

6 days
Test Coverage
 * Template7 1.4.1
 * Mobile-first HTML template engine
 * Copyright 2019, Vladimir Kharlampidi
 * The
 * Licensed under MIT
 * Released on: February 5, 2019

(function (global, factory) {
  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
  (global = global || self, global.Template7 = factory());
}(this, function () { 'use strict';

  var t7ctx;
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    t7ctx = window;
  } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
    t7ctx = global;
  } else {
    t7ctx = undefined;

  var Template7Context = t7ctx;

  var Template7Utils = {
    quoteSingleRexExp: new RegExp('\'', 'g'),
    quoteDoubleRexExp: new RegExp('"', 'g'),
    isFunction: function isFunction(func) {
      return typeof func === 'function';
    escape: function escape(string) {
      if ( string === void 0 ) string = '';

      return string
        .replace(/&/g, '&')
        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
        .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
        .replace(/'/g, '&#039;');
    helperToSlices: function helperToSlices(string) {
      var quoteDoubleRexExp = Template7Utils.quoteDoubleRexExp;
      var quoteSingleRexExp = Template7Utils.quoteSingleRexExp;
      var helperParts = string.replace(/[{}#}]/g, '').trim().split(' ');
      var slices = [];
      var shiftIndex;
      var i;
      var j;
      for (i = 0; i < helperParts.length; i += 1) {
        var part = helperParts[i];
        var blockQuoteRegExp = (void 0);
        var openingQuote = (void 0);
        if (i === 0) { slices.push(part); }
        else if (part.indexOf('"') === 0 || part.indexOf('\'') === 0) {
          blockQuoteRegExp = part.indexOf('"') === 0 ? quoteDoubleRexExp : quoteSingleRexExp;
          openingQuote = part.indexOf('"') === 0 ? '"' : '\'';
          // Plain String
          if (part.match(blockQuoteRegExp).length === 2) {
            // One word string
          } else {
            // Find closed Index
            shiftIndex = 0;
            for (j = i + 1; j < helperParts.length; j += 1) {
              part += " " + (helperParts[j]);
              if (helperParts[j].indexOf(openingQuote) >= 0) {
                shiftIndex = j;
            if (shiftIndex) { i = shiftIndex; }
        } else if (part.indexOf('=') > 0) {
          // Hash
          var hashParts = part.split('=');
          var hashName = hashParts[0];
          var hashContent = hashParts[1];
          if (!blockQuoteRegExp) {
            blockQuoteRegExp = hashContent.indexOf('"') === 0 ? quoteDoubleRexExp : quoteSingleRexExp;
            openingQuote = hashContent.indexOf('"') === 0 ? '"' : '\'';
          if (hashContent.match(blockQuoteRegExp).length !== 2) {
            shiftIndex = 0;
            for (j = i + 1; j < helperParts.length; j += 1) {
              hashContent += " " + (helperParts[j]);
              if (helperParts[j].indexOf(openingQuote) >= 0) {
                shiftIndex = j;
            if (shiftIndex) { i = shiftIndex; }
          var hash = [hashName, hashContent.replace(blockQuoteRegExp, '')];
        } else {
          // Plain variable
      return slices;
    stringToBlocks: function stringToBlocks(string) {
      var blocks = [];
      var i;
      var j;
      if (!string) { return []; }
      var stringBlocks = string.split(/({{[^{^}]*}})/);
      for (i = 0; i < stringBlocks.length; i += 1) {
        var block = stringBlocks[i];
        if (block === '') { continue; }
        if (block.indexOf('{{') < 0) {
            type: 'plain',
            content: block,
        } else {
          if (block.indexOf('{/') >= 0) {
          block = block
            .replace(/{{([#/])*([ ])*/, '{{$1')
            .replace(/([ ])*}}/, '}}');
          if (block.indexOf('{#') < 0 && block.indexOf(' ') < 0 && block.indexOf('else') < 0) {
            // Simple variable
              type: 'variable',
              contextName: block.replace(/[{}]/g, ''),
          // Helpers
          var helperSlices = Template7Utils.helperToSlices(block);
          var helperName = helperSlices[0];
          var isPartial = helperName === '>';
          var helperContext = [];
          var helperHash = {};
          for (j = 1; j < helperSlices.length; j += 1) {
            var slice = helperSlices[j];
            if (Array.isArray(slice)) {
              // Hash
              helperHash[slice[0]] = slice[1] === 'false' ? false : slice[1];
            } else {

