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# DataCamp

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Datacamp is a Web application for publishing, searching and managing data
in form of datasets.


foreman start

This project uses environment variables for configuration. See the `.env` file to see what is available. If you need to override some variable for development and that change is specific to your machine and should not concern other developers, create a `.env.local` file and add the variable there. `.env.local` is gitignored by default.

## [TECHNICAL DOCS](doc/tech_doc.md)


1. Provision a server using the provided ansible scripts.

2. On the server, set up application environment in `.bashrc`. Start by copying
   all variables from `.env` and change them as needed. It is important that

   - the variables are exported to subprocesses, i.e., (unlike in `.env`) start
     each line with export. For example `export DATANEST_MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass`.
   - the exports are placed at the very top of the `.bashrc` file, before the
     check that skips loading the rest of the file in non-interactive session
     (that means both capistrano and passenger)

      # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
      # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
      # for examples
      export DATANEST_MYSQL_HOST=localhost
      export DATANEST_MYSQL_PORT=3306
      # [more exports ...]
      # If not running interactively, don't do anything
      case $- in
          *i*) ;;
            *) return;;
      # [rest of the .bashrc]

3. For the first time, run `cap production deploy:cold`. This will create
   databases and import schemas. This should only be called once and in the
   first deploy. Otherwise run `cap production deploy`.

4. Optionally, to import database dumps, first download them on your
   development machine and run `cap production deploy:import_dump
   DUMP=path/to/datanest_data_dump.sql.gz`. The file will be gzipped
   automatically if not already. Make sure that the dump name start with
   `datanest_$DB` as the name format is used to extract the database name.

Thinking sphinx server is automatically started (and reindexed) on deploy *if it is not running already*. If you need to change configuration or restart the server, do so manually via the `thinking_sphinx` capistrano tasks. Run `cap -T thinking_sphinx` to see what is available. Note that sphinx will be automatically stoped and started again for things like reindexing or reconfiguration, causing a brief search downtime.

Sphinx indices are rebuilt periodically in a cron job defined in `config/schedule.rb` (causing a search downtime).

(see COPYING file for full license text)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


* Michal Olah <olahmichal(at)gmail.com> - main application programming
* Stefan Urbanek <stefan@knowerce.sk> - architecture design, back-end programming
* Vojto Rinik <vojto@rinik.net> - application programming
* and [contributors](https://github.com/fairplaysk/datacamp/graphs/contributors)