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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP

exports[`angular component properties doc-button 1`] = `
Object {
  "classes": Array [],
  "components": Array [
    Object {
      "accessors": Object {
        "inputValue": Object {
          "getSignature": Object {
            "description": "<p>Getter for <code>inputValue</code>.</p>
            "line": 115,
            "name": "inputValue",
            "rawdescription": "
Getter for \`inputValue\`.",
            "returnType": "",
            "type": "",
          "name": "inputValue",
          "setSignature": Object {
            "args": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "value",
                "type": "string",
            "deprecated": false,
            "deprecationMessage": "",
            "description": "<p>Setter for <code>inputValue</code> that is also an <code>@Input</code>.</p>
            "jsdoctags": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "value",
                "tagName": Object {
                  "text": "param",
                "type": "string",
            "line": 110,
            "name": "inputValue",
            "rawdescription": "
Setter for \`inputValue\` that is also an \`@Input\`.",
            "returnType": "void",
            "type": "void",
        "item": Object {
          "name": "item",
          "setSignature": Object {
            "args": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "item",
                "type": "T[]",
            "deprecated": false,
            "deprecationMessage": "",
            "jsdoctags": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "item",
                "tagName": Object {
                  "text": "param",
                "type": "T[]",
            "line": 195,
            "name": "item",
            "returnType": "void",
            "type": "void",
        "value": Object {
          "getSignature": Object {
            "description": "<p>Get the private value.</p>
            "line": 154,
            "name": "value",
            "rawdescription": "
Get the private value.",
            "returnType": "string | number",
            "type": "",
          "name": "value",
          "setSignature": Object {
            "args": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "value",
                "type": "string | number",
            "deprecated": false,
            "deprecationMessage": "",
            "description": "<p>Set the private value.</p>
            "jsdoctags": Array [
              Object {
                "deprecated": false,
                "deprecationMessage": "",
                "name": "value",
                "tagName": Object {
                  "text": "param",
                "type": "string | number",
            "line": 149,
            "name": "value",
            "rawdescription": "
Set the private value.",
            "returnType": "void",
            "type": "void",
      "assetsDirs": Array [],
      "deprecated": false,
      "deprecationMessage": "",
      "description": "<p>This is a simple button that demonstrates various JSDoc handling in Storybook Docs for Angular.</p>
<p>It supports <a href=\\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\\">markdown</a>, so you can embed formatted text,
like <strong>bold</strong>, <em>italic</em>, and <code>inline code</code>.</p>
<p>How you like dem apples?! It&#39;s never been easier to document all your components.</p>
      "encapsulation": Array [],
      "entryComponents": Array [],
      "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
      "hostBindings": Array [
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "defaultValue": "false",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "line": 124,
          "name": "class.focused",
          "type": "boolean",
      "hostListeners": Array [
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "btn",
              "type": "",
          "argsDecorator": Array [
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "line": 120,
          "name": "click",
      "id": "component-InputComponent-d145da25329b094ee29610c45a9e46387cb39eddb2a67b4c9fadb84bcec76eacd60d131e48d98b2ee5725dedd25f2eb299b704e8e0a34307d6e84f6e57d57044",
      "inputs": Array [],
      "inputsClass": Array [
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Specify the accent-type of the button</p>
          "line": 56,
          "name": "accent",
          "rawdescription": "
Specify the accent-type of the button",
          "type": "ButtonAccent",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "defaultValue": "'secondary'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Appearance style of the button.</p>
          "line": 52,
          "name": "appearance",
          "rawdescription": "
Appearance style of the button.",
          "type": "\\"primary\\" | \\"secondary\\"",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Setter for <code>inputValue</code> that is also an <code>@Input</code>.</p>
          "line": 110,
          "name": "inputValue",
          "rawdescription": "
Setter for \`inputValue\` that is also an \`@Input\`.",
          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "defaultValue": "false",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Sets the button to a disabled state.</p>
          "line": 60,
          "name": "isDisabled",
          "rawdescription": "
Sets the button to a disabled state.",
          "type": "boolean",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "line": 195,
          "name": "item",
          "type": "T[]",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>The inner text of the button.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "comment": "",
              "end": 1525,
              "flags": 4227072,
              "kind": 325,
              "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
              "pos": 1512,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 1521,
                "escapedText": "required",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 1513,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "transformFlags": 0,
          "line": 68,
          "name": "label",
          "rawdescription": "

The inner text of the button.

