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#config{style: "padding:0 10px;width:95%"}
  %h2{style: "margin-top:0"} Fastladder Settings
  = form_for :save, url: api_config_save_path, html: {id: "config_form", style: "clear: both; width: 100%; display: block;", onreset: "Form.fill(this, app.config); return false;"} do |f|
    .tabs{rel: "tab:config_form>config_basic"} General{rel: "tab:config_form>config_view"} Display{rel: "tab:config_form>config_pin"} Pin{rel: "tab:config_form>config_share"} Share{rel:"tab:config_form>config_detail"} Detail
    #config_container{style: "clear:both; text-align: center;"}
      #config_basic{style: "display:none"}
            %th= link_to "Subscribe to feed", subscribe_path(url: "")
            %td Click 'Add' icon and enter the feed URL.
            %th= link_to "Manage subscription list", "#manage", onclick: "init_manage(); return false;"
            %td Click 'Edit' icon to manage 'My Feeds'.
            %th= link_to "Browser buttons", utility_bookmarklet_path
            %td Add new feeds to your subscription list with an easy-access browser button.

      #config_view{style: "display:none"}
            %th= f.label :current_font, "Font size"
              = f.text_field :current_font, size: 4, name: "current_font"
            %th Sort order
              = f.label :reverse_mode_0 do
                = f.radio_button :reverse_mode, 0, name: "reverse_mode"
                New articles first
              = f.label :reverse_mode_1 do
                = f.radio_button :reverse_mode, 1, name: "reverse_mode"
                Old articles first
            %th Number of 'My Feeds' to show
              %p For shorter loading time, set the limit smaller.
              = f.label :use_limit_subs_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_limit_subs, 1, name: "use_limit_subs"
                Set limit to
                = f.text_field :limit_subs, value: 100, size: 4, name: "limit_subs"
              = f.label :use_limit_subs_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_limit_subs, 0, name: "use_limit_subs"
                Display all
            %th Highlight
              Highlight selected article when using keyboard shortcuts.
              = f.label :use_scroll_hilight_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_scroll_hilight, 1, name: "use_scroll_hilight"
              = f.label :use_scroll_hilight_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_scroll_hilight, 0, name: "use_scroll_hilight"
            %th= f.label :max_view, "Number of new articles per page"
              Number of articles to open when you first click on a feed.
              = f.text_field :max_view, value: 200, name: "max_view", size: 4
              articles (max: 200)
            %th= f.label :items_per_page, "Number of old articles per page" 
              Number of articles to open when you click "older".
              = f.text_field :items_per_page, value: 20, name: "items_per_page", size: 4
              articles (max: 200)
      #config_detail{style: "display:none"}
        %table{width: "100%"}
            %th When to mark a feed as read
                  = f.label :touch_when_onload do
                    = f.radio_button :touch_when, "onload", name: "touch_when"
                    Immediately after loading.
                  = f.label :touch_when_onclose do
                    = f.radio_button :touch_when, "onclose", name: "touch_when"
                    When moving to the next feed.
                  = f.label :touch_when_manual do
                    = f.radio_button :touch_when, "manual", name: "touch_when"
                    When marked as read.
            %th Prefetching
              Set the number of feeds to prefetch
              = f.label :use_prefetch_hack_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_prefetch_hack, 1, name: "use_prefetch_hack"
                = f.text_field :prefetch_num, name: "prefetch_num", size: 2
                items (max: 5)
              = f.label :use_prefetch_hack_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_prefetch_hack, 0, name: "use_prefetch_hack"
                Use default setting
            %th Scroll speed
              Scroll speed when using keyboard shortcuts
              = f.label :use_wait_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_wait, 1, name: "use_wait"
                = f.text_field :wait, value: 200, name: "wait", size: 6
              = f.label :use_wait_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_wait, 0, name: "use_wait"
            %th Scroll control
              Scroll unit (via space key)
              = f.label :scroll_type_page do
                = f.radio_button :scroll_type, "page", name: "scroll_type"
                One screen
              = f.label :scroll_type_half do
                = f.radio_button :scroll_type, "half", name: "scroll_type"
                Half screen
              = f.label :scroll_type_px do
                = f.radio_button :scroll_type, "px", name: "scroll_type"
                = f.text_field :scroll_px, value: 100, name: "scroll_px", size: 6
            %th Automatic update of 'My Feeds'
              = f.label :use_autoreload_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_autoreload, 1, name: "use_autoreload"
                Enable: Reload every 
                = f.text_field :autoreload, name: "autoreload", size: 6
                seconds. (min: 60 secs)
              = f.label :use_autoreload_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_autoreload, 0, name: "use_autoreload"
      #config_pin{style: "display:none"}
        %table{width: "100%"}
            %th Pin backup
              Let Fastladder remember your pin state (up to 100 changes).
              = f.label :use_pinsaver_1 do
                = f.radio_button :use_pinsaver, 1, name: "use_pinsaver"
              = f.label :use_pinsaver_0 do
                = f.radio_button :use_pinsaver, 0, name: "use_pinsaver"
            %th= f.label :max_pin, "Open limitation"
              = f.text_field :max_pin, name: "max_pin", size: 4
              tabs at a time.
            %th Pop-up window
              To open articles with 'Pin' function, please set your browser to allow pop-ups on "#{reader_url}".
              = link_to "Click on this link to test if pop-ups are enabled(3 new windows will open on success).", "#", onclick: "(3).times(function(){}); return false;"
      #config_share{style: "display:none"}
        %table{width: "100%"}
            %td{colspan: "2"}
                To share your subscriptions with others, configure 
                = link_to "Manage Sharing", share_path
            %th Sharing subscriptions
              If you enable sharing, others can read your public subscriptions at "#{user_url(current_member.username)}"
              - if current_member.public
                = link_to "Show public subscriptions", user_path(current_member.username)
              = f.label :member_public_1 do
                = f.radio_button :member_public, 1, name: "member_public", checked: current_member.public
                Enable Sharing
              = f.label :member_public_0 do
                = f.radio_button :member_public, 0, name: "member_public", checked: !current_member.public
                Disable Sharing
            %th Default
              Default setting for new subscriptions
              = f.label :default_public_status_1 do
                = f.radio_button :default_public_status, 1, name: "default_public_status"
              = f.label :default_public_status_0 do
                = f.radio_button :default_public_status, 0, name: "default_public_status"
            %td{style: "text-align: center;"}
              = f.button "Cancel", type: "reset"
              = f.submit "Save"
  %h2 Import / Export Subscription List
      %th{nowrap: true, style: "padding : 0 10px"}
        = link_to "Import", import_path
      %td Import OPML subscription list to Fastladder.
      %th{nowrap: true, style: "padding : 0 10px"}
        = link_to "Export", export_path, download: "export.opml"
      %td Create backup of current subscription list in OPML. Follow the link and select 'Save'.