpoints)
    return unique_and_random([endpoint.url for endpoint in endpoints])

def plan_verify(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
    if not allowed_to_scan("ftp"):
        return group()

    urls = filter_verify(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
    plannedscan.request(activity="verify", scanner="ftp", urls=urls)

def filter_discover(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs

    urls = Url.objects.all().filter(q_configurations_to_scan(level="url"), not_resolvable=False, is_dead=False)
    urls = url_filters(urls, organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
    urls = urls.only("id", "url")

    return unique_and_random(urls)

def plan_discover(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
    if not allowed_to_scan("ftp"):
        return group()

    urls = filter_discover(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
    plannedscan.request(activity="discover", scanner="ftp", urls=urls)

def compose_planned_scan_task(**kwargs):
    urls = plannedscan.pickup(activity="scan", scanner="ftp", amount=kwargs.get("amount", 25))
    return compose_scan_task(urls)

def compose_manual_scan_task(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
) -> Task:
    [X] Created allowed_to_scan permission in config.
    [X] Implemented scanner
    [X] Stored scan result
    [X] Processed scan result in report
    [X] Added risk filter on the map for this issue
    [X] Added graphs, stats and more
    [X] Created translations

    if not allowed_to_scan("ftp"):
        return group()

    urls = filter_scan(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
    return compose_scan_task(urls)

def compose_scan_task(urls):
    endpoints, urls_without_endpoints = retrieve_endpoints_from_urls(urls, protocols=["ftp"])
    endpoints = unique_and_random(endpoints)

    # remove urls that don't have the relevant endpoints anymore
    for url_id in urls_without_endpoints:
        plannedscan.finish("scan", "ftp", url_id)"Scanning FTP servers on %s endpoints.", len(endpoints))
    tasks = []

    for endpoint in endpoints:
  , endpoint.port).set(queue=CELERY_IP_VERSION_QUEUE_NAMES[endpoint.ip_version])
            | store.s(
            |"scan", "ftp",

    return group(tasks)

def compose_planned_discover_task(**kwargs):
    urls = plannedscan.pickup(activity="discover", scanner="ftp", amount=kwargs.get("amount", 25))
    return compose_discover_task(urls)

def compose_manual_discover_task(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
) -> Task:
    # There are only semi-alternative ports, no real alternative ports.
    # ports = [21, 990, 2811, 5402, 6622, 20, 2121, 212121]  # All types different default ports.
    urls = filter_discover(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)"Discovering FTP servers on {len(urls)} urls.")
    return compose_discover_task(urls)

def compose_discover_task(urls):
    tasks = []
    for ip_version in [4, 6]:
        # first iterate through ports, so there is more time between different connection attempts. Which reduces load
        # for the tested server. Also, the first port has the most hits :)
        for port in [21]:
            for url in urls:
          , port).set(queue=CELERY_IP_VERSION_QUEUE_NAMES[ip_version])
                    | store_when_new_or_kill_if_gone.s(, port, "ftp", ip_version)
                    |"discover", "ftp",

    return group(tasks)

def compose_planned_verify_task(**kwargs):
    urls = plannedscan.pickup(activity="verify", scanner="ftp", amount=kwargs.get("amount", 25))
    return compose_verify_task(urls)

def compose_manual_verify_task(
    organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
) -> Task:

    urls = filter_verify(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
    return compose_verify_task(urls)

def compose_verify_task(urls):
    endpoints, urls_without_endpoints = retrieve_endpoints_from_urls(urls, protocols=["ftp"])
    endpoints = unique_and_random(endpoints)"Verifying FTP servers on {len(endpoints)} endpoints.")