          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "line": 192,
          "name": "showKeyAlias",
          "type": "",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "defaultValue": "'medium'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Size of the button.</p>
          "line": 72,
          "name": "size",
          "rawdescription": "
Size of the button.",
          "type": "ButtonSize",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Specifies some arbitrary object</p>
          "line": 75,
          "name": "someDataObject",
          "rawdescription": "
Specifies some arbitrary object",
          "type": "ISomeInterface",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [],
          "defaultValue": "false",
          "deprecated": true,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Some input you shouldn&#39;t use.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "comment": "",
              "end": 1802,
              "flags": 4227072,
              "kind": 329,
              "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
              "pos": 1787,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 1798,
                "escapedText": "deprecated",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 1788,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "transformFlags": 0,
          "line": 83,
          "name": "somethingYouShouldNotUse",
          "rawdescription": "

Some input you shouldn't use.

          "type": "boolean",
      "methodsClass": Array [
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "x",
              "type": "number",
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "y",
              "type": "string | number",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>An internal calculation method which adds <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> together.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "comment": "<p>Some number you&#39;d like to use.</p>
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": Object {
                "end": 3518,
                "escapedText": "x",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3517,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 3516,
                "escapedText": "param",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3511,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "type": "number",
            Object {
              "comment": "<p>Some other number or string you&#39;d like to use, will have <code>parseInt()</code> applied before calculation.</p>
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": Object {
                "end": 3563,
                "escapedText": "y",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3562,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 3561,
                "escapedText": "param",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3556,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "type": "string | number",
          "line": 164,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "calc",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "

An internal calculation method which adds \`x\` and \`y\` together.

          "returnType": "number",
          "typeParameters": Array [],
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "btn",
              "type": "",
          "decorators": Array [
            Object {
              "name": "HostListener",
              "stringifiedArguments": "'click', ['$event.target']",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "btn",
              "tagName": Object {
                "text": "param",
              "type": "",
          "line": 120,
          "name": "onClickListener",
          "optional": false,
          "returnType": "void",
          "typeParameters": Array [],
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "password",
              "type": "string",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>A private method.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "comment": "<p>Some <code>password</code>.</p>
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": Object {
                "end": 4079,
                "escapedText": "password",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 4071,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 4070,
                "escapedText": "param",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 4065,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "type": "string",
          "line": 187,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "privateMethod",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "

A private method.

          "returnType": "void",
          "typeParameters": Array [],
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "id",
              "optional": true,
              "type": "number",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>A protected method.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "comment": "<p>Some <code>id</code>.</p>
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": Object {
                "end": 3938,
                "escapedText": "id",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3936,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "optional": true,
              "tagName": Object {
                "end": 3935,
                "escapedText": "param",
                "flags": 4227072,
                "kind": 79,
                "modifierFlagsCache": 0,
                "pos": 3930,
                "transformFlags": 0,
              "type": "number",
          "line": 178,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "protectedMethod",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "

A protected method.

          "returnType": "void",
          "typeParameters": Array [],
        Object {
          "args": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "things",
              "type": "ISomeInterface",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>A public method using an interface.</p>
          "jsdoctags": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "things",
              "tagName": Object {
                "text": "param",
              "type": "ISomeInterface",
          "line": 169,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "publicMethod",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "
A public method using an interface.",
          "returnType": "void",
          "typeParameters": Array [],
      "name": "InputComponent",
      "outputs": Array [],
      "outputsClass": Array [
        Object {
          "defaultValue": "new EventEmitter<Event>()",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Handler to be called when the button is clicked by a user.</p>
<p>Will also block the emission of the event if <code>isDisabled</code> is true.</p>
          "line": 91,
          "name": "onClick",
          "rawdescription": "

Handler to be called when the button is clicked by a user.

