
Test Coverage
# The order is relevant, most important rule at the bottom
# It is important that every team has write access to the repo
# that's why all ci-related teams are a child team of `@fastlane/Team`
# so they automatically get write access to this repo
# If you introduce a new team, make sure they are also a child-team of
# `@fastlane/Team`

# We don't need a default owner, as it will automatically fallback to
# requiring at least one review

# Multiple owners
.ruby-version       @fastlane/ci-container @fastlane/ci-backend
.pre-commit         @fastlane/ci-container @fastlane/ci-backend @fastlane/ci-frontend
docs/*              @fastlane/ci-backend @fastlane/ci-frontend
Gemfile*            @fastlane/ci-container @fastlane/ci-backend

# Container
docker-compose.yml  @fastlane/ci-container
.dockerignore       @fastlane/ci-container
Dockerfile          @fastlane/ci-container

# Frontend
web/*               @fastlane/ci-frontend
karma.conf.js       @fastlane/ci-frontend
package.json        @fastlane/ci-frontend
tsconfig.json       @fastlane/ci-frontend
tslint.json         @fastlane/ci-frontend
.angular-cli.json   @fastlane/ci-frontend

# Backend
app/*               @fastlane/ci-backend
spec/*              @fastlane/ci-backend
public/*            @fastlane/ci-backend
launch.rb           @fastlane/ci-backend
fastlane_app.rb     @fastlane/ci-backend
.rubocop.yml        @fastlane/ci-backend
fastlane            @fastlane/ci-backend