    # remove urls that don't have the relevant endpoints anymore
    for url_id in urls_without_endpoints:
        plannedscan.finish("verify", "ftp", url_id)

    tasks = []

    for endpoint in endpoints:
  , endpoint.port).set(queue=CELERY_IP_VERSION_QUEUE_NAMES[endpoint.ip_version])
            | store_when_new_or_kill_if_gone.s(, endpoint.port, "ftp", endpoint.ip_version)
            |"verify", "ftp",

    return group(tasks)

def store(result: dict, endpoint_id: int):

    :param result: param endpoint:
    :param endpoint:

    level = ""
    message = ""

    # if scan task failed, ignore the result (exception) and report failed status
    if isinstance(result, Exception):
        return ParentFailed("skipping result parsing because scan failed.", cause=result)

    # analyze result
    if result["supports_ssl"] is True and result["supports_tls"] in [False, "Unknown"]:
        level = "outdated"
        message = "FTP Server only supports insecure SSL protocol."

    if result["supports_tls"] is True:
        level = "secure"
        message = "FTP Server supports TLS encryption protocol."

    if result["supports_tls"] in [False, "Unknown"] and result["supports_ssl"] in [False, "Unknown"]:
        level = "insecure"
        message = "FTP Server does not support encrypted transport or has protocol issues."

    if result["supports_tls"] == "Unknown" and result["supports_ssl"] == "Unknown":
        level = "unknown"
        message = "An FTP connection could not be established properly. Not possible to verify encryption."

    log.debug("Storing result: %s, for url: %s.", level, endpoint_id)

    if result:
        store_endpoint_scan_result("ftp", endpoint_id, level, message, str(result))

    # return something informative
    return {"status": "success", "result": level}

# supporting 4 and 6, whatever resolves to the FTP server is fine.
    retry_kwargs={"max_retries": MAX_RETRIES},
def scan(self, address: str, port: int):
    Uses the dnssec scanner of dotse, which works pretty well.

    :param url:

    Possible problems as seen on:
    Timeout of 240 seconds. Nothing more (oh wow).

    # To determine what encryption protocols are supported, a login() is required.
    # Various options auto-negotiate to the highest possible security grade.
    # so meaning supporting SSLv2 is not often used. yet, as with webservers,
    # SSL2 is insecure and should be disabled completely.
    # Example protocols...
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_SSLv2': False,
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_SSLv3': False,
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_TLSv1': False,
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1': False,
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2': False,
    #    'supports_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_3': False,


    # supports_ssl is outdated and implies non-secure connections can be set up.
    results = {
        "address": address,
        "port": port,
        "supports_tls": "Unknown",
        "supports_ssl": "Unknown",
        "encryption_protocol": "Unknown",
        "status": "",
        "welcome": "",
        "features": "",

    # todo: this only connects to encrypted servers?
    ftp = FTP()  # nosec scanning for insecure ftp is the point

        ftp.connect(host=address, port=port, timeout=FTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)
        results["status"] += "Connected"
        log.debug("Connecting to %s " % address)
    except OSError as Ex:
        log.debug("OSError: %s" % Ex)
        results["status"] += getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
        # [Errno 64] Host is down
        # log.debug('Could not connect to %s' % ip)
        # you'll get a lot HOST IS DOWN messages.
        return results
    except EOFError as Ex:
        log.debug("EOFError: %s" % Ex)
        results["status"] += getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
        # ftp behaves unexpectedly, so there is FTP but we don't know anything about it.
        # we cannot draw any conclusion regarding it's safety?
        return results
    except (error_perm, error_proto, error_temp, error_reply) as Ex:
        log.debug("FTP Error: %s" % Ex)
        results["status"] += getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
        # ftplib.error_perm: 502 Command not implemented. We can't assess it further.
        return results
    except Exception as Ex:
        log.debug("Base Exception %s" % Ex)
        results["status"] += getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
        # Or whatever exception in really rare cases.
        return results

    It's not allowed to perform "login" attempts, as that might look like an attack. We also don't want to test
    for logins, but we want to test for support of encryption.

    We can test for availability of encryption using the FEAT command. Most servers return a list of features
    such as the list below. From that list, we can determine if TLS/SSL is supported.