Will also block the emission of the event if \`isDisabled\` is true.
          "type": "EventEmitter",
      "propertiesClass": Array [
        Object {
          "defaultValue": "'some value'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 106,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "_inputValue",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "defaultValue": "'Private hello'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Private value.</p>
          "line": 146,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "_value",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "
Private value.",
          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [
            Object {
              "name": "ViewChild",
              "stringifiedArguments": "'buttonRef', {static: false}",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 48,
          "name": "buttonRef",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "ElementRef",
        Object {
          "decorators": Array [
            Object {
              "name": "HostBinding",
              "stringifiedArguments": "'class.focused'",
          "defaultValue": "false",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 124,
          "name": "focus",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "",
        Object {
          "defaultValue": "'Public hello'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "<p>Public value.</p>
          "line": 143,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "internalProperty",
          "optional": false,
          "rawdescription": "
Public value.",
          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 199,
          "modifierKind": Array [
          "name": "processedItem",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "T[]",
      "providers": Array [],
      "rawdescription": "

This is a simple button that demonstrates various JSDoc handling in Storybook Docs for Angular.

It supports [markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown), so you can embed formatted text,
like **bold**, _italic_, and \`inline code\`.

> How you like dem apples?! It's never been easier to document all your components.

      "selector": "doc-button",
      "sourceCode": "import {
} from '@angular/core';

export const exportedConstant = 'An exported constant';

export type ButtonSize = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';

export enum ButtonAccent {
  'Normal' = 'Normal',
  'High' = 'High',

export interface ISomeInterface {
  one: string;
  two: boolean;
  three: any[];

 * This is a simple button that demonstrates various JSDoc handling in Storybook Docs for Angular.
 * It supports [markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown), so you can embed formatted text,
 * like **bold**, _italic_, and \`inline code\`.
 * > How you like dem apples?! It's never been easier to document all your components.
 * @string Hello world
 * @link [Example](http://example.com)
 * @code \`ThingThing\`
 * @html <span class=\\"badge\\">aaa</span>
  selector: 'doc-button',
  template: '<button>{{ label }}</button>',
export class InputComponent<T> {
  @ViewChild('buttonRef', { static: false }) buttonRef: ElementRef;

  /** Appearance style of the button. */
  public appearance: 'primary' | 'secondary' = 'secondary';

  /** Specify the accent-type of the button */
  public accent: ButtonAccent;

  /** Sets the button to a disabled state. */
  public isDisabled = false;

   * The inner text of the button.
   * @required
  public label: string;

  /** Size of the button. */
  public size?: ButtonSize = 'medium';

  /** Specifies some arbitrary object */
  @Input() public someDataObject: ISomeInterface;

   * Some input you shouldn't use.
   * @deprecated
  public somethingYouShouldNotUse = false;

   * Handler to be called when the button is clicked by a user.
   * Will also block the emission of the event if \`isDisabled\` is true.
  public onClick = new EventEmitter<Event>();

   * This is an internal method that we don't want to document and have added the \`ignore\` annotation to.
   * @ignore
  public handleClick(event: Event) {

    if (!this.isDisabled) {

  private _inputValue = 'some value';

  /** Setter for \`inputValue\` that is also an \`@Input\`. */
  public set inputValue(value: string) {
    this._inputValue = value;

  /** Getter for \`inputValue\`. */
  public get inputValue() {
    return this._inputValue;

  @HostListener('click', ['$event.target'])
  onClickListener(btn) {
    console.log('button', btn);

  @HostBinding('class.focused') focus = false;

   * Returns all the CSS classes for the button.
   * @ignore
  public get classes(): string[] {
    return [this.appearance, this.size]
      .filter((_class) => !!_class)
      .map((_class) => \`btn-\${_class}\`);

   * @ignore
  public ignoredProperty = 'Ignore me';

  /** Public value. */
  public internalProperty = 'Public hello';

  /** Private value. */
  private _value = 'Private hello';

  /** Set the private value. */
  public set value(value: string | number) {
    this._value = \`\${value}\`;

  /** Get the private value. */
  public get value(): string | number {
    return this._value;

