Check if a domain is only reachable on plain http, instead of both http and https.
Browsers first connect to http, not https when entering a domain. That will be changed in the future.
Further reading:
import logging
from celery import Task, group
from websecmap.celery import app
from websecmap.organizations.models import Organization, Url
from websecmap.scanners import plannedscan
from websecmap.scanners.models import Endpoint
from websecmap.scanners.scanmanager import endpoint_has_scans, store_endpoint_scan_result
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.__init__ import allowed_to_scan, q_configurations_to_scan, unique_and_random
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.http import (
from websecmap.scanners.scanner.utils import CELERY_IP_VERSION_QUEUE_NAMES
log = logging.getLogger(__package__)
# These messages are translated and expected lateron. Don't edit them unless you're also editing them in the reporting
# etc etc.
cleaned_up = "Has a secure equivalent, which wasn't so in the past."
not_resolvable_at_all = "Cannot be resolved anymore, seems to be cleaned up."
saved_by_the_bell = "Redirects to a secure site, while a secure counterpart on the standard port is missing."
no_https_at_all = "Site does not redirect to secure url, and has no secure alternative on a standard port."
def filter_scan(
organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
if organizations_filter:
organizations = Organization.objects.filter(is_dead=False, **organizations_filter).only("id")
urls = Url.objects.filter(
).only("id", "url")
log.info(f"Creating scan task {len(urls)} urls for {len(organizations)} organizations.")
urls = Url.objects.filter(
# Has to have at least an http endpoint, otherwise scanning doesn't make sense.
).only("id", "url")
log.info(f"Creating scan plain http task {len(urls)} urls.")
return unique_and_random(urls)
def plan_scan(
organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
if not allowed_to_scan("plain_http"):
return group()
urls = filter_scan(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
plannedscan.request(activity="scan", scanner="plain_http", urls=urls)
def compose_planned_scan_task(**kwargs):
urls = plannedscan.pickup(activity="scan", scanner="plain_http", amount=kwargs.get("amount", 25))
return compose_scan_task(urls)
def compose_manual_scan_task(
organizations_filter: dict = dict(), urls_filter: dict = dict(), endpoints_filter: dict = dict(), **kwargs
) -> Task:
# We might not be allowed to scan for this at all.
if not allowed_to_scan("plain_http"):
return group() # An empty group fits this callable's signature and does not impede celery.
urls = filter_scan(organizations_filter, urls_filter, endpoints_filter, **kwargs)
return compose_scan_task(urls)
def compose_scan_task(urls):
tasks = []
for url in urls:
complete_endpoints, incomplete_endpoints = get_endpoints_with_missing_encryption(url)
# In case all http/https endpoints have been removed from this url, the scan still has to finish.
# This could have happened between the request of this scan and running this scan.
if not any([complete_endpoints, incomplete_endpoints]):
tasks.append(plannedscan.finish.si("scan", "plain_http", url.pk))
for complete_endpoint in complete_endpoints:
tasks.append(well_done.si(complete_endpoint.pk) | plannedscan.finish.si("scan", "plain_http", url.pk))
for incomplete_endpoint in incomplete_endpoints:
scan.si(incomplete_endpoint.ip_version, incomplete_endpoint.url.url).set(
| store.s(incomplete_endpoint.pk)
| plannedscan.finish.si("scan", "plain_http", url.pk)
if not tasks:
log.warning("Applied filters resulted in no urls, thus no plain http tasks!")
return group(tasks)
def get_endpoints_with_missing_encryption(url):
Finds a list of endpoints that are missing an encrypted counterpart. Takes in account ip_version.
The default ports matter for normal humans. All services on other ports are special services.
we only give points if there is not a normal https site when there is a normal http site.
