
Test Coverage
Contributing to the HOP
You are welcome to submit a contribution for review and possible inclusion in the HOP but, before it will be accepted, we ask that you follow these simple steps:

1) Open an issue here on GitHub. If you can, please provide a fix and create a pull request (PR) instead; this will automatically create an issue for you so you do not have to create an issue if you are creating a pull request.

2) When filing an issue or opening a PR, please include a clear title and description. The title should be a short summary of an issue and, if possible, should include a reference to an open issue. For example, `Invalid reference in Inputs class (Ref #1234)` would be sufficient. All issues and PRs should include a description with as much detail as possible. 

If it is a PR, include what the issue is, what the PR is addressing, testing instructions and environmental information (Node.js version, TypeScript version, and other data) in case the issue is specific to certain environments. If additional information is needed, please be prepared to provide it as our community members review your submission.