   * An internal calculation method which adds \`x\` and \`y\` together.
   * @param x Some number you'd like to use.
   * @param y Some other number or string you'd like to use, will have \`parseInt()\` applied before calculation.
  public calc(x: number, y: string | number): number {
    return x + parseInt(\`\${y}\`, 10);

  /** A public method using an interface. */
  public publicMethod(things: ISomeInterface) {

   * A protected method.
   * @param id Some \`id\`.
  protected protectedMethod(id?: number) {

   * A private method.
   * @param password Some \`password\`.
  private privateMethod(password: string) {

  public showKey: keyof T;

  public set item(item: T[]) {
    this.processedItem = item;

  public processedItem: T[];
      "styleUrls": Array [],
      "styleUrlsData": "",
      "styles": Array [],
      "stylesData": "",
      "template": "<button>{{ label }}</button>",
      "templateUrl": Array [],
      "type": "component",
      "viewProviders": Array [],
  "coverage": Object {
    "count": 21,
    "files": Array [
      Object {
        "coverageCount": "16/25",
        "coveragePercent": 64,
        "filePath": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "linktype": "component",
        "name": "InputComponent",
        "status": "good",
        "type": "component",
      Object {
        "coverageCount": "0/4",
        "coveragePercent": 0,
        "filePath": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "linktype": "interface",
        "name": "ISomeInterface",
        "status": "low",
        "type": "interface",
      Object {
        "coverageCount": "0/1",
        "coveragePercent": 0,
        "filePath": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "linksubtype": "variable",
        "linktype": "miscellaneous",
        "name": "exportedConstant",
        "status": "low",
        "type": "variable",
    "status": "low",
  "directives": Array [],
  "guards": Array [],
  "injectables": Array [],
  "interceptors": Array [],
  "interfaces": Array [
    Object {
      "deprecated": false,
      "deprecationMessage": "",
      "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
      "id": "interface-ISomeInterface-d145da25329b094ee29610c45a9e46387cb39eddb2a67b4c9fadb84bcec76eacd60d131e48d98b2ee5725dedd25f2eb299b704e8e0a34307d6e84f6e57d57044",
      "indexSignatures": Array [],
      "kind": 165,
      "methods": Array [],
      "name": "ISomeInterface",
      "properties": Array [
        Object {
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 25,
          "name": "one",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "string",
        Object {
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 27,
          "name": "three",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "any[]",
        Object {
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "line": 26,
          "name": "two",
          "optional": false,
          "type": "boolean",
      "sourceCode": "import {
} from '@angular/core';

export const exportedConstant = 'An exported constant';

export type ButtonSize = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';

export enum ButtonAccent {
  'Normal' = 'Normal',
  'High' = 'High',

export interface ISomeInterface {
  one: string;
  two: boolean;
  three: any[];

 * This is a simple button that demonstrates various JSDoc handling in Storybook Docs for Angular.
 * It supports [markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown), so you can embed formatted text,
 * like **bold**, _italic_, and \`inline code\`.
 * > How you like dem apples?! It's never been easier to document all your components.
 * @string Hello world
 * @link [Example](http://example.com)
 * @code \`ThingThing\`
 * @html <span class=\\"badge\\">aaa</span>
  selector: 'doc-button',
  template: '<button>{{ label }}</button>',
export class InputComponent<T> {
  @ViewChild('buttonRef', { static: false }) buttonRef: ElementRef;

  /** Appearance style of the button. */
  public appearance: 'primary' | 'secondary' = 'secondary';

  /** Specify the accent-type of the button */
  public accent: ButtonAccent;

  /** Sets the button to a disabled state. */
  public isDisabled = false;

   * The inner text of the button.
   * @required
  public label: string;

  /** Size of the button. */
  public size?: ButtonSize = 'medium';

  /** Specifies some arbitrary object */
  @Input() public someDataObject: ISomeInterface;

   * Some input you shouldn't use.
   * @deprecated
  public somethingYouShouldNotUse = false;

   * Handler to be called when the button is clicked by a user.
   * Will also block the emission of the event if \`isDisabled\` is true.
  public onClick = new EventEmitter<Event>();