:param url:
endpoints = (
.filter(url=url, is_dead=False)
.only("id", "protocol", "port", "ip_version", "url__id", "url__url")
has_http_v4, has_https_v4, has_http_v6, has_https_v6 = False, False, False, False
http_v4_endpoint, http_v6_endpoint = None, None
complete_endpoints, incomplete_endpoints = [], []
for endpoint in endpoints:
if endpoint.protocol == "http" and endpoint.port == 80 and endpoint.ip_version == 4:
has_http_v4 = True
http_v4_endpoint = endpoint
if endpoint.protocol == "https" and endpoint.port == 443 and endpoint.ip_version == 4:
has_https_v4 = True
if endpoint.protocol == "http" and endpoint.port == 80 and endpoint.ip_version == 6:
has_http_v6 = True
http_v6_endpoint = endpoint
if endpoint.protocol == "https" and endpoint.port == 443 and endpoint.ip_version == 6:
has_https_v6 = True
if has_http_v4:
if not has_https_v4:
if has_http_v6:
if not has_https_v6:
return complete_endpoints, incomplete_endpoints
def well_done(endpoint_id):
if endpoint_has_scans("plain_https", endpoint_id):
store_endpoint_scan_result("plain_https", endpoint_id, "0", cleaned_up)
# Task is written to work both on v4 and v6, but the network conf of the machine differs.
def scan(ip_version: int, url: str):
Using an incomplete endpoint
# calculate the score
# Organizations with wildcards can have this problem a lot:
# 1: It's not possible to distinguish the default page with another page, wildcards
# can help hide domains and services.
# 2: A wildcard TLS connection is an option: then it will be fine, and it can be also
# run only on everything that is NOT another service on the server: also hiding stuff
# 3: Due to SNI it's not possible where something is served.
# !!! The only solution is to have a "curated" list of port 80 websites. !!!
# maybe compare an image of a non existing url with the random ones given here.
# if they are the same, then there is really no site. That should help clean
# non-existing wildcard domains.
# Comparing with screenshots is simply not effective enough:
# 1: Many HTTPS sites load HTTP resources, which don't show, and thus it's different.
# 2: There is no guarantee that a wildcard serves a blank page.
# 3: In the transition phase to default https (coming years), it's not possible to say
# what should be the "leading" site.
:param endpoint:
# if the address doesn't resolve, why bother scanning at all?
resolves = False
if ip_version == 4:
resolves = resolves_on_v4(url)
if ip_version == 6:
resolves = resolves_on_v6(url)
if not resolves:
# no need to further check, can't even get the IP address...
return False, False, False
# retry harder!
can_connect_result = can_connect(protocol="https", url=url, port=443, ip_version=ip_version)
redirects_to_safety_result = None
# if you cannot connect to a secure endpoint, we're going to find out of there is redirect.
if not can_connect_result:
# The worker (should) only resolve domain names only over ipv4 or ipv6. (A / AAAA).
# Currenlty docker does not support that. Which means a lot of network rewriting for dealing with
# all edge cases of HTTP.
redirects_to_safety_result = redirects_to_safety(f"http://{url}:80")
return resolves, can_connect_result, redirects_to_safety_result
def store(results, endpoint_id):
resolves, can_connect_result, redirects_to_safety_result = results
if not resolves:
# Don't administrate endpoints that don't resolve, that is a task for the http verify scanner. Here we just
# don't try to redirect to safety or otherwise miscalculate the result. If the http verify scanner is not run
# there will be mismatches between this (or previous results) and reality.
"Endpoint on %s doesn't resolve anymore. "
"Run the DNS verify scanner to prevent scanning non resolving endpoints." % endpoint_id
endpoint = Endpoint.objects.all().filter(id=endpoint_id).only("ip_version", "url__id").first()
if not endpoint:
# issue resolved.
if can_connect_result:
if endpoint_has_scans("plain_https", endpoint_id):
store_endpoint_scan_result("plain_https", endpoint_id, "0", cleaned_up)
# Really no security at all
if not can_connect_result and redirects_to_safety_result is False:
log.info("%s does not have a https site. Saving/updating scan." % endpoint.url)
store_endpoint_scan_result("plain_https", endpoint_id, "1000", no_https_at_all)
# some redirections that might have flaws etc.
if not can_connect_result and redirects_to_safety_result is True:
log.info("%s redirects to safety, saved by the bell." % endpoint.url)
store_endpoint_scan_result("plain_https", endpoint_id, "25", saved_by_the_bell)