          if (block.indexOf('{#') >= 0) {
            // Condition/Helper
            var helperContent = '';
            var elseContent = '';
            var toSkip = 0;
            var shiftIndex = (void 0);
            var foundClosed = false;
            var foundElse = false;
            var depth = 0;
            for (j = i + 1; j < stringBlocks.length; j += 1) {
              if (stringBlocks[j].indexOf('{{#') >= 0) {
                depth += 1;
              if (stringBlocks[j].indexOf('{{/') >= 0) {
                depth -= 1;
              if (stringBlocks[j].indexOf(("{{#" + helperName)) >= 0) {
                helperContent += stringBlocks[j];
                if (foundElse) { elseContent += stringBlocks[j]; }
                toSkip += 1;
              } else if (stringBlocks[j].indexOf(("{{/" + helperName)) >= 0) {
                if (toSkip > 0) {
                  toSkip -= 1;
                  helperContent += stringBlocks[j];
                  if (foundElse) { elseContent += stringBlocks[j]; }
                } else {
                  shiftIndex = j;
                  foundClosed = true;
              } else if (stringBlocks[j].indexOf('else') >= 0 && depth === 0) {
                foundElse = true;
              } else {
                if (!foundElse) { helperContent += stringBlocks[j]; }
                if (foundElse) { elseContent += stringBlocks[j]; }
            if (foundClosed) {
              if (shiftIndex) { i = shiftIndex; }
              if (helperName === 'raw') {
                  type: 'plain',
                  content: helperContent,
              } else {
                  type: 'helper',
                  helperName: helperName,
                  contextName: helperContext,
                  content: helperContent,
                  inverseContent: elseContent,
                  hash: helperHash,
          } else if (block.indexOf(' ') > 0) {
            if (isPartial) {
              helperName = '_partial';
              if (helperContext[0]) {
                if (helperContext[0].indexOf('[') === 0) { helperContext[0] = helperContext[0].replace(/[[\]]/g, ''); }
                else { helperContext[0] = "\"" + (helperContext[0].replace(/"|'/g, '')) + "\""; }
              type: 'helper',
              helperName: helperName,
              contextName: helperContext,
              hash: helperHash,
      return blocks;
    parseJsVariable: function parseJsVariable(expression, replace, object) {
      return expression.split(/([+ \-*/^()&=|<>!%:?])/g).reduce(function (arr, part) {
        if (!part) {
          return arr;
        if (part.indexOf(replace) < 0) {
          return arr;
        if (!object) {
          return arr;

        var variable = object;
        if (part.indexOf((replace + ".")) >= 0) {
          part.split((replace + "."))[1].split('.').forEach(function (partName) {
            if (partName in variable) { variable = variable[partName]; }
            else { variable = undefined; }
        if (typeof variable === 'string') {
          variable = JSON.stringify(variable);
        if (variable === undefined) { variable = 'undefined'; }

        return arr;
      }, []).join('');
    parseJsParents: function parseJsParents(expression, parents) {
      return expression.split(/([+ \-*^()&=|<>!%:?])/g).reduce(function (arr, part) {
        if (!part) {
          return arr;

        if (part.indexOf('../') < 0) {
          return arr;

        if (!parents || parents.length === 0) {
          return arr;

        var levelsUp = part.split('../').length - 1;
        var parentData = levelsUp > parents.length ? parents[parents.length - 1] : parents[levelsUp - 1];

        var variable = parentData;
        var parentPart = part.replace(/..\//g, '');
        parentPart.split('.').forEach(function (partName) {
          if (typeof variable[partName] !== 'undefined') { variable = variable[partName]; }
          else { variable = 'undefined'; }
        if (variable === false || variable === true) {
          return arr;
        if (variable === null || variable === 'undefined') {
          return arr;
        return arr;
      }, []).join('');
    getCompileVar: function getCompileVar(name, ctx, data) {
      if ( data === void 0 ) data = 'data_1';

