import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List
import pytz
from celery import group
from django.utils import timezone
from websecmap.celery import Task, app
from websecmap.map.report import update_report_tasks
from websecmap.organizations.models import Url
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.__init__ import q_configurations_to_scan, url_filters
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.utils import in_chunks
from websecmap.scanners.tasks import crawl_tasks, explore_tasks, scan_tasks
log = logging.getLogger(__package__)
def compose_task(
organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
) -> Task:
"""Multi-stage onboarding."""
This onboarder has multiple stages. The main reason for this is that the original plan failed: endpoints where
discovered but the next task hanged. This is extensively documented here:
Therefore this onboarding task creates different sets of tasks per stage per url.
V ""
V endpoint_discovery endpoints are discovered on the url
V endpoint_finished done, ready for next stage
V scans_running running a series of scans on the endpoints
V scans_finished done, ready for next stage
V crawling trying to find more endpoints (via DNS)
V crawl_finished IMPLICIT! Last step will not be saved.
- onboarded onboarding completed
Todo: date the last step was set. So we can find processes that failed and retry.
Todo: run this every minute.
# Resetting the outdated onboarding has a risk: if the queue takes longer than the onboarding tasks to finish the
# tasks will be performed multiple time. This can grow fast and large. Therefore a very large time has been taken
# to reset onboarding of tasks. Normally onboarding should be one within 5 minutes. We'll reset after 7 days.
default_filter = {"onboarded": "False"}
urls_filter = {**urls_filter, **default_filter}
urls = Url.objects.all().filter(q_configurations_to_scan(level="url"), **urls_filter)
urls = url_filters(urls, organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter)
log.info("Found %s urls to create tasks for." % len(urls))
# it's impossible to set the first stage "endpoint_discovery" in a task, as the task might take an hour
# to complete (depending of how much work is in the queue. Could be days. So therefore to trigger the first
# stage and not to re-submit the url for onboarding (again and again and again) the first stage is set in
# this routine for each of the steps.
# some urls can be returned a number of times if they are shared amongs organizations, this reduces that:
# note that mysql and sqlite dont support DISTINCT ON.
urls = list(set(urls))
endpoint_discovery_urls = []
scans_running_urls: List[int] = []
crawling_urls = []
tasks = []
for url in urls:
log.info("Url %s is at onboarding_stage: %s", url, url.onboarding_stage)
# you will see this happen per worker-size (so for example per 20 things)
if not url.onboarding_stage: # While developing: or url.onboarding_stage == "endpoint_discovery":
log.info("Exploring on: %s", url)
update_stage([url], "endpoint_discovery")
elif url.onboarding_stage in ["endpoint_finished"]: # dev: , "scans_running"
log.info("Scanning on: %s", url)
update_stage([url], "scans_running")
elif url.onboarding_stage == "scans_finished":
log.info("Crawling on: %s", url)
update_stage([url], "crawling")
# Do nothing when wheels are set in motion or an unknown state is encountered.
for url in endpoint_discovery_urls:
tasks.append(explore_tasks(url) | update_stage.si([url], "endpoint_finished"))
chunks = in_chunks(scans_running_urls, 25)
for chunk in chunks:
tasks.append(scan_tasks(chunk) | update_report_tasks(chunk) | update_stage.si(chunk, "scans_finished"))
for url in crawling_urls:
tasks.append(crawl_tasks(url) | finish_onboarding.si(url))
log.info("Created %s tasks to be performed." % len(tasks))
task = group(tasks)
# log.info("Task:")
# log.info(task)
return task
def reset_expired_onboards():
# If the queues don't finish in 7 days, you have a problem somewhere. This will add to that problem by adding
# EVEN MORE tasks to the queue. So an unmanaged system will run out of space somewhere sometime :)
expired = list(Url.objects.all().filter(onboarding_stage_set_on__lte=datetime.now(pytz.utc) - timedelta(days=7)))
# some older tasks might never have an onboarding stage due to a bug. add those too:
expired += list(Url.objects.all().filter(onboarding_stage_set_on__isnull=True))
for url in expired:
def reset_onboarding_status(url):
# set the task a step back.
# retry endpoint discovery if that didn't finish.
if url.onboarding_stage == "endpoint_discovery":
url.onboarding_stage = ""
# retry scanning after discovery of endpoints
if url.onboarding_stage == "scans_running":
url.onboarding_stage = "endpoint_finished"
# retry crawling after scans are finished
if url.onboarding_stage == "crawling":
url.onboarding_stage = "scans_finished"
def forward_onboarding_status(url):
# set the task a step back.
# retry endpoint discovery if that didn't finish.
if url.onboarding_stage == "endpoint_discovery":
url.onboarding_stage = "endpoint_finished"
# retry scanning after discovery of endpoints
if url.onboarding_stage == "scans_running":
url.onboarding_stage = "scans_finished"
# retry crawling after scans are finished
if url.onboarding_stage == "crawling":
url.onboarded = True
url.onboarded_on = timezone.now()
url.onboarding_stage = "onboarded"
def finish_onboarding(url):
log.info("Finishing onboarding of %s", url)
url.onboarded = True
url.onboarded_on = timezone.now()
url.onboarding_stage = "onboarded"
url.onboarding_stage_set_on = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
url.save(update_fields=["onboarded_on", "onboarded", "onboarding_stage", "onboarding_stage_set_on"])
return True
def update_stage(urls: List[Url], stage=""):
for url in urls:
log.info("Updating onboarding_stage of %s from %s to %s", url, url.onboarding_stage, stage)
url.onboarding_stage = stage
url.onboarding_stage_set_on = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
url.save(update_fields=["onboarding_stage", "onboarding_stage_set_on"])
return True