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2 days
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import { Call, CallRef, ElementRef } from '@storybook/instrumenter';
import { useTheme } from '@storybook/theming';
import React, { Fragment, ReactElement } from 'react';

const colorsLight = {
  base: '#444',
  nullish: '#7D99AA',
  string: '#16B242',
  number: '#5D40D0',
  boolean: '#f41840',
  objectkey: '#698394',
  instance: '#A15C20',
  function: '#EA7509',
  muted: '#7D99AA',
  tag: {
    name: '#6F2CAC',
    suffix: '#1F99E5',
  date: '#459D9C',
  error: {
    name: '#D43900',
    message: '#444',
  regex: {
    source: '#A15C20',
    flags: '#EA7509',
  meta: '#EA7509',
  method: '#0271B6',

const colorsDark = {
  base: '#eee',
  nullish: '#aaa',
  string: '#5FE584',
  number: '#6ba5ff',
  boolean: '#ff4191',
  objectkey: '#accfe6',
  instance: '#E3B551',
  function: '#E3B551',
  muted: '#aaa',
  tag: {
    name: '#f57bff',
    suffix: '#8EB5FF',
  date: '#70D4D3',
  error: {
    name: '#f40',
    message: '#eee',
  regex: {
    source: '#FAD483',
    flags: '#E3B551',
  meta: '#FAD483',
  method: '#5EC1FF',

const useThemeColors = () => {
  const { base } = useTheme();
  return base === 'dark' ? colorsDark : colorsLight;

const special = /[^A-Z0-9]/i;
const trimEnd = /[\s.,…]+$/gm;
const ellipsize = (string: string, maxlength: number): string => {
  if (string.length <= maxlength) return string;
  for (let i = maxlength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
    if (special.test(string[i]) && i > 10) {
      return `${string.slice(0, i).replace(trimEnd, '')}…`;
  return `${string.slice(0, maxlength).replace(trimEnd, '')}…`;

const stringify = (value: any) => {
  try {
    return JSON.stringify(value, null, 1);
  } catch (e) {
    return String(value);

const interleave = (nodes: ReactElement[], separator: ReactElement) =>
  nodes.flatMap((node, index) =>
    index === nodes.length - 1
      ? [node]
      : [node, React.cloneElement(separator, { key: `sep${index}` })]

export const Node = ({
}: {
  value: any;
  nested?: boolean;
  callsById?: Map<Call['id'], Call>;
  [props: string]: any;
}) => {
  switch (true) {
    case value === null:
      return <NullNode {...props} />;
    case value === undefined:
      return <UndefinedNode {...props} />;
    case typeof value === 'string':
      return <StringNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case typeof value === 'number':
      return <NumberNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case typeof value === 'boolean':
      return <BooleanNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case typeof value === 'function':
      return <FunctionNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case value instanceof Array:
      return <ArrayNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case value instanceof Date:
      return <DateNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case value instanceof Error:
      return <ErrorNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case value instanceof RegExp:
      return <RegExpNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, '__element__'):
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
      return <ElementNode value={value.__element__} {...props} />;
    case Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, '__callId__'):
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
      return <MethodCall call={callsById.get(value.__callId__)} callsById={callsById} />;
    case typeof value === 'object' &&
      value.constructor?.name &&
      value.constructor?.name !== 'Object':
      return <ClassNode value={value} {...props} />;
    case Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Object]':
      return <ObjectNode value={value} {...props} />;
      return <OtherNode value={value} {...props} />;

export const NullNode = (props: object) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.nullish }} {...props}>

export const UndefinedNode = (props: object) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.nullish }} {...props}>

export const StringNode = ({ value, ...props }: { value: string }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.string }} {...props}>
      {JSON.stringify(ellipsize(value, 50))}

export const NumberNode = ({ value, ...props }: { value: number }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.number }} {...props}>

export const BooleanNode = ({ value, ...props }: { value: boolean }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.boolean }} {...props}>

export const ArrayNode = ({ value, nested = false }: { value: any[]; nested?: boolean }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  if (nested) {
    return <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>[…]</span>;
  const nodes = value.slice(0, 3).map((v) => <Node key={v} value={v} nested />);
  const nodelist = interleave(nodes, <span>, </span>);
  if (value.length <= 3) {
    return <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>[{nodelist}]</span>;
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>
      ({value.length}) [{nodelist}, …]