      var variable = ctx;
      var parts;
      var levelsUp = 0;
      var newDepth;
      if (name.indexOf('../') === 0) {
        levelsUp = name.split('../').length - 1;
        newDepth = variable.split('_')[1] - levelsUp;
        variable = "ctx_" + (newDepth >= 1 ? newDepth : 1);
        parts = name.split('../')[levelsUp].split('.');
      } else if (name.indexOf('@global') === 0) {
        variable = '';
        parts = name.split('@global.')[1].split('.');
      } else if (name.indexOf('@root') === 0) {
        variable = 'root';
        parts = name.split('@root.')[1].split('.');
      } else {
        parts = name.split('.');
      for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
        var part = parts[i];
        if (part.indexOf('@') === 0) {
          var dataLevel = data.split('_')[1];
          if (levelsUp > 0) {
            dataLevel = newDepth;
          if (i > 0) {
            variable += "[(data_" + dataLevel + " && data_" + dataLevel + "." + (part.replace('@', '')) + ")]";
          } else {
            variable = "(data_" + dataLevel + " && data_" + dataLevel + "." + (part.replace('@', '')) + ")";
        } else if (Number.isFinite ? Number.isFinite(part) : Template7Context.isFinite(part)) {
          variable += "[" + part + "]";
        } else if (part === 'this' || part.indexOf('this.') >= 0 || part.indexOf('this[') >= 0 || part.indexOf('this(') >= 0) {
          variable = part.replace('this', ctx);
        } else {
          variable += "." + part;
      return variable;
    getCompiledArguments: function getCompiledArguments(contextArray, ctx, data) {
      var arr = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < contextArray.length; i += 1) {
        if (/^['"]/.test(contextArray[i])) { arr.push(contextArray[i]); }
        else if (/^(true|false|\d+)$/.test(contextArray[i])) { arr.push(contextArray[i]); }
        else {
          arr.push(Template7Utils.getCompileVar(contextArray[i], ctx, data));

      return arr.join(', ');

  /* eslint no-eval: "off" */

  var Template7Helpers = {
    _partial: function _partial(partialName, options) {
      var ctx = this;
      var p = Template7Class.partials[partialName];
      if (!p || (p && !p.template)) { return ''; }
      if (!p.compiled) {
        p.compiled = new Template7Class(p.template).compile();
      Object.keys(options.hash).forEach(function (hashName) {
        ctx[hashName] = options.hash[hashName];
      return p.compiled(ctx,, options.root);
    escape: function escape(context) {
      if (typeof context !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('Template7: Passed context to "escape" helper should be a string');
      return Template7Utils.escape(context);
    if: function if$1(context, options) {
      var ctx = context;
      if (Template7Utils.isFunction(ctx)) { ctx =; }
      if (ctx) {
        return options.fn(this,;

      return options.inverse(this,;
    unless: function unless(context, options) {
      var ctx = context;
      if (Template7Utils.isFunction(ctx)) { ctx =; }
      if (!ctx) {
        return options.fn(this,;