    Example output from FEAT:
    211- Extensions supported:
     MLST type*;modify*;size*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;*;

        results["features"] = ftp.voidcmd("FEAT")
        results["supports_tls"] = "AUTH TLS" in results["features"]
        results["supports_ssl"] = "AUTH SSL" in results["features"]
        # log.debug(results)
    except (error_reply, error_perm, error_temp, error_proto) as Ex:
        results["status"] += "FEAT Command: " + getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
    except Exception as Ex:
        # and the other few million exception possibilities
        results["status"] += "FEAT Command: " + getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))

    # Even if the feat command delivered nothing, we're doing to AUTH anyway.
    if not results["supports_tls"] and not results["supports_ssl"]:
        results["supports_tls"], result = try_tls(ftp)
        results["status"] += "Supports tls: %s" % result

        if not results["supports_tls"]:
            # the fallback, even if it's not as secure.
            results["supports_ssl"], result = try_ssl(ftp)
            results["status"] += "Supports ssl: %s" % result

    # Don't get the welcome, it might give an exception and doesn't add that much
    # try:
    #     results['welcome'] = ftp.getwelcome()
    # except Exception:
    #     # we don't really care about the welcome message, it's here for beautification only.
    #     pass

    # try to gracefully close the connection, if that's not accepted by the server we flip the table and leave.
        results["status"] += "Quit successfully"
    except Exception:
        results["status"] += "Force closed connection"

    return results

def try_ssl(ftp):
        ftp.voidcmd("AUTH SSL")
        return True, ""
    except (error_reply, error_perm, error_temp, error_proto) as Ex:
        return False, getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
    except Exception as Ex:
        return False, getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))

def try_tls(ftp):
        ftp.voidcmd("AUTH TLS")
        return True, ""
    except (error_reply, error_perm, error_temp, error_proto) as Ex:
        return False, getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))
    except Exception as Ex:
        return False, getattr(Ex, "message", repr(Ex))

# tries and discover FTP servers by A) trying to open an FTP connection to a standard port.
# it will do on all known urls, and try a range of well known FTP ports and alternative ports.
def discover(url: str, port: int):

    connected = False
    ftp = FTP()  # nosec scanning for insecure ftp is the point
        ftp.connect(url, port, FTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)
        connected = True
    except Exception:
        # we really don't care about an url that doesn't repond. 99% will not connect.

    # Pythons FTP library does not tell you about if it connected to IPv4 or IPv6.
    # We're going to (wrongly) assume it's always IPv4. This missing feature is a bummer.
    # Perhaps we could find out another way if this is an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    return connected

def store_when_new_or_kill_if_gone(connected, url, port, protocol, ip_version):

    :param url: any url where endpoints are discovered.
    :param port: any port: 1 to 65535
    :param protocol: any protocol in the endpoint table
    :param ip_version 4 or 6
    :param connected: True = Connected, False = Not Connected

    doesnotexist = False
    endpoint = None

    # get the latest info on this endpoint
        endpoint = (
            Endpoint.objects.filter(protocol=protocol, port=port, ip_version=ip_version, url=url, is_dead=False)
            .only("id", "is_dead")
    except Endpoint.DoesNotExist:
        doesnotexist = True

    # Do not store updates to an endpoint that does not exist. We choose to NOT store endpoints that don't exist.
    # For the simple reason that otherwise 99% of our scans will result in an non existing endpoint, costing incredible
    # amounts of storage space.
    if doesnotexist:
        if not connected:
            # Not logging all urls over and over again.
            # log.debug(f"No FTP server is running on {url}.")

        # new endpoint! Store this endpoint as existing. Hooray, we found something new to scan.
        # We will not set old endpoints to alive.
        if connected:
            db_url = Url.objects.all().filter(id=url).first()
            if not db_url:

            log.debug(f"New FTP server discovered on {url}.")
            ep = Endpoint(url=db_url, port=port, protocol=protocol, ip_version=ip_version,

    # endpoint was alive and still is. Nothing changed. We don't have a last seen date. So do nothing.
    if not endpoint.is_dead and connected:

    # endpoint died. Kill it.
    if endpoint.is_dead is False and not connected:
        log.debug(f"Existing FTP server could not be found anymore on {url}, removing.")
        endpoint.is_dead = True
        endpoint.is_dead_reason = "Could not connect"
        endpoint.is_dead_since =