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/* eslint no-underscore-dangle: ["error", { "allow": ["_vnode"] }] */

import { StoryContext } from '@storybook/csf';
import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';
import { logger } from '@storybook/client-logger';
import type Vue from 'vue';
import { VueFramework } from '@storybook/vue';

import { SourceType, SNIPPET_RENDERED } from '../../shared';

export const skipSourceRender = (context: StoryContext<VueFramework>) => {
  const sourceParams = context?.parameters.docs?.source;
  const isArgsStory = context?.parameters.__isArgsStory;

  // always render if the user forces it
  if (sourceParams?.type === SourceType.DYNAMIC) {
    return false;

  // never render if the user is forcing the block to render code, or
  // if the user provides code, or if it's not an args story.
  return !isArgsStory || sourceParams?.code || sourceParams?.type === SourceType.CODE;

export const sourceDecorator = (storyFn: any, context: StoryContext<VueFramework>) => {
  const story = storyFn();

  // See ../react/jsxDecorator.tsx
  if (skipSourceRender(context)) {
    return story;

  const channel = addons.getChannel();

  const storyComponent = getStoryComponent(story.options.STORYBOOK_WRAPS);

  return {
    components: {
      Story: story,
    // We need to wait until the wrapper component to be mounted so Vue runtime
    // struct VNode tree. We get `this._vnode == null` if switch to `created`
    // lifecycle hook.
    mounted() {
      // Theoretically this does not happens but we need to check it.
      if (!this._vnode) {

      try {
        const storyNode = lookupStoryInstance(this, storyComponent);

        const code = vnodeToString(storyNode._vnode);

        const emitFormattedTemplate = async () => {
          const prettier = await import('prettier/standalone');
          const prettierHtml = await import('prettier/parser-html');

            (context || {}).id,
            prettier.format(`<template>${code}</template>`, {
              parser: 'vue',
              plugins: [prettierHtml],
              // Because the parsed vnode missing spaces right before/after the surround tag,
              // we always get weird wrapped code without this option.
              htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'ignore',

      } catch (e) {
        logger.warn(`Failed to generate dynamic story source: ${e}`);
    template: '<story />',

export function vnodeToString(vnode: Vue.VNode): string {
  const attrString = [
    ...(vnode.data?.slot ? ([['slot', vnode.data.slot]] as [string, any][]) : []),
    ['class', stringifyClassAttribute(vnode)],
    ...(vnode.componentOptions?.propsData ? Object.entries(vnode.componentOptions.propsData) : []),
    ...(vnode.data?.attrs ? Object.entries(vnode.data.attrs) : []),
    .filter(([name], index, list) => list.findIndex((item) => item[0] === name) === index)
    .map(([name, value]) => stringifyAttr(name, value))
    .join(' ');

  if (!vnode.componentOptions) {
    // Non-component elements (div, span, etc...)
    if (vnode.tag) {
      if (!vnode.children) {
        return `<${vnode.tag} ${attrString}/>`;

      return `<${vnode.tag} ${attrString}>${vnode.children.map(vnodeToString).join('')}</${

    // TextNode
    if (vnode.text) {
      if (/[<>"&]/.test(vnode.text)) {
        return `{{\`${vnode.text.replace(/`/g, '\\`')}\`}}`;

      return vnode.text;

    // Unknown
    return '';

  // Probably users never see the "unknown-component". It seems that vnode.tag
  // is always set.
  const tag = vnode.componentOptions.tag || vnode.tag || 'unknown-component';

  if (!vnode.componentOptions.children) {
    return `<${tag} ${attrString}/>`;

  return `<${tag} ${attrString}>${vnode.componentOptions.children

function stringifyClassAttribute(vnode: Vue.VNode): string | undefined {
  if (!vnode.data || (!vnode.data.staticClass && !vnode.data.class)) {
    return undefined;

  return (
    [...(vnode.data.staticClass?.split(' ') ?? []), ...normalizeClassBinding(vnode.data.class)]
      .join(' ') || undefined

// https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html#Binding-HTML-Classes
function normalizeClassBinding(binding: unknown): readonly string[] {
  if (!binding) {
    return [];

  if (typeof binding === 'string') {
    return [binding];

  if (binding instanceof Array) {
    // To handle an object-in-array binding smartly, we use recursion
    return binding.map(normalizeClassBinding).reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], []);

  if (typeof binding === 'object') {
    return Object.entries(binding)
      .filter(([, active]) => !!active)
      .map(([className]) => className);

  // Unknown class binding
  return [];

function stringifyAttr(attrName: string, value?: any): string | null {
  if (typeof value === 'undefined' || typeof value === 'function') {
    return null;

  if (value === true) {
    return attrName;

  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return `${attrName}=${quote(value)}`;

  // TODO: Better serialization (unquoted object key, Symbol/Classes, etc...)
  //       Seems like Prettier don't format JSON-look object (= when keys are quoted)
  return `:${attrName}=${quote(JSON.stringify(value))}`;

function quote(value: string) {
  return value.includes(`"`) && !value.includes(`'`)
    ? `'${value}'`
    : `"${value.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')}"`;

 * Skip decorators and grab a story component itself.
 * https://github.com/pocka/storybook-addon-vue-info/pull/113
function getStoryComponent(w: any) {
  let matched = w;

  while (
    matched &&
    matched.options &&
    matched.options.components &&
    matched.options.components.story &&
    matched.options.components.story.options &&
  ) {
    matched = matched.options.components.story.options.STORYBOOK_WRAPS;
  return matched;

interface VueInternal {
  // We need to access this private property, in order to grab the vnode of the
  // component instead of the "vnode of the parent of the component".
  // Probably it's safe to rely on this because vm.$vnode is a reference for this.
  // https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/6070#issuecomment-314389883
  _vnode: Vue.VNode;

 * Find the story's instance from VNode tree.
function lookupStoryInstance(instance: Vue, storyComponent: any): (Vue & VueInternal) | null {
  if (
    instance.$vnode &&
    instance.$vnode.componentOptions &&
    instance.$vnode.componentOptions.Ctor === storyComponent
  ) {
    return instance as Vue & VueInternal;

  for (let i = 0, l = instance.$children.length; i < l; i += 1) {
    const found = lookupStoryInstance(instance.$children[i], storyComponent);

    if (found) {
      return found;

  return null;