      return options.inverse(this,;
    each: function each(context, options) {
      var ctx = context;
      var ret = '';
      var i = 0;
      if (Template7Utils.isFunction(ctx)) { ctx =; }
      if (Array.isArray(ctx)) {
        if (options.hash.reverse) {
          ctx = ctx.reverse();
        for (i = 0; i < ctx.length; i += 1) {
          ret += options.fn(ctx[i], { first: i === 0, last: i === ctx.length - 1, index: i });
        if (options.hash.reverse) {
          ctx = ctx.reverse();
      } else {
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        for (var key in ctx) {
          i += 1;
          ret += options.fn(ctx[key], { key: key });
      if (i > 0) { return ret; }
      return options.inverse(this);
    with: function with$1(context, options) {
      var ctx = context;
      if (Template7Utils.isFunction(ctx)) { ctx =; }
      return options.fn(ctx);
    join: function join(context, options) {
      var ctx = context;
      if (Template7Utils.isFunction(ctx)) { ctx =; }
      return ctx.join(options.hash.delimiter || options.hash.delimeter);
    js: function js(expression, options) {
      var data =;
      var func;
      var execute = expression;
      ('index first last key').split(' ').forEach(function (prop) {
        if (typeof data[prop] !== 'undefined') {
          var re1 = new RegExp(("this.@" + prop), 'g');
          var re2 = new RegExp(("@" + prop), 'g');
          execute = execute
            .replace(re1, JSON.stringify(data[prop]))
            .replace(re2, JSON.stringify(data[prop]));
      if (options.root && execute.indexOf('@root') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsVariable(execute, '@root', options.root);
      if (execute.indexOf('@global') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsVariable(execute, '@global',;
      if (execute.indexOf('../') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsParents(execute, options.parents);
      if (execute.indexOf('return') >= 0) {
        func = "(function(){" + execute + "})";
      } else {
        func = "(function(){return (" + execute + ")})";
      return eval(func).call(this);
    js_if: function js_if(expression, options) {
      var data =;
      var func;
      var execute = expression;
      ('index first last key').split(' ').forEach(function (prop) {
        if (typeof data[prop] !== 'undefined') {
          var re1 = new RegExp(("this.@" + prop), 'g');
          var re2 = new RegExp(("@" + prop), 'g');
          execute = execute
            .replace(re1, JSON.stringify(data[prop]))
            .replace(re2, JSON.stringify(data[prop]));
      if (options.root && execute.indexOf('@root') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsVariable(execute, '@root', options.root);
      if (execute.indexOf('@global') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsVariable(execute, '@global',;
      if (execute.indexOf('../') >= 0) {
        execute = Template7Utils.parseJsParents(execute, options.parents);
      if (execute.indexOf('return') >= 0) {
        func = "(function(){" + execute + "})";
      } else {
        func = "(function(){return (" + execute + ")})";
      var condition = eval(func).call(this);
      if (condition) {
        return options.fn(this,;

      return options.inverse(this,;
  Template7Helpers.js_compare = Template7Helpers.js_if;

  var Template7Options = {};
  var Template7Partials = {};

  var Template7Class = function Template7Class(template) {
    var t = this;
    t.template = template;

  var staticAccessors = { options: { configurable: true },partials: { configurable: true },helpers: { configurable: true } };
  Template7Class.prototype.compile = function compile (template, depth) {
      if ( template === void 0 ) template = this.template;
      if ( depth === void 0 ) depth = 1;

    var t = this;
    if (t.compiled) { return t.compiled; }

    if (typeof template !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Template7: Template must be a string');
    var stringToBlocks = Template7Utils.stringToBlocks;
      var getCompileVar = Template7Utils.getCompileVar;
      var getCompiledArguments = Template7Utils.getCompiledArguments;

    var blocks = stringToBlocks(template);
    var ctx = "ctx_" + depth;
    var data = "data_" + depth;
    if (blocks.length === 0) {
      return function empty() { return ''; };

    function getCompileFn(block, newDepth) {
      if (block.content) { return t.compile(block.content, newDepth); }
      return function empty() { return ''; };
    function getCompileInverse(block, newDepth) {
      if (block.inverseContent) { return t.compile(block.inverseContent, newDepth); }
      return function empty() { return ''; };

