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import dedent from 'ts-dedent';
import deprecate from 'util-deprecate';
import { useMemo, useEffect } from '@storybook/addons';
import { AnyFramework, PartialStoryFn as StoryFunction, StoryContext } from '@storybook/csf';

import { clearStyles, addGridStyle } from '../helpers';
import { PARAM_KEY as BACKGROUNDS_PARAM_KEY } from '../constants';

const deprecatedCellSizeWarning = deprecate(
  () => {},
    Backgrounds Addon: The cell size parameter has been changed.

    - parameters.grid.cellSize should now be parameters.backgrounds.grid.cellSize
    See https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#deprecated-grid-parameter

export const withGrid = (
  StoryFn: StoryFunction<AnyFramework>,
  context: StoryContext<AnyFramework>
) => {
  const { globals, parameters } = context;
  const gridParameters = parameters[BACKGROUNDS_PARAM_KEY].grid;
  const isActive = globals[BACKGROUNDS_PARAM_KEY]?.grid === true && gridParameters.disable !== true;
  const { cellAmount, cellSize, opacity } = gridParameters;
  const isInDocs = context.viewMode === 'docs';

  let gridSize: number;
  if (parameters.grid?.cellSize) {
    gridSize = parameters.grid.cellSize;
  } else {
    gridSize = cellSize;

  const isLayoutPadded = parameters.layout === undefined || parameters.layout === 'padded';
  // 16px offset in the grid to account for padded layout
  const defaultOffset = isLayoutPadded ? 16 : 0;
  const offsetX = gridParameters.offsetX ?? (isInDocs ? 20 : defaultOffset);
  const offsetY = gridParameters.offsetY ?? (isInDocs ? 20 : defaultOffset);

  const gridStyles = useMemo(() => {
    const selector =
      context.viewMode === 'docs' ? `#anchor--${context.id} .docs-story` : '.sb-show-main';

    const backgroundSize = [
      `${gridSize * cellAmount}px ${gridSize * cellAmount}px`,
      `${gridSize * cellAmount}px ${gridSize * cellAmount}px`,
      `${gridSize}px ${gridSize}px`,
      `${gridSize}px ${gridSize}px`,
    ].join(', ');

    return `
      ${selector} {
        background-size: ${backgroundSize} !important;
        background-position: ${offsetX}px ${offsetY}px, ${offsetX}px ${offsetY}px, ${offsetX}px ${offsetY}px, ${offsetX}px ${offsetY}px !important;
        background-blend-mode: difference !important;
        background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(130, 130, 130, ${opacity}) 1px, transparent 1px),
         linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(130, 130, 130, ${opacity}) 1px, transparent 1px),
         linear-gradient(rgba(130, 130, 130, ${opacity / 2}) 1px, transparent 1px),
         linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(130, 130, 130, ${
           opacity / 2
         }) 1px, transparent 1px) !important;
  }, [gridSize]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const selectorId =
      context.viewMode === 'docs'
        ? `addon-backgrounds-grid-docs-${context.id}`
        : `addon-backgrounds-grid`;
    if (!isActive) {

    addGridStyle(selectorId, gridStyles);
  }, [isActive, gridStyles, context]);

  return StoryFn();