

Test Coverage
# Terminology
* __Repo__ - Repository containing the source code (ex. Git Repository)
* __Project__ - An entity which contains the Repo, lane to be run and triggers
* __Build__ - A run/execution of a project.
* __Branch__ - A version control concept where you can make modification upon a snapshot of master.
* __master__ - Usually the default branch of a repo.
* __User Goal__ - A goal that a user has
* __User Story__ - a short description of a feature told from the perspective of a user following the template: _As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >_.
* __User Journey__ - describes the set of steps a user takes to complete a goal or accomplish a task
* __Critical User Journey__ - is a user journey that is either very common, or very important to get right, or both.
* __Use Cases__ - describe a complete interaction between the software and users