const raceCodes = {
A: 'Asian',
AP: 'Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander',
B: 'Black or African American',
I: 'American Indian or Alaska Native',
U: 'Unknown',
W: 'White',
const sexCodes = {
F: 'Female',
M: 'Male',
U: 'Unknown',
const locationNameMapping = {
'Abandoned/Condemned Structure': 'Abandoned/Condemned Structure',
'Air/Bus/Train Terminal': 'Air/Bus/Train Terminal',
'Amusement Park': 'Amusement Park',
'Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum': 'Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds',
'ATM Separate from Bank': 'ATM Separate from Bank',
'Auto Dealership New/Used': 'Auto Dealership',
'Bank/Savings and Loan': 'Bank',
'Bar/Nightclub': 'Bar/Nightclub',
'Camp/Campground': 'Campground',
'Church Synagogue/Temple': 'Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque',
'Commercial/Office Building': 'Commercial/Office Building',
'Community Center': 'Community Center',
'Construction Site': 'Construction Site',
'Convenience Store': 'Convenience Store',
Cyberspace: 'Cyberspace',
'Daycare Facility': 'Daycare Facility',
'Department/Discount Store': 'Department/Discount Store',
'Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal': 'Dock/Wharf/Shipping Terminal',
'Drug Store/Dr. s Office/Hospital': 'Drug Store/Doctor’s Office/Hospital',
'Farm Facility': 'Farm Facility',
'Field/Woods': 'Field/Woods',
'Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track': 'Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track',
'Government/Public Building': 'Government/Public Building',
'Grocery/Supermarket': 'Grocery Store',
'Highway/Road/Ally': 'Highway/Alley/Street/Sidewalk',
'Hotel/Motel/Etc.': 'Hotel/Motel',
'Industrial Site': 'Industrial Site',
'Jail/Prison': 'Jail/Prison/Corrections Facility',
'Lake/Waterway': 'Lake/Waterway/Beach',
'Liquor Store': 'Liquor Store',
'Military Installation': 'Military Base',
'Not Specified': 'Unknown',
'Other/Unknown': 'Unknown',
'Parking Lot/Garage': 'Parking Garage/Lot',
'Park/Playground': 'Park/Playground',
'Rental Stor. Facil.': 'Rental Storage Facility',
'Residence/Home': 'Residence/Home',
'Rest Area': 'Rest Area',
Restaurant: 'Restaurant',
'School/College': 'School/College',
'School-College/University': 'School - College/University',
'School-Elementary/Secondary': 'School - Elementary/Secondary',
'Service/Gas Station': 'Gas Station',
'Shelter-Mission/Homeless': 'Mission/Homeless Shelter',
'Shopping Mall': 'Shopping Mall',
'Specialty Store': 'Specialty Store',
'Tribal Lands': 'Tribal Lands',
export const offenseMapping = {
'aggravated-assault': 'Aggravated Assault',
burglary: 'Burglary/Breaking & Entering',
larceny: [
'Not Specified',
'Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories',
'Theft From Motor Vehicle',
'All Other Larceny',
'Theft From Building',
'Theft From Coin-Operated Machine or Device',
'motor-vehicle-theft': 'Motor Vehicle Theft',
homicide: 'Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter',
rape: ['Rape', 'Sexual Assault With An Object', 'Sodomy'],
robbery: 'Robbery',
arson: 'Arson',
// data munging functions
export const reshape = (data, key) => {
const counts = data.reduce((a, b) => {
a[b[key]] = (a[b[key]] || 0) + +b.count // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return a
}, {})
return Object.keys(counts).map(k => ({ key: k, count: counts[k] }))
export const rename = (data, lookup) => => ({ key: lookup[d.key], count: d.count }))
export const binAge = data => {
const cts = {}
data.forEach(d => {
const binNum = Math.floor(+d.key / 10) * 10
const [binStart, binEnd] = [binNum, binNum + 9]
const binKey = `${binStart}-${binEnd}`
if (isNaN(binNum)) return
if (!cts[binKey]) cts[binKey] = { binStart, binEnd, count: d.count }
else cts[binKey].count += d.count
return Object.keys(cts).map(key => ({ key, ...cts[key] }))
// nibrs cards
const offenderDemo = data => {
const {
} = data
return {
title: 'Offender demographics',
data: [
data: rename(reshape(offenderSexCode, 'sex_code'), sexCodes),
noun: 'offender',
sentenceStart: 'Sex',
title: 'Sex of offender',
type: 'stacked',
keys: Object.values(sexCodes),
data: binAge(reshape(offenderAgeNum, 'age_num')),
noun: 'offender',
title: 'Age of offender',
type: 'histogram',
xLabel: 'Offender Age',
data: rename(reshape(offenderRaceCode, 'race_code'), raceCodes),
noun: 'offender',
title: 'Race of offender',
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'Race',
data: reshape(offenderEthnicity, 'ethnicity'),
noun: 'offender',
title: 'Ethnicity of offender',
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'Ethnicity',
const victimDemo = data => {
const { victimAgeNum, victimEthnicity, victimRaceCode, victimSexCode } = data
return {
title: 'Victim demographics',
data: [
data: rename(reshape(victimSexCode, 'sex_code'), sexCodes),
noun: 'victim',
sentenceStart: 'Sex',
title: 'Sex of victim',
type: 'stacked',
keys: Object.values(sexCodes),
data: binAge(reshape(victimAgeNum, 'age_num')),
noun: 'victim',
title: 'Age of victim',
type: 'histogram',
xLabel: 'Victim Age',
data: rename(reshape(victimRaceCode, 'race_code'), raceCodes),
noun: 'victim',
title: 'Race of victim',
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'Race',
data: reshape(victimEthnicity, 'ethnicity'),
noun: 'victim',
title: 'Ethnicity of victim',
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'Ethnicity',
const cleanRelationshipLabels = r => {
if (!r.offender_relationship) return r
const reg = new RegExp('victim was', 'gi')
return {
offender_relationship: r.offender_relationship.replace(reg, '').trim(),
const relationships = data => {
const { victimRelationship } = data
const relationshipData =
return {
title: 'Victim’s relationship to the offender',
data: [
data: reshape(relationshipData, 'offender_relationship'),
sortByValue: true,
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'The victim’s relationship to the offender',
const cleanLocationLabels = l => ({
location_name: locationNameMapping[l.location_name],
const locations = data => {
const { offenseLocationName } = data
const locationData =
return {
title: 'Location type',
data: [
data: reshape(locationData, 'location_name'),
sortByValue: true,
type: 'table',
sentenceStart: 'Location type',
const offenses = (data, offense) => {
const nibrsOffense = offenseMapping[offense]
const offenseData = data.offenseOffenseName.filter(d => {
if (nibrsOffense.forEach) {
let isSame = false
nibrsOffense.forEach(o => {
if (d.offense_name === o) isSame = true
return isSame
return d.offense_name === nibrsOffense
return {
title: 'Offenses',
data: reshape(offenseData, 'offense_name'),
const parseNibrs = (data, offense) => [
offenses(data, offense),
export default parseNibrs