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Test Coverage
# Storybook addon Jest

Storybook addon for inspecting Jest unit test results.

[Framework Support](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/frameworks-feature-support)

[![Storybook Jest Addon Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/storybookjs/storybook/next/addons/jest/docs/storybook-addon-jest.gif)](http://storybooks-official.netlify.com/?selectedKind=Addons%7Cjest&selectedStory=withTests&full=0&addons=1&stories=1&panelRight=0&addonPanel=storybook%2Ftests%2Fpanel)

> Check out the above [Live Storybook](http://storybooks-official.netlify.com/?selectedKind=Addons%7Cjest&selectedStory=withTests&full=0&addons=1&stories=1&panelRight=0&addonPanel=storybook%2Ftests%2Fpanel).

## Installation

Install this addon by adding the `@storybook/addon-jest` as a development dependency with:

`npm install --save-dev @storybook/addon-jest`

Or if you're using yarn as a package manager:

`yarn add --dev @storybook/addon-jest`

## Configuration

Register the addon in your [`.storybook/main.js`](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/configure/overview#configure-your-storybook-project):

module.exports = {
  addons: ['@storybook/addon-jest'],

## Jest Configuration

When running **Jest**, be sure to save the results in a JSON file:

"scripts": {
  "test:generate-output": "jest --json --outputFile=.jest-test-results.json"

You may want to add the result file to `.gitignore`, since it's a generated file:


But much like lockfiles and snapshots, checking-in generated files can have certain advantages as well. It's up to you.
We recommend to **do** check in the test results file so starting Storybook from a clean git clone doesn't require running all tests first,
but this can mean you'll encounter merge conflicts on this file in the future (_re-generating this file is very similar to re-generating lockfiles and snapshots_).

### Generating the test results

Ensure the generated test-results file exists before you start Storybook. During development, you will likely start Jest in watch-mode and so the JSON file will be re-generated every time code or tests change.

npm run test:generate-output -- --watch

And in the jest config, add `jest-test-results.json` to `modulePathIgnorePatterns` to avoid an infinite loop.

modulePathIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules', 'jest-test-results.json'],

This change will then be HMR (hot module reloaded) using webpack and displayed by this addon.

If you want to pre-run Jest automatically during development or a static build, you may need to consider that if your tests fail, the script receives a non-0 exit code and will exit.
You could create a `prebuild:storybook` npm script, which will never fail by appending `|| true`:

"scripts": {
  "test:generate-output": "jest --json --outputFile=.jest-test-results.json || true",
  "test": "jest",
  "prebuild:storybook": "npm run test:generate-output",
  "build:storybook": "build-storybook -c .storybook -o build/",
  "predeploy": "npm run build:storybook",
  "deploy": "gh-pages -d build/",

## Usage

Assuming that you have already created a test file for your component (e.g., `MyComponent.test.js`).

### Story-level

In your story file, add a [decorator](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/decorators) to your story's default export to display the results:

// MyComponent.stories.js |  MyComponent.stories.jsx

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

import results from '../.jest-test-results.json';

import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: 'MyComponent',
  decorators: [withTests({ results })],

You can also add multiple tests results within your story by including the `jest` [parameter](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/parameters), for example:

// MyComponent.stories.js |  MyComponent.stories.jsx

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

import results from '../.jest-test-results.json';

import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: 'MyComponent',
  decorators: [withTests({ results })],

const Template = (args) => <MyComponent {....args} />;

export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
  text: 'Jest results in Storybook',
Default.parameters = {
  jest: ['MyComponent.test.js', 'MyOtherComponent.test.js']

### Global level

To avoid importing the results of the tests in each story, you can update
your [`.storybook/preview.js`](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/configure/overview#configure-story-rendering) and include a decorator allowing you to display the results only for the stories that have the `jest` parameter defined:

// .storybook/preview.js

import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';

import results from '../.jest-test-results.json';

export const decorators = [

Then in your story file:

// MyComponent.stories.js |  MyComponent.stories.jsx

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: 'MyComponent',

const Template = (args) => <MyComponent {....args} />;

export const Default = Template.bind({});
  text: 'Jest results in Storybook',
Default.parameters = {
  jest: 'MyComponent.test.js',

The `jest` parameter will default to inferring from your story file name if not provided. For example, if your story file is `MyComponent.stories.js`,
then "MyComponent" will be used to find your test file results. It currently doesn't work in production environments.

### Disabling

You can disable the addon for a single story by setting the `jest` parameter to `{disable: true}`:

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: 'MyComponent',

const Template = (args) => <MyComponent {...args} />;

export const Default = Template.bind({});

Default.args = {
  text: 'Jest results in Storybook',
Default.parameters = {
  jest: { disable: true },

## Usage with Angular

Using this addon with Angular will require some additional configuration. You'll need to install and configure Jest with [jest-preset-angular](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest-preset-angular).

Then, in your `.storybook/preview.js`, you'll need to add a decorator with the following:

import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest';

import results from '../.jest-test-results.json';

export const decorators = [
    filesExt: '((\\.specs?)|(\\.tests?))?(\\.ts)?$',

Finally, in your story, you'll need to include the following:

import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/angular/types-6-0';

import MyComponent from './MyComponent.component';

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: 'MyComponent',
} as Meta;

const Template: Story<MyComponent> = (args: MyComponent) => ({
  props: args,

export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.parameters = {
  jest: 'MyComponent.component',

##### Example [here](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/tree/main/examples/angular-cli)

## Available options

- **options.results**: OBJECT jest output results. _mandatory_
- **filesExt**: STRING test file extension. _optional_. This allows you to write "MyComponent" and not "MyComponent.test.js". It will be used as regex to find your file results. Default value is `((\\.specs?)|(\\.tests?))?(\\.js)?$`. That means it will match: MyComponent.js, MyComponent.test.js, MyComponent.tests.js, MyComponent.spec.js, MyComponent.specs.js...


- [ ] Add coverage
- [ ] Display nested test better (describe)
- [ ] Display the date of the test
- [ ] Add unit tests
- [ ] Add linting
- [ ] Split <TestPanel />

## Contributing

All ideas and contributions are welcome.

## Licence

MIT © 2017-present Renaud Tertrais