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Load the ETOPO1 Earth Relief dataset.
import xarray as xr
from pooch import Decompress

from .registry import REGISTRY

def fetch_etopo1(version, *, load=True, **kwargs):
    Fetch the ETOPO1 global relief model.

    ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface that
    integrates land topography and ocean bathymetry [AmanteEakins2009]_. It's
    available in two versions: "Ice Surface" (top of Antarctic and Greenland
    ice sheets) and "Bedrock" (base of the ice sheets). Each grid is in
    a separate gzipped netCDF file (grid-line registered version). The grids
    are loaded into :class:`xarray.Dataset` objects.

    The vertical datum is sea level and the horizontal reference is the WGS84

    If the files aren't already in your data directory, they will be downloaded
    automatically (which may take a while). Each grid is approximately 380Mb.

    version : str
        Which version of the dataset to load. Can be ``"ice"`` for the ice
        surface version, ``'bedrock'`` for the bedrock version.
    load : bool
        Whether to load the data into an :class:`xarray.Dataset` or just return
        the path to the downloaded data.
        Keyword arguments will be forwarded to the :func:`xarray.open_dataset`
        function that loads the grid into memory.

    grid : :class:`xarray.Dataset` or str
        The loaded grid or the file path to the downloaded data.

    version = version.lower()
    available = {
        "ice": "ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd.gz",
        "bedrock": "ETOPO1_Bed_g_gmt4.grd.gz",
    if version not in available:
        raise ValueError("Invalid ETOPO1 version '{}'.".format(version))
    fname = REGISTRY.fetch(available[version], processor=Decompress())
    if not load:
        return fname
    grid = xr.open_dataset(fname, **kwargs)
    # Add more metadata and fix some names
    names = {"ice": "Ice Surface", "bedrock": "Bedrock"}
    grid = grid.rename(z=version, x="longitude", y="latitude")
    grid[version].attrs["long_name"] = "{} relief".format(names[version])
    grid[version].attrs["units"] = "meters"
    grid[version].attrs["vertical_datum"] = "sea level"
    grid[version].attrs["datum"] = "WGS84"
    grid.attrs["title"] = "ETOPO1 {} Relief".format(names[version])
    grid.attrs["doi"] = "10.7289/V5C8276M"
    return grid