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# Airbrakex [![Package Version](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/airbrakex.svg)](https://hex.pm/packages/airbrakex) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/fazibear/airbrakex/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/fazibear/airbrakex) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fazibear/airbrakex.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fazibear/airbrakex)
Elixir client for the [Airbrake](https://airbrake.io) service!

## Installation

Add Airbrakex as a dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

defp deps do
  [{:airbrakex, "~> 0.1.9"}]

If on Elixir 1.3 or lower you will need to add it to your applications.

def application do
  [applications: [:airbrakex]]

Then run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the dependencies.

### Configuration

It requires `project_key` and `project` parameters to be set
in your application environment, usually defined in your `config/config.exs`.
`logger_level` and `environment` are optional.

config :airbrakex,
  project_key: "abcdef12345",
  project_id: 123456,
  logger_level: :error,
  environment: Mix.env

#### Advanced Configuration

If you want to use errbit instance, set custom url as `endpoint`.
If you connect through a proxy or need to pass other specific options to
`HTTPoison` you can use `http_options`, see https://hexdocs.pm/httpoison/HTTPoison.html#request/5
for a list of the available options.

config :airbrakex,
  project_key: "abcdef12345",
  project_id: 123456,
  endpoint: "http://errbit.yourdomain.com",
  http_options: [ssl: [cacertfile: "/path/to/certfile.pem"]]

## Usage

try do
  exception -> Airbrakex.notify(exception)

### Logger Backend

There is a Logger backend to send logs to the Airbrake,
which could be configured as follows:

config :logger,
  backends: [:console, Airbrakex.LoggerBackend]

### Plug

You can plug `Airbrakex.Plug` in your web application Plug stack to send all exception to Airbrake

defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  use Airbrakex.Plug

  # ...

### Ignore

You can ignore certain types of errors by specifying a global `:ignore` as well as an `:ignore_backend` config key:

#### Global ignore

This will prevent errors from being sent from the notifier to Airbrake

config :airbrakex,
  # List form
  ignore: [Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError]
  # OR
  # Function
  ignore: fn(error) ->
    cond do
      error.type == Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError -> true
      String.contains?(error.message, "Ecto.NoResultsError") -> true
      true -> false

#### Ignore Backend

This is only needed if you are using the [Logger Backend](#logger-backend).

`:ignore_backend` prevents logs from being sent from the backend to the notifier. For example, it can be used to prevent errors that are already being logged by the plug from double logging.

config :airbrakex,
  # Function
  ignore_backend: fn(log) ->
    cond do
      {_, message, _, _} = log ->
        Enum.at(message, 2) == "MyApp.Endpoint"
      true -> false

## Thankx
 - [Airbrake Elixir](https://github.com/romul/airbrake-elixir)
 - [AirbrakePlug](https://github.com/romul/airbrake_plug)
 - [Rollbax](https://github.com/elixir-addicts/rollbax)

## Thank you!

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