

Test Coverage
# Environment Variables

## Normal operation focused
During the normal operation of, you'll need a few values. Some values are needed for just the first time setup, while others are required 100% of the time.

`FASTLANE_CI_BASE_URL="https://<myhost.mydomain>"` - Needed so that we can link build output links in your PR statuses back to your ci system, eg:

`FASTLANE_CI_ENCRYPTION_KEY="key"` - Arbitrary key you decide. This will be used for password encryption. **Note: Do not change after selecting a key value, otherwise there will be decoding issues.**

`FASTLANE_CI_BOT_API_TOKEN="token"` - API token used to make contributions from `` to your subscribed projects on behalf of the `` bot user.

`FASTLANE_CI_PASSWORD="password"` - Password of your fastlane CI bot account.

`FASTLANE_CI_REPO_URL=""` - Git URL (https) for the configuration repo you wish the server to use.

`FASTLANE_CI_INITIAL_ONBOARDING_USER_API_TOKEN="token"` - API token used to create and invite the bot user to the `` configuration repository. **Note: needed just for the first startup of**.

## Development focused
`FASTLANE_CI_SKIP_WORKER_LAUNCH` - Don’t launch workers on startup. Useful if you’re debugging UI things or manual processes that don’t need workers.

`FASTLANE_CI_SKIP_RESTARTING_PENDING_WORK` - Skip starting the workers that handle scanning for pending work to be done on startup, eg: don't enque builds for PRs in `pending` status or `open` status.

`FASTLANE_CI_THREAD_DEBUG_MODE` - To help you debug any thread-related problems. It allows all workers to start, but anything requiring continuous scheduling will only be allowed to run 1 time and then it will be killed. Allowing you to pry a worker thread without having to worry about it being run again and interrupting your pry session. It also enables verbose output (like `DEBUG=1`).

`FASTLANE_CI_CLEANUP_OLD_CHECKOUTS` - When server starts up, clear out all the old checkouts that aren't `fastlane-ci-config` projects.

`FASTLANE_CI_DISABLE_PUSHES` - Sometimes we just want to commit and not push to remote. Useful when debugging your ci config using the same config as your production setup.

`FASTLANE_CI_DISABLE_REMOTE_STATUS_UPDATE` - Disable changing the status of a commit on the remote source, e.g. when something fails, don't set GitHub commit to `:failed`. Primarily useful when debugging your ci config when using the same config as your production setup.

`FASTLANE_CI_ERB_CLIENT` - Override the default Angular application and use the `ERB` client instead.

## Tips and tricks
**Here's what @taquitos has in his `.bash_profile`:**

*Working on UI stuff?*


*Working on a challenging worker issue?*

alias cithreaddebug='FASTLANE_CI_SKIP_RESTARTING_PENDING_WORK=1 FASTLANE_CI_THREAD_DEBUG_MODE=1 bundle exec rackup -p 8080 --env development'