   * This is an internal method that we don't want to document and have added the \`ignore\` annotation to.
   * @ignore
  public handleClick(event: Event) {

    if (!this.isDisabled) {

  private _inputValue = 'some value';

  /** Setter for \`inputValue\` that is also an \`@Input\`. */
  public set inputValue(value: string) {
    this._inputValue = value;

  /** Getter for \`inputValue\`. */
  public get inputValue() {
    return this._inputValue;

  @HostListener('click', ['$event.target'])
  onClickListener(btn) {
    console.log('button', btn);

  @HostBinding('class.focused') focus = false;

   * Returns all the CSS classes for the button.
   * @ignore
  public get classes(): string[] {
    return [this.appearance, this.size]
      .filter((_class) => !!_class)
      .map((_class) => \`btn-\${_class}\`);

   * @ignore
  public ignoredProperty = 'Ignore me';

  /** Public value. */
  public internalProperty = 'Public hello';

  /** Private value. */
  private _value = 'Private hello';

  /** Set the private value. */
  public set value(value: string | number) {
    this._value = \`\${value}\`;

  /** Get the private value. */
  public get value(): string | number {
    return this._value;

   * An internal calculation method which adds \`x\` and \`y\` together.
   * @param x Some number you'd like to use.
   * @param y Some other number or string you'd like to use, will have \`parseInt()\` applied before calculation.
  public calc(x: number, y: string | number): number {
    return x + parseInt(\`\${y}\`, 10);

  /** A public method using an interface. */
  public publicMethod(things: ISomeInterface) {

   * A protected method.
   * @param id Some \`id\`.
  protected protectedMethod(id?: number) {

   * A private method.
   * @param password Some \`password\`.
  private privateMethod(password: string) {

  public showKey: keyof T;

  public set item(item: T[]) {
    this.processedItem = item;

  public processedItem: T[];
      "type": "interface",
  "miscellaneous": Object {
    "enumerations": Array [
      Object {
        "childs": Array [
          Object {
            "deprecated": false,
            "deprecationMessage": "",
            "name": "Normal",
            "value": "Normal",
          Object {
            "deprecated": false,
            "deprecationMessage": "",
            "name": "High",
            "value": "High",
        "ctype": "miscellaneous",
        "deprecated": false,
        "deprecationMessage": "",
        "description": "",
        "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "name": "ButtonAccent",
        "subtype": "enum",
    "functions": Array [],
    "groupedEnumerations": Object {
      "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts": Array [
        Object {
          "childs": Array [
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "Normal",
              "value": "Normal",
            Object {
              "deprecated": false,
              "deprecationMessage": "",
              "name": "High",
              "value": "High",
          "ctype": "miscellaneous",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
          "name": "ButtonAccent",
          "subtype": "enum",
    "groupedFunctions": Object {},
    "groupedTypeAliases": Object {
      "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts": Array [
        Object {
          "ctype": "miscellaneous",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "description": "",
          "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
          "kind": 186,
          "name": "ButtonSize",
          "rawtype": "\\"small\\" | \\"medium\\" | \\"large\\" | \\"xlarge\\"",
          "subtype": "typealias",
    "groupedVariables": Object {
      "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts": Array [
        Object {
          "ctype": "miscellaneous",
          "defaultValue": "'An exported constant'",
          "deprecated": false,
          "deprecationMessage": "",
          "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
          "name": "exportedConstant",
          "subtype": "variable",
          "type": "string",
    "typealiases": Array [
      Object {
        "ctype": "miscellaneous",
        "deprecated": false,
        "deprecationMessage": "",
        "description": "",
        "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "kind": 186,
        "name": "ButtonSize",
        "rawtype": "\\"small\\" | \\"medium\\" | \\"large\\" | \\"xlarge\\"",
        "subtype": "typealias",
    "variables": Array [
      Object {
        "ctype": "miscellaneous",
        "defaultValue": "'An exported constant'",
        "deprecated": false,
        "deprecationMessage": "",
        "file": "addons/docs/src/frameworks/angular/__testfixtures__/doc-button/input.ts",
        "name": "exportedConstant",
        "subtype": "variable",
        "type": "string",
  "modules": Array [],
  "pipes": Array [],
  "routes": Array [],