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      %a.abort{href: '#', data: {show_license_abort: true}}
      %h1 You are about to download dataset
      %h1.dataset-name{'data-license-var-dataset': ''}
      %p Dataset will be downloaded in <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values" target="_blank">CSV format</a>, you can open it, for example, using MS Excel.
        When using the data, please mind the
        =link_to 'License Terms', page_path('copyright')
        and the
        =link_to 'Terms of Service', page_path('terms_of_service')
        You may download the data, edit them and use them further commercially
        or non-commercially. However, please, always quote the source -
        Fair-Play Alliance Datanest - and let us know if the data were useful
        to you or how you used them at <a href="mailto:datanest@fair-play.sk">datanest@fair-play.sk</a>.
      %p Since you are not logged on to Datanest, we would like to ask you for
      basic information about you. Providing this information is optional, but
      it will help us to improve the site in the future.
        %label{for: 'entry.435374113'}
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          %option Analyst
          %option Journalist
          %option Designer
          %option Programmer
          %option Entrepreneur
          %option Student
          %option Manager in commercial sphere
          %option Manager in Nnon-commercial sphere
          %option Government official
          %option Politician
          %option Police officer
          %option Marketer
          %option Auditor
          %option Economist
          %option Other
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