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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
    Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Famibee (famibee.blog38.fc2.com)

    This software is released under the MIT License.
** ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

import {Container, Text, Rectangle, Texture, TextStyle, Sprite, Graphics, IDestroyOptions} from 'pixi.js';
import {uint, IEvtMng, argChk_Boolean, argChk_Num, CmnLib, mesErrJSON} from './CmnLib';
import {HArg} from './Grammar';
import {SpritesMng} from './SpritesMng';
import {Layer} from './Layer';
import {Config} from './Config';
import {IMakeDesignCast} from './LayerMng';
import {DesignCast, TxtBtnDesignCast, PicBtnDesignCast} from './DesignCast';

export class Button extends Container {
    static    fontFamily    = "'Hiragino Sans', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN', '游ゴシック Medium', meiryo, sans-serif";
    static    #procMasume4txt = (_me: Button, _txt: Text)=> {};
    static    #procMasume4pic = (_me: Button, _sp: Sprite, _w3: number, _h: number)=> {};
    static    init(cfg: Config) {
        if (! cfg.oCfg.debug.masume) return;

        Button.#procMasume4txt = (me, txt)=> me.addChild(
            (new Graphics)
            .beginFill(0x883388, 0.2)
            .lineStyle(1, 0x883388, 1)
            .drawRect(txt.x, txt.y, txt.width, txt.height)
        Button.#procMasume4pic = (me, sp, w3, h)=> me.addChild(
            (new Graphics)
            .beginFill(0x883388, 0.2)
            .lineStyle(1, 0x883388, 1)
            .drawRect(sp.x, sp.y, w3, h)

    setText(_text: string) {}
    getBtnBounds = ()=> this.#rctBtnTxt;
        // 文字ボタンは背景画像を含まない位置指定なので、その当たり判定用
    #rctBtnTxt    = new Rectangle;

    #sps        = new SpritesMng;

    #idc        : DesignCast;
    readonly    #o    : {
        type    : 'pic'|'text';
        enabled    : boolean;
        x        : number;
        y        : number;
        rotation: number;
            // flash : rotation is in degrees.
            // pixijs: rotation is in radians, angle is in degrees.
        pivot_x    : number;
        pivot_y    : number;
        scale_x    : number;
        scale_y    : number;
        alpha    : number;
        text    : string;
        b_pic    : string;
        width    : number;
        height    : number;

    constructor(private readonly hArg: HArg, readonly evtMng: IEvtMng, readonly resolve: ()=> void, private readonly canFocus: ()=> boolean) {

        if (CmnLib.isDbg) {
            this.makeDesignCast = gdc=> gdc(this.#idc);
            this.cvsResize = ()=> this.#idc.cvsResize();

        this.#o = {
            type    : 'pic',
            enabled    : argChk_Boolean(hArg, 'enabled', true),
            x        : this.x = uint(hArg.left ?? 0),
            y        : this.y = uint(hArg.top ?? 0),
            rotation: this.angle = argChk_Num(hArg, 'rotation', this.angle),
                // flash : rotation is in degrees.
                // pixijs: rotation is in radians, angle is in degrees.
            pivot_x    : this.pivot.x = argChk_Num(hArg, 'pivot_x', this.pivot.x),
            pivot_y    : this.pivot.y = argChk_Num(hArg, 'pivot_y', this.pivot.y),
            scale_x    : this.scale.x = argChk_Num(hArg, 'scale_x', this.scale.x),
            scale_y    : this.scale.y = argChk_Num(hArg, 'scale_y', this.scale.y),
            alpha    : 1,
            text    : '',
            b_pic    : '',
            width    : 0,
            height    : 0,
        this.getBtnBounds = ()=> {
            this.#rctBtnTxt.x = this.#o.x;
            this.#rctBtnTxt.y = this.#o.y;
            return this.#rctBtnTxt;

        if (this.#o.enabled) evtMng.button(this.hArg, this, ()=> this.normal(), ()=> this.#hover(), ()=> this.#clicked());    // あとで差し替えるのでアロー必須

        // == 画像から生成
        if (hArg.pic) {
            this.#o.type = 'pic';    // dump用
            this.#idc = new PicBtnDesignCast(this, hArg);

            this.#sps = new SpritesMng(
                sp=> {
                    this.#rctBtnTxt.width  = sp.width  * this.#o.scale_x;
                    this.#rctBtnTxt.height = sp.height * this.#o.scale_y;
                _isStop=> resolve,
        if (! hArg.text) throw 'textまたはpic属性は必須です';