export const ObjectNode = ({ value, nested = false }: { value: object; nested?: boolean }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  if (nested) {
    return <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>{'{…}'}</span>;
  const nodelist = interleave(
      .slice(0, 1)
      .map(([k, v]) => (
        <Fragment key={k}>
          <span style={{ color: colors.objectkey }}>{k}: </span>
          <Node value={v} nested />
    <span>, </span>
  if (Object.keys(value).length <= 2) {
    return (
      <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>
        {'{ '}
        {' }'}
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>
      ({Object.keys(value).length}) {'{ '}
      {', … }'}

export const ClassNode = ({ value }: { value: Record<string, any> }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return <span style={{ color: colors.instance }}>{value.constructor.name}</span>;

export const FunctionNode = ({ value }: { value: Function }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return <span style={{ color: colors.function }}>{value.name || 'anonymous'}</span>;

export const ElementNode = ({ value }: { value: ElementRef['__element__'] }) => {
  const { prefix, localName, id, classNames = [], innerText } = value;
  const name = prefix ? `${prefix}:${localName}` : localName;
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ wordBreak: 'keep-all' }}>
      <span key={`${name}_lt`} style={{ color: colors.muted }}>
      <span key={`${name}_tag`} style={{ color: colors.tag.name }}>
      <span key={`${name}_suffix`} style={{ color: colors.tag.suffix }}>
        {id ? `#${id}` : classNames.reduce((acc, className) => `${acc}.${className}`, '')}
      <span key={`${name}_gt`} style={{ color: colors.muted }}>
      {!id && classNames.length === 0 && innerText && (
          <span key={`${name}_text`}>{innerText}</span>
          <span key={`${name}_close_lt`} style={{ color: colors.muted }}>
          <span key={`${name}_close_tag`} style={{ color: colors.tag.name }}>
          <span key={`${name}_close_gt`} style={{ color: colors.muted }}>

export const DateNode = ({ value }: { value: Date }) => {
  const [date, time, ms] = value.toISOString().split(/[T.Z]/);
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap', color: colors.date }}>
      <span style={{ opacity: 0.7 }}>T</span>
      {time === '00:00:00' ? <span style={{ opacity: 0.7 }}>{time}</span> : time}
      {ms === '000' ? <span style={{ opacity: 0.7 }}>.{ms}</span> : `.${ms}`}
      <span style={{ opacity: 0.7 }}>Z</span>

export const ErrorNode = ({ value }: { value: Error }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ color: colors.error.name }}>
      {value.message && ': '}
      {value.message && (
          style={{ color: colors.error.message }}
          title={value.message.length > 50 ? value.message : ''}
          {ellipsize(value.message, 50)}

export const RegExpNode = ({ value }: { value: RegExp }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap', color: colors.regex.flags }}>
      /<span style={{ color: colors.regex.source }}>{value.source}</span>/{value.flags}

export const SymbolNode = ({ value }: { value: symbol }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return (
    <span style={{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap', color: colors.instance }}>
      {value.description && (
        <span style={{ color: colors.meta }}>{JSON.stringify(value.description)}</span>

export const OtherNode = ({ value }: { value: any }) => {
  const colors = useThemeColors();
  return <span style={{ color: colors.meta }}>{stringify(value)}</span>;

export const MethodCall = ({
}: {
  call: Call;
  callsById: Map<Call['id'], Call>;
}) => {
  // Call might be undefined during initial render, can be safely ignored.
  if (!call) return null;

  const colors = useThemeColors();

  const path = call.path.flatMap((elem, index) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
    const callId = (elem as CallRef).__callId__;
    return [
      callId ? (
        <MethodCall key={`elem${index}`} call={callsById.get(callId)} callsById={callsById} />
      ) : (
        <span key={`elem${index}`}>{elem}</span>
      <wbr key={`wbr${index}`} />,
      <span key={`dot${index}`}>.</span>,

  const args = call.args.flatMap((arg, index, array) => {
    const node = <Node key={`node${index}`} value={arg} callsById={callsById} />;
    return index < array.length - 1
      ? [node, <span key={`comma${index}`}>,&nbsp;</span>, <wbr key={`wbr${index}`} />]
      : [node];

  return (
      <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>{path}</span>
      <span style={{ color: colors.method }}>{call.method}</span>
      <span style={{ color: colors.base }}>
        (<wbr />
        <wbr />)