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45 mins
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import global from 'global';
import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';
import { EVENTS } from './constants';
import { A11yParameters } from './params';

const { document, window: globalWindow } = global;

if (module && module.hot && module.hot.decline) {

const channel = addons.getChannel();
// Holds axe core running state
let active = false;
// Holds latest story we requested a run
let activeStoryId: string | undefined;

const getElement = () => {
  const storyRoot = document.getElementById('story-root');
  return storyRoot ? storyRoot.childNodes : document.getElementById('root');

 * Handle A11yContext events.
 * Because the event are sent without manual check, we split calls
const handleRequest = async (storyId: string) => {
  const { manual } = await getParams(storyId);
  if (!manual) {
    await run(storyId);

const run = async (storyId: string) => {
  activeStoryId = storyId;
  try {
    const input = await getParams(storyId);

    if (!active) {
      active = true;
      const axe = await import('axe-core');

      const { element = getElement(), config, options = {} } = input;
      if (config) {

      const result = await axe.run(element, options);
      // It's possible that we requested a new run on a different story.
      // Unfortunately, axe doesn't support a cancel method to abort current run.
      // We check if the story we run against is still the current one,
      // if not, trigger a new run using the current story
      if (activeStoryId === storyId) {
        channel.emit(EVENTS.RESULT, result);
      } else {
        active = false;
  } catch (error) {
    channel.emit(EVENTS.ERROR, error);
  } finally {
    active = false;

/** Returns story parameters or default ones. */
const getParams = async (storyId: string): Promise<A11yParameters> => {
  const { parameters } =
    (await globalWindow.__STORYBOOK_STORY_STORE__.loadStory({ storyId })) || {};
  return (
    parameters.a11y || {
      config: {},
      options: {
        restoreScroll: true,

channel.on(EVENTS.REQUEST, handleRequest);
channel.on(EVENTS.MANUAL, run);