        // == 文字列から生成
        const height = argChk_Num(hArg, 'height', 30);
        const style = new TextStyle({
            align        : 'center',
            dropShadow    : true,
            dropShadowAlpha    : 0.7,
            dropShadowColor    : 'white',
            dropShadowBlur    : 7,
            dropShadowDistance    : 0,
            fill        : this.#o.enabled ?'black' :'gray',
            fontFamily    : Button.fontFamily,
            fontSize    : height,
            padding        : 5,
        if (hArg.style) try {
            const o = JSON.parse(hArg.style);
            for (const [nm, v] of Object.entries(o)) (style as any)[nm] = v;
        //    style = {...style, ...JSON.parse(hArg.style)};    // 上手くいかない
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error(mesErrJSON(hArg, 'style', e.message));

        const txt = new Text(hArg.text ?? '', style);
        txt.alpha = argChk_Num(hArg, 'alpha', txt.alpha);    // 上にまとめない
        txt.width = argChk_Num(hArg, 'width', 100);
        txt.height = hArg.height = height;
        this.setText = text=> txt.text = text;

        this.#o.type = 'text';    // dump用
        this.#o = {...this.#o, ...style};
        this.#o.alpha = txt.alpha;
        this.#o.text = txt.text;
        this.#o.width = txt.width;
        this.#o.height = txt.height;
        this.#idc = new TxtBtnDesignCast(this, hArg, txt);

        let isStop = false;
        this.#o.width = this.width;
        this.#o.height = this.height;
        if (hArg.b_pic) {
            this.#o.b_pic = hArg.b_pic;
            this.#sps = new SpritesMng(
                sp=> {
                    this.#loaded_b_pic(sp, txt);
                    this.#o.width = this.width;
                    this.#o.height = this.height;
                isStop=> {
                    Layer.setBlendmode(this, hArg);
                    if (isStop) resolve();
            isStop = this.#sps.ret;
        txt.name = JSON.stringify(this.#o);

        this.#rctBtnTxt.width = txt.width;    // addChild()後に取得すること
        this.#rctBtnTxt.height = txt.height;
    //x    this.#rctBtnTxt = txt.getBounds();    // 上手くいかない

        if (! hArg.b_pic) Layer.setBlendmode(this, hArg);    // 重なり順でここ
        Button.#procMasume4txt(this, txt);
        if (! this.#o.enabled) {if (! isStop) resolve(); return}

        const style_hover = style.clone();
        if (hArg.style_hover) try {
            const o = JSON.parse(hArg.style_hover);
            for (const [nm, v] of Object.entries(o)) (style_hover as any)[nm] = v;
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error(mesErrJSON(hArg, 'style_hover', e.message));
        else style_hover.fill = 'white';

        const style_clicked = style_hover.clone();
        if (hArg.style_clicked) try {
            const o = JSON.parse(hArg.style_clicked);
            for (const [nm, v] of Object.entries(o)) (style_clicked as any)[nm] = v;
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error(mesErrJSON(hArg, 'style_clicked', e.message));
        else style_clicked.dropShadow = false;

        this.normal = ()=> txt.style = style;
        this.#hover = ()=> {
            if (! canFocus()) return false;
            txt.style = style_hover;
            return true;
        this.#clicked = ()=> txt.style = style_clicked;

        if (! isStop) resolve();

    override    destroy(_options?: IDestroyOptions | boolean): void {

    makeDesignCast(_gdc: IMakeDesignCast) {}
    showDesignCast() {this.#idc.visible = true}
    cvsResize() {}

    #loaded_b_pic(sp: Sprite, txt: Text) {
        this.setChildIndex(sp, 0);
        sp.alpha = txt.alpha;
            txt.x, txt.y,
            1, 1, txt.rotation, 0, 0,
            (sp.width -txt.width) /2,
            (sp.height -txt.height) /2,

        sp.name = txt.name;

    normal        : ()=> void        = ()=> {};
    #hover        : ()=> boolean    = ()=> false;
    #clicked    : ()=> void        = ()=> {};
    #loaded_pic(sp: Sprite) {
        this.#o.alpha = sp.alpha = argChk_Num(this.hArg, 'alpha', sp.alpha);

        const w_3 = sp.width /3;
        const w = this.#o.enabled ?w_3 :sp.width;
        const h = sp.height;
        const tx = sp.texture.baseTexture;
        const txNormal = new Texture(tx, new Rectangle(0, 0, w_3, h));
        const txClicked = new Texture(tx, new Rectangle(w_3, 0, w_3, h));
        const txHover = new Texture(tx, new Rectangle(w_3 *2, 0, w_3, h));
        const normal = ()=> sp.texture = txNormal;
        if (this.#o.enabled) normal();

        this.normal    = normal;
        this.#hover        = ()=> {
            if (! this.canFocus()) return false;
            sp.texture = txHover;
            return true;
        this.#clicked    = ()=> sp.texture = txClicked;

        if ('width' in this.hArg) {
            this.#o.width = uint(this.hArg.width);
            this.scale.x *= this.#o.width /w;
        else this.#o.width = w;
        if ('height' in this.hArg) {
            this.#o.height = uint(this.hArg.height);
            this.scale.y *= this.#o.height /h;
        else this.#o.height = h;
        sp.name = JSON.stringify(this.#o);    // dump用

        Button.#procMasume4pic(this, sp, w, h);