    var resultString = '';
    if (depth === 1) {
      resultString += "(function (" + ctx + ", " + data + ", root) {\n";
    } else {
      resultString += "(function (" + ctx + ", " + data + ") {\n";
    if (depth === 1) {
      resultString += 'function isArray(arr){return Array.isArray(arr);}\n';
      resultString += 'function isFunction(func){return (typeof func === \'function\');}\n';
      resultString += 'function c(val, ctx) {if (typeof val !== "undefined" && val !== null) {if (isFunction(val)) {return;} else return val;} else return "";}\n';
      resultString += 'root = root || ctx_1 || {};\n';
    resultString += 'var r = \'\';\n';
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i += 1) {
      var block = blocks[i];
      // Plain block
      if (block.type === 'plain') {
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        resultString += "r +='" + ((block.content).replace(/\r/g, '\\r').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, '\\' + '\'')) + "';";
      var variable = (void 0);
      var compiledArguments = (void 0);
      // Variable block
      if (block.type === 'variable') {
        variable = getCompileVar(block.contextName, ctx, data);
        resultString += "r += c(" + variable + ", " + ctx + ");";
      // Helpers block
      if (block.type === 'helper') {
        var parents = (void 0);
        if (ctx !== 'ctx_1') {
          var level = ctx.split('_')[1];
          var parentsString = "ctx_" + (level - 1);
          for (var j = level - 2; j >= 1; j -= 1) {
            parentsString += ", ctx_" + j;
          parents = "[" + parentsString + "]";
        } else {
          parents = "[" + ctx + "]";
        var dynamicHelper = (void 0);
        if (block.helperName.indexOf('[') === 0) {
          block.helperName = getCompileVar(block.helperName.replace(/[[\]]/g, ''), ctx, data);
          dynamicHelper = true;
        if (dynamicHelper || block.helperName in Template7Helpers) {
          compiledArguments = getCompiledArguments(block.contextName, ctx, data);
          resultString += "r += (Template7Helpers" + (dynamicHelper ? ("[" + (block.helperName) + "]") : ("." + (block.helperName))) + ").call(" + ctx + ", " + (compiledArguments && ((compiledArguments + ", "))) + "{hash:" + (JSON.stringify(block.hash)) + ", data: " + data + " || {}, fn: " + (getCompileFn(block, depth + 1)) + ", inverse: " + (getCompileInverse(block, depth + 1)) + ", root: root, parents: " + parents + "});";
        } else if (block.contextName.length > 0) {
          throw new Error(("Template7: Missing helper: \"" + (block.helperName) + "\""));
        } else {
          variable = getCompileVar(block.helperName, ctx, data);
          resultString += "if (" + variable + ") {";
          resultString += "if (isArray(" + variable + ")) {";
          resultString += "r += (Template7Helpers.each).call(" + ctx + ", " + variable + ", {hash:" + (JSON.stringify(block.hash)) + ", data: " + data + " || {}, fn: " + (getCompileFn(block, depth + 1)) + ", inverse: " + (getCompileInverse(block, depth + 1)) + ", root: root, parents: " + parents + "});";
          resultString += '}else {';
          resultString += "r += (Template7Helpers.with).call(" + ctx + ", " + variable + ", {hash:" + (JSON.stringify(block.hash)) + ", data: " + data + " || {}, fn: " + (getCompileFn(block, depth + 1)) + ", inverse: " + (getCompileInverse(block, depth + 1)) + ", root: root, parents: " + parents + "});";
          resultString += '}}';
    resultString += '\nreturn r;})';

    if (depth === 1) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      t.compiled = eval(resultString);
      return t.compiled;
    return resultString;
  staticAccessors.options.get = function () {
    return Template7Options;
  staticAccessors.partials.get = function () {
    return Template7Partials;
  staticAccessors.helpers.get = function () {
    return Template7Helpers;

  Object.defineProperties( Template7Class, staticAccessors );

  function Template7() {
    var args = [], len = arguments.length;
    while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];

    var template = args[0];
    var data = args[1];
    if (args.length === 2) {
      var instance = new Template7Class(template);
      var rendered = instance.compile()(data);
      instance = null;
      return (rendered);
    return new Template7Class(template);
  Template7.registerHelper = function registerHelper(name, fn) {
    Template7Class.helpers[name] = fn;
  Template7.unregisterHelper = function unregisterHelper(name) {
    Template7Class.helpers[name] = undefined;
    delete Template7Class.helpers[name];
  Template7.registerPartial = function registerPartial(name, template) {
    Template7Class.partials[name] = { template: template };
  Template7.unregisterPartial = function unregisterPartial(name) {
    if (Template7Class.partials[name]) {
      Template7Class.partials[name] = undefined;
      delete Template7Class.partials[name];
  Template7.compile = function compile(template, options) {
    var instance = new Template7Class(template, options);
    return instance.compile();

  Template7.options = Template7Class.options;
  Template7.helpers = Template7Class.helpers;
  Template7.partials = Template7Class.partials;

  return Template7;
