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<h1>Welcome to the Fairmondo repository</h1>

<p><a href="https://travis-ci.org/fairmondo/fairmondo"><img
src="https://travis-ci.org/fairmondo/fairmondo.png" /></a> <a
alt="Coverage Status" /></a> <a
src="https://codeclimate.com/github/fairmondo/fairmondo.png" /></a></p>

<p>Fairmondo is a free market place in the hand of the users.</p>

<p>Read more about it at: <a

<p>The development currently is in beta state. Please help us out by
contributing code.</p>

<h2>Getting started</h2>

<h3>Installing Ruby and Ruby on Rails</h3>

<p>If you are not sure how to <em>install Ruby and the Ruby on Rails
framework</em> on your computer, have a look at Michael Hartl's excellent
on the subject.</p>

<p>Make sure you install <em>ruby 1.9.3-p392</em> and not 2.0.0.</p>

<h3>Fairmondo Project Setup (automated)</h3>

<p>Note: the automated process won't work under Windows. To run Fairmondo
locally in development mode, install ruby and rails. Then open up a console
and <em>copy &amp; paste</em> in the following line:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">git clone git@github.com:fairmondo/fairmondo.git &amp;&amp; cd fairmondo/ &amp;&amp; git checkout release &amp;&amp; ruby setup.rb</code></pre>

<p>What this does:</p>
<p>It sets up a local git repository,</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_git'>git</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_clone'>clone</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_git'>git</span><span class='ivar'>@github</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_com'>com</span><span class='symbol'>:fairmondo</span><span class='op'>/</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_fairmondo'>fairmondo</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_git'>git</span></code></pre>
<p>switches to the fairmondo root path,</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">cd fairmondo/</code></pre>
<p>switches the git branch to "release" (which is the branch we currently use
for the beta version)</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_git'>git</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_checkout'>checkout</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_release'>release</span></code></pre>
<p>runs the Fairmondo setup script</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_ruby'>ruby</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_setup'>setup</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_rb'>rb</span></code></pre>

<h3>Fairmondo Project Setup (manually)</h3>

<p>If the automated script doesn't work for you, try going through these steps
one by one:</p>
<p>Set up a local git repository</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">git clone git@github.com:fairmondo/fairmondo.git
cd fairmondo/</code></pre>
<p>Install required gems (preface with rvmsudo if you are using rvm)</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_bundle'>bundle</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_install'>install</span></code></pre>
<p>set up local files and change the setup data if you want</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">cp config/environments/development.example.rb config/environments/development.rb
cp config/initializers/secret_token.example config/initializers/secret_token.rb</code></pre>
<p>migrate and seed</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">rake db:create &amp;&amp; rake db:migrate &amp;&amp; rake db:seed &amp;&amp; rake db:test:prepare</code></pre>
<p>if you would like to test the mailer, please open the copied file and
update it according to your testing mail server</p>
<p>you may like to adopt the config/database.yml according to your wishes</p>
<p>to use the recaptcha you have to add your keys in the api.yml. You can get
the keys at <a
<p>start rails and have fun</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_rails'>rails</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_s'>s</span></code></pre>

<h3>Known Issues</h3>
<p>Could not find pg-0.15.1 in any of the sources</p>

<p>If you have an error like</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">...
rake aborted!
Could not find pg-0.15.1 in any of the sources

<p>Install the Postgres Library:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">sudo apt-get install libpq-dev</code></pre>

<p>Run Bundler</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_bundle'>bundle</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_install'>install</span></code></pre>
<p>(Mac) Invalid gemspec [...ZenTest-4.9.1.gemspec]</p>

<p>If bundler constantly complains about an invalid ZenTest gemspec, run the

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">gem uninstall ZenTest
rm [path to the ZenTest-4.9.1.gemspec it gave you in the error message]
gem update --system


<p>To run the tests: if you haven't already, prepare the testing database</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">rake db:test:prepare</code></pre>

<p>Then run the tests</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_rspec'>rspec</span></code></pre>

<p>Run an automated test tab with</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_autotest'>autotest</span></code></pre>

<p>If you update your branch from before, you may have to migrate the test

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>RAILS_ENV</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_test'>test</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_rake'>rake</span> <span class='label'>db:</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_migrate'>migrate</span></code></pre>

here</a> to read more about testing in our wiki.</p>


<p>If you want to help out with programming new features or fixing bugs,
please consider the following guidelines:</p>
<p>If you do no have direct access to our github repository, you can fork it,
make changes on your forked repo, and then submit a pull request</p>
<p>If you have access to our repository, please create a new git branch before
making changes when coding a larger feature</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_git'>git</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_branch'>branch</span> <span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_featurename'>featurename</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span></code></pre>
<p>We use BDD (Behavior Driven Development). Please read our <a
page on the subject</a>.</p>
<p>When finished with a task:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">git add [corresponding files OR simply . for everything]
git commit -m &quot;[description]&quot;
git push</code></pre>
<p>If you created a new branch for a larger feature, you need to merge the
changes after you are finished:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">git checkout master
git merge [featurename] master
[you might need to resolve merge conflicts]
git commit
git push</code></pre>

<p>Hint: When a vim window opened after you typed "git commit" without a
commit message, you can save the default message by simply typing ":wq" and
pressing enter.</p>

<h3>Run Solr Server</h3>

<p>To avoid having the search not available in your local environment, run</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">script/delayed_job start
rake sunspot:solr:start</code></pre>

<p>For more information visit our wiki.</p>


<p>Share the idea, take part at <a
href="http://www.fairmondo.de">www.fairmondo.de</a>/ and make the world a
better place!</p>

<p>Regarding the source, there are two ways to contribute.</p>
<p>Report a bug?</p>
<p>Just use the github issue tracker.</p>
<p>Want to help out and join feature development?</p>
<p>Send us an email at <a
href="mailto:email@fairmondo.de">email@fairmondo.de</a> and work with us
to make the world a better place</p>
<p>or make a github account and click on the button called "Fork" in the upper
right corner of <a href="https://github.com/fairmondo/fairmondo">our
repository</a>. Then code a few cool features, commit and push your
changes, and submit a "Pull Request" so we can implement your work.</p>

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